Notice: Some numbers have intentionally been removed from this checklist since they don't make sense with so little description. The titles on the checklist also have changed somewhat but the numbers are still kept to easily refer to the same position in the more detailed instructions you can find here.
There is more than one way of solving the assignment, the below checklist provide one way to do it.
Find the Repository
Fork the Repository
Clone the Repository
Setup "upstream" Remote
Test Project
Create Feature Branch
Switch to Feature Branch
Create your script file and implement code
Test your changes
Stage your changes
Commit your changes
Integrate changes from "upstream"
Merge potential changes from "upstream"
Commit the merge if any
Push your changes to your GitHub Repository
Use GitHub's User Interface to create a Pull Request
Participate in Pull Request conversation and fix potential problems
When PR is approved, synchronize local repository and your forked version on GitHub
Repeat from number 6 to contribute again
Thanks for you participation!