SDK Versions: 1.5.1 (SDK Documentation does not point to a specific version)
The following three objects are the main players of this module and will be referred to multiple times throughout this documentation:
- In contrast to the Android version the
object has a different shape depending on whether 1) discovering or 2) ranging/monitoring is used.
While ranging or monitoring
{ rssi: number proximity: string (either IMMEDIATE, NEAR, FAR or UNKNOWN) // if beacon this is useful, otherwise mostly -1 or similar accuracy: string (distance in meters) // if its of type IBEACON additionally: uuid: string major: number minor: number // if its of type EDDYSTONE additionally: identifier: string instanceId: string namespace: string updateAt: number }
While discovering
{ name: string // 'Kontakt' by default for beacons uniqueId: string firmwareVersion: string batteryLevel: number (percentage as int) // batteryPower equivalent for Android batteryPowered: boolean transmissionPower: number // txPower equivalent for Android hasConfigurationProfile: boolean shuffled: boolean locked: boolean model: string peripheral: string rssi: number updatedAt: number }
- Ranging, monitoring and discovering are three different processes. In contrast to the Android version they are separated into different events and methods. Pay attention to the type column.
- Discovery (i.e.
) can only detect beacons. Ranging and monitoring also works with beacons of other manufacturers.
Event | Type | Description |
didDiscoverDevices | Discovery | Sends { beacons } if beacons are in range. beacons and region have the form as defined above. |
devicesManagerDidFailToStartDiscovery | Discovery | Sends { error } if scanning can't be started. |
didDiscoverEddystones | Discovery | Sends { eddystones, region } with currently ranged eddystones in the region. If the configuration dropEmptyRanges is set to true , the event is not send if the array of eddystones is empty. |
didUpdateEddystone | Discovery | Sends { eddystone } containing updated information about a scanned eddystone. |
didFailToStartDiscoverEddystones | Discovery | Sends { error } if scanning can't be started for eddystones. |
didRangeBeacons | Ranging | Sends { beacons, region } with currently ranged beacons in the region. If the configuration dropEmptyRanges is set to true , the event is not send if the array of beacons is empty. |
didStartMonitoringForRegion | Monitoring | Sends { region } , the beacon region for which monitoring started. |
monitoringDidFailForRegion | Monitoring | Sends { region, error } , the beacon region for which the error error occurred. |
didEnterRegion | Monitoring | Sends { region } , the beacon region which was just entered (i.e. at least one beacon of that region was detected). |
didExitRegion | Monitoring | Sends { region } , the beacon region which was just lost (i.e. the last remaining beacon of that region was not anymore in range and the time for keeping the beacon in the internal cache ran out as set with invalidationAge |
didDetermineState | Monitoring | Sends { state, region } when triggered via calling the method requestStateForRegion . It contains the current state of the device with respect of a given region. state may have the values unknown , inside or outside . region is the region the state was requested for via requestStateForRegion |
didChangeLocationAuthorizationStatus | Authorization | Sends { status } , the current authorization status. |
- All methods are properties of the default import (i.e.
import Kontakt from 'react-native-kontaktio
). - All methods return a Promise which returns an error statement in case something went wrong.
- The best way to explore the usage of these methods is to take a look at the example in Example/src/
Method | Type | Description |
init('KioCloudAPIKey') | General | (mandatory) Add your Kio Cloud API key as a string. It's not needed for regular beacon ranging/monitoring/discovery, but for connecting to your beacons (i.e. when setting the configuration connectNearbyBeacons to true). In case you don't need beacon connections, just call it without an argument as init() |
configure({ ... }) | General | (optional) Configuration options for beacon ranging/monitoring/discovery. Possible configurations can be found in the section below. |
startDiscovery({ interval }) | Discovery | starts general discovery of beacons not constrained to any region. Optionally an object with the field interval with a time in milliseconds may be passed with the method call. Discovery will be paused for the time of the interval. If beacons are discovered in the proximity of your device the didDiscoverDevices event will be triggered |
stopDiscovery | Discovery | stops discovery for all provided regions |
restartDiscovery | Discovery | stops and starts discovery again |
isDiscovering | Discovery | fulfills the Promise with true if beacon discovery is currently in progress. |
startEddystoneDiscovery | Discovery | starts general discovery of eddystones not constrained to any region. Optionnaly, a namespace object can be specified to filter the discovery. |
stopEddystoneDiscoveryInRegion | Discovery | stops discovery for the provided region |
stopEddystoneDiscoveryInAllRegions | Discovery | stops discovery in all regions |
startRangingBeaconsInRegion | Ranging | starts ranging in provided region . If beacons are ranged in the proximity of your device the didRangeBeacons event will be triggered |
stopRangingBeaconsInRegion | Ranging | stops ranging for the provided region |
stopRangingBeaconsInAllRegions | Ranging | stops ranging for all regions |
getRangedRegions | Ranging | returns all currently ranged regions |
startMonitoringForRegion | Monitoring | starts monitoring in provided region . If beacons of a monitored region appear in the proximity of your device the didEnterRegion event will be triggered ,if these beacons are out of proximity for more than didExitRegion event . |
stopMonitoringForRegion | Monitoring | stops monitoring for the provided region |
stopMonitoringForAllRegions | Monitoring | stops monitoring for all currently monitored regions |
getMonitoredRegions | Monitoring | Returns all currently monitored regions |
requestStateForRegion | Monitoring | Retrieves the state of the phone with respect to a provided region asynchronously as output of the listener didDetermineState . Be sure to call startMonitoringForRegion before calling this method otherwise nothing will happen. |
getAuthorizationStatus | Authorization | returns the authorization status (authorizedAlways or authorizedWhenInUse or denied or notDetermined or restricted ) |
requestAlwaysAuthorization | Authorization | prompt the user to give authorization for the app to always scan for beacons, even if app is not in foreground. |
requestWhenInUseAuthorization | Authorization | prompt the user to give authorization for the app to scan for beacons, if app is in use. |
A config object can be passed to the call of the configure
method with the following fields:
Configuration | Description |
dropEmptyRanges | If true , didDiscoverDevices and didRangeBeacons events don't fire if the array of beacons is empty. Default is true |
invalidationAge | In milliseconds. It sets the time the device should wait until it "forgets" a formerly scanned beacon when it can't detect it anymore. The default is 10000 (i.e. 10 seconds). |
connectNearbyBeacons | Connect to all discovered beacons in vicinity to get iBeacon values like major, minor and uuid during beacon discovery. Default is false. THIS FEATURE IS NOT FUNCTIONAL. SO FAR ONLY NATIVE LOGS AND ERRORS ARE TRIGGERED. YOU CAN TEST IT FOR EXPERIMENTAL PURPOSES AND ADJUST THE IOS CODE IF YOU KNOW OBJECTIVE C. Pull requests are welcome! |