In test phase we use the config file in: configs/test_phase/* where: data root is the path to train data, which is organized as: train |——optical_flow_depth |——optical_flow_RGB | |——0 | | |——signer0_sample431_color | | | |——flow_x_00001.jpg | | | |——flow_x_00002.jpg | | | |——flow_x_00003.jpg | | | |—— . | | | |—— . | | | |—— . | | | |——flow_y_00001.jpg | | | |——flow_y_00002.jpg | | | |——flow_y_00003.jpg | | | |—— . | | | |—— . | | | |—— . | | |——signer0_sample515_color | | |—— . | | |—— . | | |—— . | |——1 | |——2 | . | . | . | |——226 |——rawframes_align_depth |——rawframes_align_RGB | |——0 | | |——signer0_sample431_color | | | |——img_00001.jpg | | | |——img_00002.jpg | | | |——img_00003.jpg | | | |—— . | | | |—— . | | | |—— . | | |——signer0_sample515_color | | |—— . | | |—— . | | |—— . | |——1 | |——2 | . | . | . | |——226
and data_val_root is the path to val data or test data, which is organized as: val |——optical_flow | |——signer1_sample1_color | | |——flow_x_00001.jpg | | |——flow_x_00002.jpg | | |—— . | | |—— . | |——signer1_sample1_depth | |——signer1_sample2_depth | |—— . | |—— . | |—— .
all data is organized as : AUTSL |—— train |—— test |—— val
Example: train: We use the config file "config/test_phase/" if we train a model using whole image as input We use the config file "config/test_phase/" if we train a model using person-cropped image as input test: We use the script "tools/" and input the config file "config/test_phase/" and model parameters "work_dirs_testphase/slowonly_addvalset_addtestsetv1_lr0.01_cropratio0.08_epoch83_depth/epoch_71.pth" and finally get the prediction result in folder val_result