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  • 100 Shop
  • 200 Blog
  • 300 Gallery
  • 100 Shop V.2
  • 150 HeadHunter


  • 1 Schrödinger's task

100 Crypto / Shadow Cat


Shadow Cat

We only know that one used /etc/shadow file to encrypt important message for us.

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200 Crypto / Blind


Blind Pull the flag...if you can.

nc 7070

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Looking through the source code, there is a RSA class, with a sign and verify functions. They provide us with the n and e. The first idea was to factor n but we can see that n is quite large (617 digits) so this was a no go.

When connecting to the server, it asks for a signature and the command to execute. It does some sanitization, splits the message into signature and command and check which command to use and execute the relevant piece of the main function based on the code.

Looking through the main function, the valid commands it takes are ls, dir, cat, cd, leave and exit. ls and dir did not have a signature check. We could use this find out where the flag is.


$ nc 7070

Enter your command:
xx ls -al

drwxrwxr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 29 18:34 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar 29 18:35 ..
-r--r--r-- 1 root root   36 Mar 29 18:34 flag
-r--r--r-- 1 root root  620 Mar 29 18:34
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 4613 Mar 29 18:31

Inputting the command xx ls -al prints out the files in the current directory. We see that the flag file is present in the current directory. So all we need to do is cat the flag.

Initially, I tried to run xx ls; cat flag as we didn't need a signature check for ls. The command is sanitized using shelex.split() which catches semi colons and other characters and treats them as one command. So there wasn't an easy way to run two commands. So we need to sign the cat command and use it to print the flag.

Luckily we can use the sign command given to us.

$ nc 7070

Enter your command:
xx sign
Enter your command to sign:

We pass in the command we want to sign (base64 encoded) and the main function, takes decodes and splits the command using the space deliminator using the shlex.split(). It checks that the first word of the command passed is not cat or cd. If it is then it prints out "Invalid command". Otherwise it returns the signature of the command passed.

In order to get around this, if we escape the space character, the shlex.split() function does not split on the space.

Base64 encoding cat\ flag gives us Y2F0XCBmbGFn. Inputting this in, by passes the check as it now ignores the space between the cat and flag and returns the signature.

We can now, pass in the valid signature and the cat flag command and that gives us the flag.

$ nc 7070

Enter your command:
xx sign
Enter your command to sign:
Enter your command:
24276592954466402792157532919706447334355948690098023035375614012157378412616233865544533025515869836447793226406373271083160180523082800598281266834619631704245143244545577613294590334637358684061108293899492468337030535564036215463887905645938530571058038030943037016298964167966109577883005551522062164917343818964991120441652232394288629520079832539360872798332983684006902802429243645009242747601354050053448137191986860769673762567997572657102990869994555786984110522299362261357652756180804304984027320764350120137457095771345729635881422070403269427999652221843885023772233721400195669139542781850847904777323 cat flag


75 Anti-fake / Fakegram star


Fakegram star

Fake news has become a real problem for countries all over the world. To be successful in this task you have to find original sources and to be attentive to detail. When media steal news part of information might be lost.


UPD Fixed bug with the flag

Solution (TODO)

100 Stego / Higher



Take higher

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150 Stego / JOI



All we have is just one image

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100 Reverse / PyTFM



Can the PyTFM transformation be inverted?

Files provided


The library has implemented a Python module, and function transform is implemented there. By inspecting the global data structure with some reasonable guess, we find that function 0x1290 is the transform function. More information can be found here. By looking at documentation, we can know _PyArg_ParseTuple_SizeT(a2, "y#:transform", &input_1, &size) parses the input to const char* input_1 and length of input to __int64 size.


The list of format units ends here; the string after the colon is used as the function name in error messages (the “associated value” of the exception that PyArg_ParseTuple() raises).

y# (read-only bytes-like object) [const char *, int]

This variant on s# doesn’t accept Unicode objects, only bytes-like objects.

Then there is a weird operation against the size of input, I cannot understand it, but by dynamic execution, we know it is rounding the size up to the power of 2, then multiply by 0x10.

#testing script
import pytfm
for i in range(0, 0x40):
	reslen = len(pytfm.transform(b'A' * i))
	print (hex(i),hex(reslen))

Then the input is converted into complex number, with imaginary part being 0

if ( size_ > 0 )
    i_2 = i_;
    c = input[i_];
    v16 = &buf[i_2];
    v16->img = 0.0;
    v17 = (double)c;
    i_ = ++i;
    v16->real = v17 + 0.0;
  while ( size_ > i );

Then the complex number array is copied to stack

v18 = alloca(16LL * size_up + 16);
if ( size_up > 0 )
  v19 = 0LL;
    v25[v19].real = buf[v19].real;
    v25[v19].img = buf[v19].img;
  while ( v6 + 1LL != v19 );                // copy it to stack

Then critical function at 0x1150 is called, which is actually FFT as my teammate said

void __fastcall critical(struc_1 *heap, struc_1 *stack, int size_up, signed int a4)
  signed int step; // er14
  signed int v5; // er13
  signed int size_up_0x1f; // ebx
  signed int i; // er15
  double real; // xmm0_8
  double img; // xmm1_8
  struc_1 *v10; // rdx
  double v11; // xmm3_8
  struc_1 *v12; // rax
  struc_1 *v13; // rax
  double v14; // xmm2_8
  double lf_size_up; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-40h]

  if ( a4 < size_up )
    step = 2 * a4;
    v5 = a4;
    size_up_0x1f = size_up;
    critical(stack, heap, size_up, 2 * a4);
    critical(&stack[v5], &heap[v5], size_up_0x1f, step);// recursion by interleaving
    if ( size_up_0x1f > 0 )
      i = 0;
      lf_size_up = (double)size_up_0x1f;
        real = -0.0 * (double)i / lf_size_up;
        img = (double)i * -3.141592653589793 / lf_size_up;
        cexp(real, img);                        // result in real and img
        mul(real, img, stack[v5 + i].real, stack[v5 + i].img);// result in real and img
        v10 = &stack[i];
        v11 = v10->real + real;
        v12 = &heap[i / 2];
        v12->img = v10->img + img;
        v12->real = v11;
        LODWORD(v12) = size_up_0x1f + i;
        i += step;
        v13 = &heap[(signed int)v12 / 2];
        v14 = v10->real - real;
        v13->img = v10->img - img;
        v13->real = v14;
      while ( size_up_0x1f > i );

One thing to note is the structure and calling convention of complex number, as shown below:

00000000 complex         struc
00000000 real            dq ?
00000008 img             dq ?
00000010 complex         ends

When calling a function with a complex number argument, it is essentially same as 2 double arguments with real part to be the first one and imaginary part to be second. In this example, real part is passed by xmm0 and imaginary part is passed by xmm1. As for the complex number as return value, xmm0 is real part and xmm1 is imaginary part. However, it seems that IDA does not support complex number type, but this does not affect so much if we just comment it :).

Finally we obtain the encoded flag in flag.enc and use this website to decode it, then converting double to char we get flag.

from struct import *
res = [0x40a79a0000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
0x40225454778eaa78, 0x4060e41af7dfa91f,
0x40528c7c3687fe77, 0xc055ab3079234238,
0x4029ab5ae64c78dc, 0xc0358bea56cf49fc,
0x4053088b7cd8a280, 0xc03ef641c0327176,
0xc05652748400125a, 0xc049e15c7ebfc13d,
0xc053a0bb88ab3d1c, 0xc05d6dbde71fef04,
0x4054f7a9ff2df488, 0xc011cbe2c8c8e844,
0x4051000000000000, 0x4058400000000000,
0x40608a465c4bdc57, 0xc046e12f55eca3f4,
0xc059cd87fdd9d0b4, 0x4063f18329563fb2,
0xc03f770e300281b2, 0x4055d87bcc34a406,
0xc024445be6c513fc, 0xc04e7b20e01938bc,
0xc053602accefa9c8, 0x40496cfd5240a014,
0xc0403c716005e14e, 0x401a593c0a92c2e0,
0xc05ffbc9c690b51a, 0x406f6255d24a9654,
0xc054400000000000, 0x0000000000000000,
0xc05ffbc9c690b513, 0xc06f6255d24a9657,
0xc0403c716005e14c, 0xc01a593c0a92c2e0,
0xc053602accefa9c4, 0xc0496cfd5240a014,
0xc024445be6c51400, 0x404e7b20e01938bb,
0xc03f770e300281a7, 0xc055d87bcc34a404,
0xc059cd87fdd9d0b2, 0xc063f18329563fb2,
0x40608a465c4bdc56, 0x4046e12f55eca3fc,
0x4051000000000000, 0xc058400000000000,
0x4054f7a9ff2df486, 0x4011cbe2c8c8e854,
0xc053a0bb88ab3d1c, 0x405d6dbde71fef04,
0xc05652748400125c, 0x4049e15c7ebfc13c,
0x4053088b7cd8a280, 0x403ef641c0327178,
0x4029ab5ae64c78dc, 0x40358bea56cf49f9,
0x40528c7c3687fe75, 0x4055ab307923423a,
0x40225454778eaab0, 0xc060e41af7dfa91e]

print "real: "
for i in xrange(0,len(res),2):
	print repr(unpack('d', pack('Q', res[i]))[0])

print "imaginary: "
for i in xrange(1,len(res),2):
	print repr(unpack('d', pack('Q', res[i]))[0])

flag = [86,111,108,103,97,67,84,70,123,70,70,84,95,49,115,95,97,99,116,117,64,108,108,121,95,115,49,109,112,108,51,125]

print "".join(map(chr, flag))

250 Reverse / TrustVM




Files provided


A virtual machine with 512-bit register is implemented (I initially regarded it as memory but it's basically same), where register 14 is the pointer to our input flag and 15 is size of our input, rounded up to 0x40. Here is the disassembler and here is the result.

This challenge is not so hard but time-consuming, so I will not detail it here. A thing to note is that IDA cannot analyze this switch statement very well, so you may want to manually patch the switch table to direct address instead of offset to rip, patch some other instructions, patch the jmp instruction to jmp ds:switch_tab[rax*8], and use Edit->Others->Specify switch idiom to set correct number of entries.

Decrypt Script

250 Reverse / JAC II



Whenever this binary is executed it transforms the input somehow - fancy that! We've tried this with our flag and now the only file with the flag is gone 😃

Can this transformation be reversed?..

Files provided


There are some anti-debug techniques applied in 0x401794, which is called in initialization function before main. There are also other initialization stuff but they are not important, the only important function is 0x401246. There are some jz/jnz alignment obfuscation, we can just manually patch them.

The function is actually super easy:

for ( i = 0; i < v20; ++i )
  critical(input[2 * i], input[2 * i + 1], &input[2 * i], &input[2 * i + 1], (uint32_t *)buf);
void __fastcall critical(unsigned int a1, unsigned int a2, unsigned int *a3, unsigned int *a4, uint32_t *dkey)
  uint32_t *dkey_; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-30h]
  unsigned int *o2; // [rsp+8h] [rbp-28h]
  unsigned int *o1; // [rsp+10h] [rbp-20h]
  uint32_t tmp2; // [rsp+18h] [rbp-18h]
  uint32_t tmp1; // [rsp+1Ch] [rbp-14h]
  signed int i; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-8h]

  o1 = a3;
  o2 = a4;
  dkey_ = dkey;
  tmp1 = *dkey + a1;
  tmp2 = dkey[1] + a2;
  for ( i = 1; i <= 12; ++i )
    tmp1 = rol(tmp2 ^ tmp1, tmp2 & 0x1F) + dkey_[2 * i];
    tmp2 = rol(tmp1 ^ tmp2, tmp1 & 0x1F) + dkey_[2 * i + 1LL];
  *o1 = tmp1;
  *o2 = tmp2;

What we need to do is simply dump value of dkey without reversing or knowing how it is generated (which should be in 0x4013EF), and use that for decryption.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
uint32_t dkeys[] = {0x6291bda5, 0xd40cbbbb, 0xcdb9f3e5, 0xedbd5140,
0x2a716584, 0x42a476de, 0x79c7cea9, 0x48852b0e,
0x2a53b9c8, 0x2984790b, 0xdaaed337, 0x0245815e,
0x014020ae, 0x3a84aaa9, 0x84b1fd24, 0x2766105f,
0x1b765e10, 0xb691adc9, 0xeb50c850, 0x264c358b,
0x32213a84, 0x387a7378, 0x1d7a8a61, 0x883de7f1,
0x2c3bae3b, 0x6de14ba2, 0x00000000, 0x00000000};

uint32_t res[] = {0x35dd19e3,0xb9fc9270,0x82dde506,0x8ea4d5d5

uint32_t __attribute__ ((noinline)) ror(uint32_t a1, char a2)
	asm("mov ecx,esi\n"
		"mov eax,edi\n"
		"ror eax,cl\n");

void decrypt_2dwords(uint32_t a1, uint32_t a2, uint32_t *a3, uint32_t *a4, uint32_t *dkey)
	uint32_t tmp1 = a1;
	uint32_t tmp2 = a2;
	for (int i = 12; i >= 1; --i)
		tmp2 -= dkey[2 * i + 1];
		tmp2 = ror(tmp2, tmp1 & 0x1f) ^ tmp1;
		tmp1 -= dkey[2 * i];
		tmp1 = ror(tmp1, tmp2 & 0x1f) ^ tmp2;
	tmp1 -= dkey[0];
	tmp2 -= dkey[1];
	*a3 = tmp1;
	*a4 = tmp2;

int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(res) / (sizeof(uint32_t) * 2); ++i)
		decrypt_2dwords(res[2 * i], res[2 * i + 1], &res[2 * i], &res[2 * i + 1], dkeys);
	printf("%s\n", (char*)res);
	return 0;

100 pwn / warm


How fast can you sove it? nc 443

Files provided
