diff --git a/guinget/MainWindow.resx b/guinget/MainWindow.resx
index d56c25a6..83819245 100644
--- a/guinget/MainWindow.resx
+++ b/guinget/MainWindow.resx
@@ -123,9 +123,6 @@
357, 17
- No package is selected or the package list hasn't been loaded yet. You can load the package list by using the Refresh cache toolbar button, by going to Package list>Refresh cache, or by pressing Ctrl+R.
@@ -147,6 +144,9 @@
+ No package is selected or the package list hasn't been loaded yet. You can load the package list by using the Refresh cache toolbar button, by going to Package list>Refresh cache, or by pressing Ctrl+R.
153, 17
diff --git a/guinget/MainWindow.vb b/guinget/MainWindow.vb
index 7038b7c8..72270340 100644
--- a/guinget/MainWindow.vb
+++ b/guinget/MainWindow.vb
@@ -695,14 +695,26 @@ Public Class aaformMainWindow
' Update main window.
+ Dim SearchTerm As String = aaformMainWindow.toolstriptextboxSearch.Text
For Each searchRow As DataGridViewRow In aaformMainWindow.datagridviewPackageList.Rows
' Look in each row in the datagridview, and see what text it has.
- If searchRow.Cells.Item(2).Value.ToString.ToLowerInvariant.Contains(aaformMainWindow.toolstriptextboxSearch.Text.ToLowerInvariant) Then
- ' If the Package ID cell contains what's in the search box, show it.
- searchRow.Visible = True
- Else
- ' Otherwise, hide it.
- searchRow.Visible = False
+ ' If it starts and ends with double-quotes, remove them and do an exact match.
+ If SearchTerm.ToLowerInvariant.StartsWith("""") AndAlso SearchTerm.ToLowerInvariant.EndsWith("""") Then
+ ' Set all rows visible to what's in the search box without the start and end.
+ If searchRow.Cells.Item(2).Value.ToString.ToLowerInvariant = SearchTerm.ToLowerInvariant.Trim(CChar("""")) Then
+ ' Set only exactly-matching rows to show.
+ searchRow.Visible = True
+ Else
+ ' Otherwise, hide it.
+ searchRow.Visible = False
+ End If
+ ElseIf searchRow.Cells.Item(2).Value.ToString.ToLowerInvariant.Contains(SearchTerm.ToLowerInvariant) Then
+ ' If the Package ID cell contains what's in the search box, show it.
+ searchRow.Visible = True
+ Else
+ ' Otherwise, hide it.
+ searchRow.Visible = False
End If
' Make the progress bar progress.