Edit vectorstore.ts to customize the cluster. This sample utilizes writer instance only.
const cluster = new rds.DatabaseCluster(this, "Cluster", {
engine: rds.DatabaseClusterEngine.auroraPostgres({
version: rds.AuroraPostgresEngineVersion.VER_15_3,
vpc: props.vpc,
securityGroups: [sg],
defaultDatabaseName: DB_NAME,
serverlessV2MinCapacity: 2.0,
serverlessV2MaxCapacity: 5.0,
writer: rds.ClusterInstance.serverlessV2("writer", {
autoMinorVersionUpgrade: false,
// readers: [
// rds.ClusterInstance.serverlessV2("reader", {
// autoMinorVersionUpgrade: false,
// }),
// ],
If you want to customize ivfflat parameter, edit index.js. Also see blog to check the recommended parameters.
// NOTE: Cohere multi lingual embedding dimension is 1024
// Ref: https://txt.cohere.com/introducing-embed-v3/
await client.query(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS items(
id CHAR(26) primary key,
botid CHAR(26),
content text,
source text,
embedding vector(1024));`);
// `lists` parameter controls the nubmer of clusters created during index building.
// Also it's important to choose the same index method as the one used in the query.
// Here we use L2 distance for the index method.
// See: https://txt.cohere.com/introducing-embed-v3/
await client.query(`CREATE INDEX ON items
USING ivfflat (embedding vector_l2_ops) WITH (lists = 100);`);
await client.query(`CREATE INDEX ON items (botid);`);
Edit vector_search.py.
# NOTE: <-> is the KNN by L2 distance in pgvector.
# If you want to use inner product or cosine distance, use <#> or <=> respectively.
# It's important to choose the same distance metric as the one used for indexing.
# Ref: https://github.com/pgvector/pgvector?tab=readme-ov-file#getting-started
search_query = """
SELECT id, botid, content, source, embedding
FROM items
WHERE botid = %s
ORDER BY embedding <-> %s
cursor.execute(search_query, (bot_id, json.dumps(query_embedding), limit))
results = cursor.fetchall()
To change the number of chunks for contexts, edit config.py.
# Configure search parameter to fetch relevant documents from vector store.
"max_results": 5,
To change delay seconds to wait for the page to render by Playwright, open url.py and set value for DELAY_SEC