Releases: Elao/PhpEnums
Doctrine DBAL collection types
[8b25099] feature #98 Allow user to create collection of enum with doctrine (benji07)
[108224a] minor #99 Some tweaks & tests for enum collection DBAL type (ogizanagi)
[a60f10c] minor #101 Added ./link binary for contribs (ogizanagi)
[c18e779] bug #102 Fix legacy DBAL types format BC (ogizanagi)
[cd28793] feature #100 [Doctrine DBAL] Support both CSV and JSON collection types (ogizanagi)
Generate JavaScript enums from PHP
ApiPlatform Swagger type & ENUM SQL
[48b842f] minor #85 Update readme for symfony translation extractor integration (@danut007ro)
[c5840cc] feature #84 add ApiPlatform ElaoEnum schema type (@WhiteRabbitDE)
[8a63c35] feature #87 [Doctrine] Allow to configure ENUM(...values) SQL declaration (@ogizanagi)
Translations extractor
[b3db082] minor #79 Simplify require-dev dependencies (@IndraGunawan)
[a698e31] minor #80 group generated type class by namespace (@IndraGunawan)
[6cfee92] feature #81 Add symfony translation extractor (@danut007ro)
[f4f9c91] minor #82 Minor translation extractor config enhancements (@ogizanagi)
Symfony Bundle & Generated DBAL Types
Symfony 5
[3e8fe1b] minor #67 Use defined
call to check if constant exists (pierredup)
[7fae338] minor #68 Rename services in (benji07)
[076de19] minor #71 Some fixes to be more SF4 compliant (alanpoulain)
[7a8ed35] feature #72 Bump deps (drop Sf < 3.4 official support) (ogizanagi)
[5e5884a] feature #74 Allow Symfony5 (benji07)