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570 lines (451 loc) · 15.8 KB

File metadata and controls

570 lines (451 loc) · 15.8 KB


This service is used to manage accounts' balances and process trades.

Technologies used

  • .NET 8 (ASP.NET Core)
  • Docker

Endpoints or logic


Swagger endpoint is available at:

# when deployed with k8s

Problem pattern

The problem patterns are toggled through feature flag service. The responses from the service are cached for FEATURE_FLAG_CACHE_DURATION_S or default value if env var not set.

Db not responding

When enabled, no new records will be added to Trade table, as they will fail. Problem pattern can be enabled using the api provided with the feature flag service.

High CPU usage

When enabled every request will be delayed by HIGH_CPU_USAGE_REQUEST_DELAY_MS or default value if env var not set. During this time Collatz conjecture will be calculated for random numbers on to add a significant load to cpu. It will be run on HIGH_CPU_USAGE_CONCURRENCY tasks.


POST /v1/balance/{accountId}/deposit Deposit money to the account

name type data type description source
accountId required int Account ID Path
amount required decimal Amount Body JSON
name required string Name Body JSON
address required string Address Body JSON
email required string Email Body JSON
cardNumber required string Card number Body JSON
cardType required string Card type Body JSON
cvv required string CVV Body JSON
http code content-type response
200 application/json {"accountId": 1, "value": 23.6}
400 application/json {"code":"400","message":"Amount can't be lower that 0"}
404 application/json {"code":"404","message":"Account with id {id} doesn't exist"}
Example of request JSON body
  "amount": 100,
  "name": "Name",
  "address": "Address",
  "email": "Email",
  "cardNumber": "Card Number",
  "cardType": "Card Type",
  "cvv": "123"
Example cURL
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/broker-service/v1/balance/1/deposit' \
-H 'accept: text/plain' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "amount": 100,
    "name": "Name",
    "address": "Address",
    "email": "Email",
    "cardNumber": "Card Number",
    "cardType": "Card Type",
    "cvv": "123"

POST /v1/balance/{accountId}/withdraw Withdraw money to the account

name type data type description source
accountId required int Account ID Path
amount required decimal Amount Body JSON
name required string Name Body JSON
address required string Address Body JSON
email required string Email Body JSON
cardNumber required string Card number Body JSON
cardType required string Card type Body JSON
http code content-type response
200 application/json {"accountId": 1, "value": 23.6}
400 application/json {"code":"400","message":"Amount can't be lower that 0"}
404 application/json {"code":"404","message":"Account with id {id} doesn't exist"}
Example of request JSON body
  "amount": 10,
  "name": "Name",
  "address": "Address",
  "email": "Email",
  "cardNumber": "Card Number",
  "cardType": "Card Type"
Example cURL
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/broker-service/v1/balance/1/withdraw' \
-H 'accept: text/plain' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "amount": 10,
  "name": "Name",
  "address": "Address",
  "email": "Email",
  "cardNumber": "Card Number",
  "cardType": "Card Type"

GET /v1/balance/{accountId} Get current balance of an account

name type data type description source
accountId required int Account ID Path
http code content-type response
200 application/json {"accountId": 1, "value": 23.6}
404 application/json {"code":"404","message":"Account with id {id} doesn't exist"}
Example cURL
curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost/broker-service/v1/balance/1' \
-H 'accept: text/plain'


GET /v1/instrument Get list of all available instruments

name type data type description source
accountId optional int Account ID Query
http code content-type response
200 application/json JSON body
Example of response JSON body
  "results": [
      "id": 1,
      "code": "ETRAVE",
      "name": "EasyTravel",
      "description": "EasyTravel Incorporated",
      "productId": 1,
      "productName": "Share",
      "price": {
        "timestamp": "2023-07-24T13:44:22+00:00",
        "open": 139.34791667,
        "close": 139.38958333,
        "low": 137.94991929,
        "high": 140.74087808
      "amount": 344
      "id": 2,
      "code": "EPLANE",
      "name": "EasyPlanes",
      "description": "EasyPlanes Worldwide",
      "productId": 2,
      "productName": "ETF",
      "price": {
        "timestamp": "2023-07-24T13:44:22+00:00",
        "open": 96.63777778,
        "close": 96.68222222,
        "low": 96.06399455,
        "high": 97.23283949
      "amount": 966
Example cURL
curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost/broker-service/v1/instrument?accountId=6' \
-H 'accept: text/plain'


POST /v1/trade/buy Quick buy


name type data type description source
accountId required int Account ID Body JSON
instrumentId required int Instrument ID Body JSON
amount required decimal Amount Body JSON


http code content-type response
200 - JSON Body
400 application/json {"code":"400","message":"Amount can't be lower that 0"}
404 application/json {"code":"404","message":"Account/Instrument with id {id} doesn't exist"}
Example of request JSON body
  "accountId": 6,
  "instrumentId": 1,
  "amount": 12.5
Example of response JSON body
  "instrumentId": 1,
  "direction": "buy",
  "quantity": 12.5,
  "entryPrice": 140.22291667,
  "timestampOpen": "2023-08-30T14:05:37.6132984+00:00",
  "timestampClose": "2023-08-30T14:05:37.6132999+00:00",
  "tradeClosed": true,
  "transactionHappened": true,
  "status": "Instant Buy done."
Example cURL
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/broker-service/v1/trade/buy' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "accountId": 6,
  "instrumentId": 1,
  "amount": 12.5

POST /v1/trade/sell Quick sell


name type data type description source
accountId required int Account ID Body JSON
instrumentId required int Instrument ID Body JSON
amount required decimal Amount Body JSON


http code content-type response
200 - JSON Body
400 application/json {"code":"400","message":"Amount can't be lower that 0"}
404 application/json {"code":"404","message":"Account/Instrument with id {id} doesn't exist"}
Example of request JSON body
  "accountId": 6,
  "instrumentId": 1,
  "amount": 12.5
Example of response JSON body
  "instrumentId": 1,
  "direction": "sell",
  "quantity": 12.5,
  "entryPrice": 140.26458333,
  "timestampOpen": "2023-08-30T14:06:23.5028116+00:00",
  "timestampClose": "2023-08-30T14:06:23.5028126+00:00",
  "tradeClosed": true,
  "transactionHappened": true,
  "status": "Instant Sell done."
Example cURL
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/broker-service/v1/trade/sell' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "accountId": 6,
  "instrumentId": 1,
  "amount": 12.5

POST /v1/trade/long/buy Long buy


name type data type description source
accountId required int Account ID Body JSON
instrumentId required int Instrument ID Body JSON
amount required decimal Amount Body JSON
duration required int Duration in hours Body JSON
price required decimal Price Body JSON


http code content-type response
200 - JSON Body
400 application/json {"code":"400","message":"Amount/Duration/Price can't be lower that 0"}
404 application/json {"code":"404","message":"Account/Instrument with id {id} doesn't exist"}
Example of request JSON body
  "accountId": 6,
  "instrumentId": 1,
  "amount": 5.5,
  "duration": 24,
  "price": 125.5
Example of response JSON body
  "instrumentId": 1,
  "direction": "longbuy",
  "quantity": 5.5,
  "entryPrice": 125/5,
  "timestampOpen": "2023-08-30T14:09:25.5985529+00:00",
  "timestampClose": "2023-08-31T14:09:25.5985546+00:00",
  "tradeClosed": false,
  "transactionHappened": false,
  "status": "LongBuy registered."
Example cURL
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/broker-service/v1/trade/long/buy' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "accountId": 6,
  "instrumentId": 1,
  "amount": 5.5,
  "duration": 24,
  "price": 125.5

POST /v1/trade/long/sell Long sell


name type data type description source
accountId required int Account ID Body JSON
instrumentId required int Instrument ID Body JSON
amount required decimal Amount Body JSON
duration required int Duration in hours Body JSON
price required decimal Price Body JSON


http code content-type response
200 - JSON Body
400 application/json {"code":"400","message":"Amount/Duration/Price can't be lower that 0"}
404 application/json {"code":"404","message":"Account/Instrument with id {id} doesn't exist"}
Example of request JSON body
  "accountId": 6,
  "instrumentId": 1,
  "amount": 5.5,
  "duration": 24,
  "price": 125.5
Example of response JSON body
  "instrumentId": 1,
  "direction": "longsell",
  "quantity": 5.5,
  "entryPrice": 125.5,
  "timestampOpen": "2023-08-30T14:09:25.5985529+00:00",
  "timestampClose": "2023-08-31T14:09:25.5985546+00:00",
  "tradeClosed": false,
  "transactionHappened": false,
  "status": "LongSell registered."
Example cURL
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/broker-service/v1/trade/long/sell' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "accountId": 6,
  "instrumentId": 1,
  "amount": 5.5,
  "duration": 24,
  "price": 125.5

POST /v1/trade/long/process Process all the long running transactions

http code content-type response
200 - Empty response
Example cURL
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost/broker-service/v1/trade/long/process' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-d ''

GET /v1/trade/{accountId} Get all trades for account

name type data type description source
accountId required int Account ID Path
count optional int Number of last trades (default value = 10) Query
page optional int Page (default value = 0) Query
onlyOpen optional int Filter only open trades (default value = false) Query
onlyLong optional int Filter only long trades (default value = false) Query
http code content-type response
200 application/json JSON body
Example of response JSON body
  "results": [
      "instrumentId": 1,
      "direction": "longbuy",
      "quantity": 5.5,
      "entryPrice": 125.5,
      "timestampOpen": "2023-07-24T14:00:12+00:00",
      "timestampClose": "2023-07-25T14:00:12+00:00",
      "tradeClosed": false,
      "transactionHappened": false,
      "status": "LongBuy registered."
      "instrumentId": 1,
      "direction": "sell",
      "quantity": 12.5,
      "entryPrice": 139.80625,
      "timestampOpen": "2023-07-24T13:56:01+00:00",
      "timestampClose": "2023-07-24T13:56:01+00:00",
      "tradeClosed": true,
      "transactionHappened": true,
      "status": "Instant Sell done."
Example cURL
curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost/broker-service/v1/trade/6?count=10&page=0&onlyOpen=false&onlyLong=false' \
-H 'accept: text/plain'