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base repository: TheoreticalEcosystemEcology/BayesSummer
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head repository: EcoNumUdS/Bayes2017
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  • 3 commits
  • 3 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Jun 21, 2018

  1. Copy the full SHA
    1a2c7b8 View commit details
  2. removed redundant pdf

    mtalluto committed Jun 21, 2018
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    b4f86ef View commit details

Commits on Aug 21, 2018

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    SteveViss authored Aug 21, 2018
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Showing with 333 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +304 −0 Theory/Day5.Rmd
  2. BIN Theory/Image/fig_d5_param_estimates.pdf
  3. +29 −0 Theory/metrop-mcmc.r
304 changes: 304 additions & 0 deletions Theory/Day5.Rmd
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title: "Model Comparison"
author: Matthew Talluto
institute: CNRS
date: August 18, 2017
documentclass: eecslides
babel-lang: english
highlight: tango
in_header: header.tex
# Rscript -e 'rmarkdown::render("Day5.Rmd", "all")'
# (am: 1h20 + 1h20 / pm 2h + 15min)

*Douter de tout ou tout croire sont deux solutions également commodes, qui nous dispensent de réfléchir.*

\hspace{1cm}--Henri Poincaré

# Introduction to Model Comparison

Why compare models?


* All models are imperfect
* How good is our model \emph{given the modelling goals?}

# Comparing models

Before beginning, evaluate the goals of the comparison

* Predictive performance
* Hypothesis testing
* Reduction of overfitting

If you are asking yourself, "should I use A/B/DIC?"

Remember Betteridge's law...


> Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered with the word "NO"

# Informal model comparison

# Comparison through evaluation

If the goal is predictive performance, evaluate directly.

* Cross-validation
* k-fold cross validation

Cost: can be computationally intensive (especially for Bayesian). But you are already paying this cost (you ARE evaluating your models, right?)


Requires selecting an evaluation score

* ROC/TSS (classification)
* RMSE (continuous)
* Goodness of fit
* ...

# Bayesian predictive performance

Consider a regression model

pr(\theta | y, x) & \propto pr(y, x, | \theta) pr(\theta) \\
y & \sim \mathcal{N}(\alpha + \beta x, \sigma)

From a new value $\hat{x}$ we can compute a posterior prediction $\hat{y} = \alpha + \beta x$

# Bayesian predictive performance

We can then compute the \emph{log posterior predictive density} (lppd):

lppd = pr(\hat{y} | \theta)


Where is the prior?

# Bayesian predictive performance

We want to summarize lppd taking into account:

* an entire set of prediction points $\hat{x} = \{x_1, x_2, \dots x_n \}$
* the entire posterior distribution of $\theta$
* (or, realistically, a set of $S$ draws from the posterior distribution)


lppd = \sum_{i=1}^n \log \left ( \frac{1}{S} \sum_{s=1}^S pr(\hat{y} | \theta^s) \right )


To compare two competing models $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$, simply compute $lppd_{\theta_1}$ and $lppd_{\theta_2}$, the "better" model (for prediction) is the one with a larger lppd.

# Information criteria

What do we do when $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$ are very different?


Considering the lpd (using the calibration data), it can be proven, when $\theta_2$ is \emph{strictly nested} within $\theta_1$, that $lpd_{\theta_1} > lpd_{\theta_2}$.


Thus, we require a method for penalizing the larger (or more generally, more flexible) model to avoid simply overfitting, especially when validation data are unavailable.


AIC = 2k - 2 \log pr(\hat{x | \theta})

* $pr(\hat{x | \theta}) = \max (pr(x | \theta))$ and $k$ is the number of parameters.
* AIC increases as the model gets worse or the number of parameters gets larger
* $- 2 \log pr(\hat{x | \theta})$ is sometimes referred to as *deviance*


What is the number of parameters in a hierarchical model?


D(\theta) & = -2 \log (pr(x | \theta))


We still penalize the model based on complexity, but we must estimate how many *effective* parameters there are:

p_D & = \mathbb{E}[D(\theta)] - D( \mathbb{E}[\theta])


DIC & = D( \mathbb{E}[\theta]) + 2p_D


* Easy to estimate
* Widely used and understood
* Effective for a variety of models regardless of nestedness or model size


* Not Bayesian
* Assume $\theta \sim \mathcal{MN}$
* Modest computational cost

# Bayes factor

Consider two competing models $\theta_1$ and $\theta_2$

In classical likelihood statistics, we can compute the likelihood ratio:

LR = \frac{MLE(X | \theta_1)}{MLE(X | \theta_2)}


A fully Bayesian approach is to take into account the entire posterior distribution of both models:

K = \frac{pr(\theta_1 | X)}{pr(\theta_2 | X)}

# Bayes factor

For a single posterior estimate of each model:

K & = \frac{pr(\theta_1 | X)}{pr(\theta_2 | X)} \\
& = \frac{pr(X | \theta_1 ) pr(\theta_1)}{pr(X | \theta_2) pr(\theta_2)}

# Bayes factor

To account for the entire distribution:
K & = \frac{\int pr(\theta_1 | X) d\theta_1}{\int pr(\theta_2 | X)d\theta_2} \\
& = \frac{\int pr(X | \theta_1 ) pr(\theta_1)d\theta_1}{\int pr(X | \theta_2) pr(\theta_2)d\theta_2}

# And others
* Bayesian model averaging
* Reversible jump MCMC

# Software

```{r, fig.width =4, fig.height=6}
logposterior <- function(params, dat)
if(params[2] <= 0)
mu <- params[1]
sig <- params[2]
lp <- sum(dnorm(dat, mu, sig, log=TRUE)) +
dnorm(mu, 16, 0.4, log = TRUE) +
dgamma(sig, 1, 0.1, log = TRUE)

# Software

```{r, fig.width =4, fig.height=6}
X <- c(15, 19.59, 15.06, 15.71, 14.65, 21.4, 17.64, 18.31,
15.12, 14.40)
inits <- c(5, 2)
tuning <- c(1.5, 0.5)
model <- metrop(logposterior, initial = inits,
nbatch = 10000, dat = X, scale = tuning)
colnames(model$batch) = c('mu', 'sigma')

# Software

```{r, fig.width =6, fig.height=4, echo=FALSE}

# Software

```{r, fig.width =6, fig.height=4, echo=FALSE}

# Other software

* mcmc
* LaplacesDemon
* Stan
Binary file added Theory/Image/fig_d5_param_estimates.pdf
Binary file not shown.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions Theory/metrop-mcmc.r
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@

logposterior <- function(params, dat)
if(params[2] <= 0)

mu <- params[1]
sig <- params[2]

lp <- sum(dnorm(dat, mu, sig, log=TRUE)) + dnorm(mu, 16, 0.4, log = TRUE) + dgamma(sig, 1, 0.1, log = TRUE)

X <- c(15, 19.59, 15.06, 15.71, 14.65, 21.4, 17.64, 18.31, 15.12, 14.40)
inits <- c(5, 2)
tuning <- c(1.5, 0.5)

model <- metrop(logposterior, initial = inits, nbatch = 10000, dat = X, scale = tuning)

colnames(model$batch) = c('mu', 'sigma')