Now that we have set up our custom types and storage items, we can start to write functions that the user can interact with.
We will start with writing a create_kitty
function so we can mint new kitties into existence!
We have multiple actions to complete to setup our first callable function...
To provide a better user experience for users calling our functions, we can both create custom error messages in case of a failure, and custom events in case of a success.
Our Pallet has some limitations when it comes to creating a new kitty:
- The user who owns this kitty cannot own too many kitties, ensuring our storage for any individual is bounded.
- The kitty we create must be unique, and thus cannot have a duplicate
as another kitty. - The number of kitties in the whole system cannot overflow a
, else we can't keep track of the number of kitties. However, we already saw that reachingu64::MAX
is nearly impossible for any blockchain, so not really a big worry.
If our create_kitty
call is successful, we can emit an event with information about the kitty that was created, and who the owner is. These events can be used by front-end applications to trigger updates to the UX or notify users that things went successfully. Also, block explorers normally index all of the events by default for Substrate chains, so it will be easy to look up when these events happen.
You will also notice that we separate out most of our logic into an internal function. This allows us to expose apis in the future, which gives other parts of our runtime low level access to do things like mint
new kitties. You can see that this internal function does not do any kind of authorization or authentication, but that is fine, because it is an internal function, and only accessible by runtime developers.
Add the TooManyOwned
, DuplicateKitty
, and Overflow
These can come up when trying to create a new kitty.
// Your Pallet's error messages.
pub enum Error<T> {
/// An account may only own `MaxKittiesOwned` kitties.
/// This kitty already exists!
/// An overflow has occurred!
Add the Created
event to your Pallet.
// Your Pallet's events.
#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
pub enum Event<T: Config> {
/// A new kitty was successfully created.
Created { kitty: [u8; 16], owner: T::AccountId },
Create an internal helper function which generates unique DNA for new kitties.
// Your Pallet's internal functions.
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
// Generates and returns DNA and Gender
fn gen_dna() -> ([u8; 16], Gender) {
// Create randomness
let random = T::KittyRandomness::random(&b"dna"[..]).0;
// Create randomness payload. Multiple kitties can be generated in the same block,
// retaining uniqueness.
let unique_payload = (
// Turns into a byte array
let encoded_payload = unique_payload.encode();
let hash = frame_support::Hashable::blake2_128(&encoded_payload);
// Generate Gender
if hash[0] % 2 == 0 {
(hash, Gender::Male)
} else {
(hash, Gender::Female)
Create an internal helper function which enables minting new kitties.
// Helper to mint a kitty
pub fn mint(
owner: &T::AccountId,
dna: [u8; 16],
gender: Gender,
) -> Result<[u8; 16], DispatchError> {
// Create a new object
let kitty = Kitty::<T> { dna, price: None, gender, owner: owner.clone() };
// Check if the kitty does not already exist in our storage map
ensure!(!Kitties::<T>::contains_key(&kitty.dna), Error::<T>::DuplicateKitty);
// Performs this operation first as it may fail
let count = CountForKitties::<T>::get();
let new_count = count.checked_add(1).ok_or(Error::<T>::Overflow)?;
// Append kitty to KittiesOwned
KittiesOwned::<T>::try_append(&owner, kitty.dna)
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::TooManyOwned)?;
// Write new kitty to storage
Kitties::<T>::insert(kitty.dna, kitty);
// Deposit our "Created" event.
Self::deposit_event(Event::Created { kitty: dna, owner: owner.clone() });
// Returns the DNA of the new kitty if this succeeds
Finally, create the actual callable function.
At this point, really minimal logic since we just call into our helper.
// Your Pallet's callable functions.
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// Create a new unique kitty.
/// The actual kitty creation is done in the `mint()` function.
pub fn create_kitty(origin: OriginFor<T>) -> DispatchResult {
// Make sure the caller is from a signed origin
let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Generate unique DNA and Gender using a helper function
let (kitty_gen_dna, gender) = Self::gen_dna();
// Write new kitty to storage by calling helper function
Self::mint(&sender, kitty_gen_dna, gender)?;
This should compile successfully by running:
cargo build -p pallet-template
This should compile without warnings.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
pub use pallet::*;
pub mod pallet {
use super::*;
use frame_support::pallet_prelude::*;
use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
use frame_support::traits::{
fungible::{Inspect, Mutate},
// The basis which we buil
pub struct Pallet<T>(_);
// Allows easy access our Pallet's `Balance` type. Comes from `Fungible` interface.
type BalanceOf<T> =
<<T as Config>::Fungible as Inspect<<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId>>::Balance;
// The Gender type used in the `Kitty` struct
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, Copy, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen)]
pub enum Gender {
// Struct for holding kitty information
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode, PartialEq, RuntimeDebug, TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen, Copy)]
pub struct Kitty<T: Config> {
// Using 16 bytes to represent a kitty DNA
pub dna: [u8; 16],
// `None` assumes not for sale
pub price: Option<BalanceOf<T>>,
pub gender: Gender,
pub owner: T::AccountId,
/// Keeps track of the number of kitties in existence.
pub(super) type CountForKitties<T: Config> = StorageValue<_, u64, ValueQuery>;
/// Maps the kitty struct to the kitty DNA.
pub(super) type Kitties<T: Config> = StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, [u8; 16], Kitty<T>>;
/// Track the kitties owned by each account.
pub(super) type KittiesOwned<T: Config> = StorageMap<
BoundedVec<[u8; 16], T::MaxKittiesOwned>,
// Your Pallet's configuration trait, representing custom external types and interfaces.
pub trait Config: frame_system::Config {
/// Because this pallet emits events, it depends on the runtime's definition of an event.
type RuntimeEvent: From<Event<Self>> + IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent>;
/// The Fungible handler for the kitties pallet.
type Fungible: Inspect<Self::AccountId> + Mutate<Self::AccountId>;
/// The maximum amount of kitties a single account can own.
type MaxKittiesOwned: Get<u32>;
/// The type of Randomness we want to specify for this pallet.
type KittyRandomness: Randomness<Self::Hash, BlockNumberFor<Self>>;
// Your Pallet's events.
#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
pub enum Event<T: Config> {
/// A new kitty was successfully created.
Created { kitty: [u8; 16], owner: T::AccountId },
// Your Pallet's error messages.
pub enum Error<T> {
/// An account may only own `MaxKittiesOwned` kitties.
/// This kitty already exists!
/// An overflow has occured!
// Your Pallet's callable functions.
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// Create a new unique kitty.
/// The actual kitty creation is done in the `mint()` function.
pub fn create_kitty(origin: OriginFor<T>) -> DispatchResult {
// Make sure the caller is from a signed origin
let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Generate unique DNA and Gender using a helper function
let (kitty_gen_dna, gender) = Self::gen_dna();
// Write new kitty to storage by calling helper function
Self::mint(&sender, kitty_gen_dna, gender)?;
// Your Pallet's internal functions.
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
// Generates and returns DNA and Gender
fn gen_dna() -> ([u8; 16], Gender) {
// Create randomness
let random = T::KittyRandomness::random(&b"dna"[..]).0;
// Create randomness payload. Multiple kitties can be generated in the same block,
// retaining uniqueness.
let unique_payload = (
// Turns into a byte array
let encoded_payload = unique_payload.encode();
let hash = frame_support::Hashable::blake2_128(&encoded_payload);
// Generate Gender
if hash[0] % 2 == 0 {
(hash, Gender::Male)
} else {
(hash, Gender::Female)
// Helper to mint a kitty
pub fn mint(
owner: &T::AccountId,
dna: [u8; 16],
gender: Gender,
) -> Result<[u8; 16], DispatchError> {
// Create a new object
let kitty = Kitty::<T> { dna, price: None, gender, owner: owner.clone() };
// Check if the kitty does not already exist in our storage map
ensure!(!Kitties::<T>::contains_key(&kitty.dna), Error::<T>::DuplicateKitty);
// Performs this operation first as it may fail
let count = CountForKitties::<T>::get();
let new_count = count.checked_add(1).ok_or(Error::<T>::Overflow)?;
// Append kitty to KittiesOwned
KittiesOwned::<T>::try_append(&owner, kitty.dna)
.map_err(|_| Error::<T>::TooManyOwned)?;
// Write new kitty to storage
Kitties::<T>::insert(kitty.dna, kitty);
// Deposit our "Created" event.
Self::deposit_event(Event::Created { kitty: dna, owner: owner.clone() });
// Returns the DNA of the new kitty if this succeeds