This is one quick and small page because I was tired of always googling for a Blender Shortcut. Shortcuts that I find useful are collected in here in case I forget them to quickly find them again. It will grow over time.
I plan to enhance and refine it over time (see below), I just wanted to make it work quickly now.
- Search
- Dark Mode
- mobile version
- better component structure
- Apple Shortcuts
- German Localization
- Filtering (not just headlines but hoppers at the top that show only selected)
- Favs (+ local storage)
- Export as PDF
- Approaches (fold along an edge, cutting a hole etc.)
- add tests (search, favs, filtering)
- change units to relative units
- use better semantics
- configure tailwind custom classes
- refine spacings/font sizes/styles etc.
- use the structural card
- add grid columns
- data structure