- multi_select
- key_select
- tags
- communication_channel
- connection
- user_select
- text
- textarea
- link
- date
- number
- array
- tasks
- boolean
- location
- location_meta
add_filter( "dt_custom_fields_settings", "dt_contact_fields", 1, 2 );
function dt_contact_fields( array $fields, string $post_type = ""){
//check if we are dealing with a contact
if ($post_type === "contacts"){
//check if the language field is already set
if ( !isset( $fields["language"] )){
//define the language field
$fields["language"] = [
"name" => __( "Spoken Language", "disciple_tools_language" ),
"type" => "key_select",
"default" => [
"english" => __( "English", "disciple_tools_language" ),
"french" => __( "French", "disciple_tools_language" )
"tile" => "contact_language"
//don't forget to return the update fields array
return $fields;
- name: (string). The name you want the user to see for the field. Required.
- type: (string). the field type. Required.
- description: (string). Extra context for the field. May show up in the help modals. Optional.
- default: (array, string). Options for the field. Required for key_select_and multi_select fields.
- icon: (string). The url of the icon to display next to the name.
- font-icon: (string). Font icon like
mdi mdi-robot-outline
using material icons. See mdi - tile: (string). Which tile this field should be displayed on.
- customizable: (bool, string). If this field is customizable by the user in the wp_admin settings page. Options: false, 'add_only'
- in_create_form: (bool, array). Whether this field should be visible by default on the create post page. Either true or an array of (post) types to display on ex: [ "personal", "access" ].
- hidden: (bool). If this field should show on the front end in filter options or new record pages.
- show_in_table: (int). If this field should by default show in the list table. Lower number means higher priority.
- custom_display: (bool). If this field should be ignored by D.T field display generator.
- only_for_types: (array) array of the record types the field should be visible on.
Extra Parameters for connections fields
- post_type: the post_type of the connected posts
- p2p_key: the p2p connection key. See Declaring Connection Fields below.
- p2p_direction: the p2p direction. See Declaring Connection Fields below.
- create-icon: url for the icon user in the typeahead create button.
Extra parameters for communication_channel fields
- hide_domain whether to hide the url domain name when displaying a like. Ex "https://facebook.com/person" would show "person" as a link.
Extra parameters for key_select and multi_select field
default_color: (string). Default color for key_select and multi_select options. This triggers the color mode for the select field
select_cannot_be_empty: (bool). Selects the first value instead of an empty value by default
default: options:
[ "option_key" => [ "label" => "" // name of the option "description" => "" //option description "color" => "#3F729B" //color used to display the option as. "hidden" => bool //don't show this option on the front end. "icon" => "" The url of the icon to display next to the option. ] ]
Extra parameters for link field
This field type is similar to the multi-select field type.
"option_key" => [
"label" => "" // name of the option
"description" => "" //option description
"icon" => "" The url of the icon to display next to the option.
"deleted" => bool, // don't show this option on the front end
Extra parameters for number field
- min_option: (number). Optional parameter to define a minimum for this field
- max_option: (number). Optional parameter to define a maximum for this field
Here the connection is from the contacts post type to the groups post_type.
Declaring the field on the contacts post_type looks like:
$fields["groups"] = [
"name" => __( 'Groups', 'disciple_tools' ),
"type" => "connection",
"post_type" => "groups",
"p2p_direction" => "from",
"p2p_key" => "contacts_to_groups",
'tile' => 'details',
Note the direction and post_type change on the field declaration on the group post_type:
$fields["members"] = [
"name" => __( 'Member List', 'disciple_tools' ),
"type" => "connection",
"post_type" => "contacts",
"p2p_direction" => "to",
"p2p_key" => "contacts_to_groups"
render_field_for_display( $field_key, $fields_options, $post, $show_extra_controls = false, $show_hidden = false )