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Converting CAM Fields to CCPP Standard Names

Andrew Gettelman edited this page Sep 11, 2021 · 4 revisions

The tables below attempt to document existing CAM fields and give the equivalent CCPP Standard Name. Type names (e.g., state, ptend) are included to make identification easier. pbuf fields only include the pbuf name.


Constant CCPP Standard Name
avogad avogadro_number
boltz boltzmann_constant
cday seconds_in_calendar_day
cpair specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure
cpliq specific_heat_of_liquid_water_at_20c
latvap latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0c

CAM state variables

CAM Variable CCPP CAM Standard Name
state%lat latitude
state%lon longitude
state%ps surface_air_pressure
state%psdry surface_pressure_of_dry_air
state%phis surface_geopotential
state%t air_temperature
state%u x_wind
state%v y_wind
state%s dry_static_energy
state%omega lagrangian_tendency_of_air_pressure
state%pmid air_pressure
state%pmiddry air_pressure_of_dry_air
state%pdel air_pressure_thickness
state%pdeldry air_pressure_thickness_of_dry_air
state%rpdel reciprocal_of_air_pressure_thickness
state%rpdeldry reciprocal_of_air_pressure_thickness_of_dry_air
state%lnpmid ln_air_pressure
state%lnpmiddry ln_air_pressure_of_dry_air
state%exner reciprocal_of_dimensionless_exner_function_wrt_surface_air_pressure
state%zm geopotential_height
state%pint air_pressure_at_interface
state%pintdry air_pressure_of_dry_air_at_interface
state%lnpint ln_air_pressure_at_interface
state%lnpintdry ln_air_pressure_of_dry_air_at_interface
state%zi geopotential_height_at_interface
state%te_ini CAM: vertically integrated total (kinetic + static) energy of initial state
state%te_cur CAM: vertically integrated total (kinetic + static) energy of current state
state%tw_ini CAM: vertically integrated total water of initial state
state%tw_cur CAM: vertically integrated total water of new state
state%count CAM: count of values with significant energy or water imbalances

Need state%q names

CAM ptend variables

CAM Variable CCPP Standard Name
ptend%s heating_rate
ptend%u tendency_of_x_wind
ptend%v tendency_of_y_wind
ptend%top_level CAM: top level index of non-zero tendencies
ptend%bot_level CAM: bottom level index of non-zero tendencies
ptend%hflx_srf CAM: net heat flux at surface (W/m2)
ptend%hflx_top CAM: net heat flux at top of model (W/m2)
ptend%taux_srf CAM: net zonal stress at surface (Pa)
ptend%taux_top CAM: net zonal stress at top of model (Pa)
ptend%tauy_srf CAM: net meridional stress at surface (Pa)
ptend%taut_top CAM: net meridional stress at top of model (Pa)

Need ptend%cflx_srf and ptend%cflx_top names

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