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Dawn L. Low edited this page Aug 12, 2021 · 22 revisions

Focus for pilot stage:

Personas (requires CMS login)

  • CMCS Staff - such as Business Analysts, Policy Analysts, and State Officers
    • Especially people whose responsibilities include consistent and accurate interpretation of regulations in order to answer questions (including from states), analyze materials (such as State Plan Amendments), and develop documents (such as guidance, briefing materials, and proposed regulations)
  • CMCS Leadership - including group leadership

May also benefit from pilot stage:

  • CMCS Contractors who may need to review or learn about regulations as part of their work, such as people working on systems that implement policy-related requirements

Potential future audiences:

  • State Staff
    • Such as Policy Analysts
  • State Contractors
    • Such as IT Developers
  • Managed Care Organizations
  • Fee-for-Service Providers
  • People in the broader public
    • Foundations + Non-Profits
    • Advocates
    • Journalists
    • Attorneys

CMCS Staff Findings Based on User Research


  • Multiple views of the regs (i.e. section, subpart, part). They want to conceptually zoom in and out with larger and smaller amounts of information, and search in browser via CTRL-F.
  • An understanding of how comprehensive the information they’re reading is. Are they looking at all the supplementary content available or just some amount of it? Is anything missing?
  • The ability to look for words/phrases that may not actually be in the regs (the common term may be different than the regulatory term).
  • Multiple options for navigating the regs depending on what they’re doing and their level of familiarity with the particular piece of reg.
  • Ability to trust that less experienced people will interpret the regs correctly based on what they see, and that misinterpretations will not arise based on the information provided.
  • An understanding of how current our information is and when it was last updated.


  • Get into the regs and supplementary content quickly, without having to wade through less relevant material or UI elements
  • Be able to share information easily





User research

Usability studies



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