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File metadata and controls

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Example workflow

The workflow includes a single step rendering the quarto report. The scripts and a test input file are available on Leomed2 in our project directory in the following subdirectory reproducible_reporting/quarto_example


conda activate <path to the sharedutils folder on customapps>/snakemake_v7.12.1

snakemake --use-singularity --singularity-args "--bind <working directory> --bind /scratch --cleanenv" --cluster "sbatch --ntasks=1 --mem={resources.mem_mb} --cpus-per-task={threads} --time={resources.hours}:00:00" --printshellcmds --latency-wait 60 --jobs 1 --configfile config/config.yaml

What you could try

  • Create a copy of the directory and try to run the snakemake pipeline
  • Try to make changes to the report, e.g. fix plots (in my test run, Fig. 2 looked messed up), improve narrative, add plots, add Nexus logo etc.
  • Make a modified copy of the input file (or ask ChatGPT to do it) for a second "hospital". Add this second data provider to the list of providers in config/config.yml and try to rerun the pipeline. It should now produce two reports.