As society beecomes more reliant on technology there is an inccrease desire to transition materials that were once hard-copy (e.g., handwritten cursive, handwritten printed and type-writer documents) into electronically saved. The goal of this project is to explore how NLP techniques can assist in cleaning materials after extracting text from images using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tool, Tesseract. The techniques explored include fine-tuning the pre-trained language model, GPT2.
NOTE: OCR is primarily developed for extracting printed material from images of text.
- File Name:
- Change paths to where data is located on local machine
- Run code blocks in order
Warning: May run into memory issues, so we advise to use Koa's NV-H100 GPU
- File Name:
- Change paths to where data is located on local machine
- Run code blocks in order
Our primary evaluation metric is cosine similarity
- File Name:
- Change paths to where processed data is located on local machine
- Run code blocks in order
- File Name:
- Use function
and provide the relative input and output directories - For SmartDoc data set run
blocks in order
Warning: Second
function concatenates the OCR from multiple images
- All data is split and located in
- Within each split of data there is the Betham data and the IAM data, and each folder further has the GT and OCR.
- Train: Val: Test == 70:20:10
- Forms => images of whole pieces of paper, GT data is located on the forms
- used lines to extract the handwriting from files and concatenated to be one line in
- GT was located in xml files based on position, and extracted as one line in
- GT in XML files so extracted as one line in
- Pages has whole handwritten no GT on top. There is
throughout OCR
- Available for download here:
- Ground Truth is just text with no positional information besides order
Importing Google's PyTesseract
- use
brew install tesseract
- to find executable
which tesseract
- Joel Nicolow
- Amanda Nitta
- Jan (Mark) Schittenhelm