Name | Count | Percentage |
HMRC | 15 | 19.7% |
MOJ | 13 | 17.1% |
Home Office | 12 | 15.8% |
DWP | 11 | 14.5% |
Environment Agency | 9 | 11.8% |
GDS | 9 | 11.8% |
Companies House | 3 | 3.9% |
Student Loans Company | 2 | 2.6% |
DVLA | 2 | 2.6% |
Name | Count | Percentage |
Frontend development | 36 | 40.4% |
Design | 19 | 21.3% |
Other development | 17 | 19.1% |
Full stack development | 6 | 6.7% |
Tech lead | 5 | 5.6% |
Other | 5 | 5.6% |
Content | 1 | 1.1% |
Name | Count | Percentage |
Node.js | 29 | 28.4% |
Ruby on Rails | 17 | 16.7% |
Scala and Play | 17 | 16.7% |
Python | 13 | 12.7% |
Other | 10 | 9.8% |
Java | 6 | 5.9% |
Angular | 4 | 3.9% |
Perl | 3 | 2.9% |
Don't know | 3 | 2.9% |
Name | Count | Percentage |
Mustache | 19 | 16.0% |
Nunjucks | 18 | 15.1% |
ERB | 13 | 10.9% |
Other | 13 | 10.9% |
Twirl | 10 | 8.4% |
Hogan | 9 | 7.6% |
Handlebars | 9 | 7.6% |
Jinja | 6 | 5.0% |
Slim | 5 | 4.2% |
Don't know | 5 | 4.2% |
Django templates | 3 | 2.5% |
Freemarker | 2 | 1.7% |
Jade | 2 | 1.7% |
PHP | 2 | 1.7% |
Angular | 2 | 1.7% |
Twig | 1 | 0.8% |
Name | Count | Percentage |
Sass | 70 | 78.7% |
We don't use a pre-processor | 8 | 9.0% |
Other | 5 | 5.6% |
Don't know | 4 | 4.5% |
Less | 2 | 2.2% |
Name | Count | Percentage |
We don't follow a CSS architecture | 35 | 34.3% |
Don't know | 26 | 25.5% |
BEM | 25 | 24.5% |
Other | 9 | 8.8% |
ITCSS | 3 | 2.9% |
OOCSS | 3 | 2.9% |
SMACCS | 1 | 1.0% |
Name | Count | Percentage |
No | 33 | 54.1% |
Yes | 19 | 31.1% |
Other | 5 | 8.2% |
In development | 4 | 6.6% |
Name | Count | Percentage |
GOV.UK Elements | 66 | 28.4% |
GOV.UK Frontend Toolkit | 65 | 28.0% |
GOV.UK Template | 58 | 25.0% |
GOV.UK Prototype Kit | 37 | 15.9% |
Other | 6 | 2.6% |
Name | Count | Percentage |
Manually | 20 | 27.8% |
Package manager | 15 | 20.8% |
npm | 14 | 19.4% |
Gem | 11 | 15.3% |
Departmental resource | 5 | 6.9% |
From scratch | 2 | 2.8% |
Gulp | 2 | 2.8% |
Git | 2 | 2.8% |
Jenkins | 1 | 1.4% |
Name | Count | Percentage |
Manually | 14 | 25.0% |
Periodic | 11 | 19.6% |
npm | 10 | 17.9% |
We don't | 10 | 17.9% |
Bundler | 7 | 12.5% |
Watch for changes | 3 | 5.4% |
Rarely | 1 | 1.8% |
Question 11: Are there any specific improvements you'd like to see in the frontend resources offered by GDS?
- better documentation
- guides for Rails and NPM
- simple upgrade path
- evidence-based components and patterns
- a single package and site
- single package for Ruby, Node, Python
- one place to find it all
- better code
- simpler, clearer SCSS
- refactored code
- composable classes
- no leaky styles
- modular components
- integration tests
- more examples
- complex forms
- full page examples
- a clear contribution model
- pull requests and comments via Github
- curation by GDS
- sharing of findings
- more components and patterns
- patterns for form validation
- responsive tables
- tabs
- pagination
- dialogs
- loading
- collapsables
- accordions
- search
- alerts
- accessibility
- accessible components that have been tested with assistive technology, guidance on testing
- standards
- an agreed schema for components and css architecture standards. Probably BEM/ITCSS
- better support
- reviews from GDS
- better comms
- more frontend meetups
- dependency version alerts
- being involved in decision making
- more templating languages
- more language support
- handlebars
- better JavaScript
- remove dependency on JQuery
- modular Javascript
- unit testing
- an improved Prototype Kit
- hosting of prototypes
- form validation
- easier to transition from prototype to production
- versioned components
- compiled assets including CSS
- Content Delivery Network (CDN) for assets
- project scaffolds for different tech stacks