This directory contains the replication code for the motivating example Figures 1 (Section), based on the data BCH generating process (Belloni et al., 2013).
The directory is organized as follows
- contains the source code for the simulation study, including the data generating processsimulation_run
- contains the scripts to run the simulation study, organized in the following
- Code to run the simulation study in various setting; the setting considered in the motivation example corresponds to the parametersthis_design = "1a"
,rho = 0.6
andR2 = 0.6
- results as.csv
- An evaluation and replication of the surface plots in the paper is available here. TODO: Add link to notebook.
Alexandre Belloni, Victor Chernozhukov, and Christian Hansen. Inference on Treatment Effects after Selection among High-Dimensional Controls. The Review of Economic Studies, 81(2):608–650, 11 2013. ISSN 0034-6527. doi: 10.1093/restud/rdt044. URL