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Fit Meal

The app that allow you to create, discover and share recipes and meal plans to improve your eating habits.

User Navigation Flow

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Wireframes low fidelity

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User Stories

  • 404: As an anon/user I can see a 404 page if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault
  • Signup: As an anon I can sign up in the app so that I can start creating, sharing and discovering recipes and meal plans.
  • Login: As a user I can login to the app so that I can create, share and discover recipes and meal plans.
  • Logout: As a user I can logout from the ap so no one else can use it.
  • Home: As an anon I can see the main features of the app, some mock ups, and the Signup and Login links.
  • Home: As a user I can see a list of recipies and categories to explore.
  • Recipes:
    • Home: As a user I can see a list of the most popular recipes done by other users.
    • Like: As a user I can give likes to recipes.
    • Save: As a user I can save recipes.
    • Details: As a user I can see a picture of the meal, de ingredients, the preparation process and the preparatin time, the dificulty level and Like and Save the recipe.
      • Profile: As a user I can see the profile of the user that created a recipe, and the recipes created by that user.
  • Profile: As a user I can edit my email, profile picture and background picture. I can also log out.
    • My Recipies: As a user I can see and edit de recipies that I have created.
    • Saved: As a user I can see all the recipies and meal plans that I have saved from other users.

User Stories Mapping

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  • Create, edit, like, saved and share weekly meal plans made by selecting preivously created recipes.
  • Allow user to changes the password.
  • Allow user to delete the account.
  • Filter and sort search results.
  • Show the total amount of daily/weekly calories of a meal or plan.
  • Creat a shopping list based on the ingredients that appear in a meal plan.

Client / Frontend

React Router Routes (React App)

Path Component Permissions Behavior
/ LandingPage public <Route> Landing Page
/signup SignUp anon only <AnonRoute> Signup form, link to login, navigate to homepage after signup
/login LogIn anon only <AnonRoute> Login form, link to signup, navigate to homepage after login
/recipes Recipes user only <PrivateRoute> Shows all recipes in a list
/recipes/:id RecipeDetails user only <PrivateRoute> Show recipe details
/profile Profile user only <PrivateRoute> Show user profile
/profile/savedRecipes Profile user only <PrivateRoute> Show saved recipes by the current user
/profile/edit EditProfile user only <PrivateRoute> Allow to edit profile settings
/profile/:id ProfileId user only <PrivateRoute> Show user profile and his recipes
/addNewRecipe AddNewRecipe user only <PrivateRoute> Form to creat a new recipe
/search/:query Search user only <PrivateRoute> Display search results
/editRecipe/:id AddNewRecipe user only <PrivateRoute> Allow to edit a recipe

Components and Pages

  • Pages
    • Landing Page
    • Signup
    • Login
    • Search
    • Recipes
    • Recipe Details
    • Add New Recipe
    • Profile
    • Profile Id
    • Edit Profile
  • Components
    • Anon Route
    • Private Route
    • Navbar
    • Navbar Mobile
    • Serach Bar
    • Search Recipes
    • Slider
    • Category Card
    • Card Recipe
    • Ingredients
    • Profile Edit Card
    • Profile Id Card
    • Profile Saved Card
    • Scroll Into View


  • Auth Service
    • auth.signup(username, password, email)
    • auth.login(username, passwordd)
    • auth.updateUser(userId)
    • auth.logout()
  • API Service
      • service.getUserInfo(userId)
      • service.getMyRecipes(userId)
      • service.getSavedsRecipes(userId)
      • service.updateUserProfile(user)
      • service.getRecipes()
      • service.getRecipeDetails(recipeId)
      • service.updateRecipe(recipe)
      • service.deleteRecipe(recipeId)
      • service.handleUpload(theFile)
      • service.saveNewRecipe(newRecipe) -SEARCH
      • service.getRecipesByCategory(category)
      • service.getRecipesByDifficulty(difficulty)

Server / Backend


User model:
  const userSchema = new Schema({
      username: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},
      email: {type: String, required: true, unique: true},
      password: {type: String, required: true},
      profilePictureUrl:{type: String,default:""},
      saved: [{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipe'}],
      liked: [{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipe'}],
      recipes: {type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipe'},
      plans: {type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Plans'},
  }, {
      timestamps: {
          createdAt: 'created_at',
          updatedAt: 'updated_at'

Recipes model:

  const recipeSchema = new Schema({
      title: {type: String, required: true},
      author: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'User'},
      imageUrl: {type: String, required: true},
      ingredients: {type: Array, required:true},
      steps: {type: Array, required:true},
      prepTime: {type: String, required: true},
      difficulty: {type:String, required:true,enum:['easy','medium','hard']},
      portions: {type: String, required: true},
      liked:[{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'User'}]

Meal Plan model:

const recipeSchema = new Schema({
  title: {type: String, required: true},
  author: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'User', required: true},
  picture: {type: String},
      breakfast:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      brunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      lunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      snack:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      dinner:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'}
      breakfast:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      brunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      lunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      snack:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      dinner:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'}
      breakfast:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      brunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      lunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      snack:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      dinner:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'}
      breakfast:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      brunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      lunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      snack:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      dinner:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'}
      breakfast:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      brunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      lunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      snack:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      dinner:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'}
      breakfast:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      brunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      lunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      snack:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      dinner:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'}
      breakfast:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      brunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      lunch:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      snack:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'},
      dinner:{type:Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref:'Recipes'}

API Endpoints (backend routes)

HTTP Method URL Request Body Success status Error Status Description
POST /auth/signup {username, email, password} 200 400 Checks if fields user not exists (409), then create user with encrypted password, and store user in session
POST /auth/login {username, password} 200 401/404 Checks if user exists (404), and if password matches (401), then stores user in session
POST /auth/logout (empty) 204 Logs out the user
GET /auth/me (empty) Get the current user session
GET /recipes 200 400 Get all the recipes
GET /recipes/:id {recipeId} 200 400 Get one recipe information
POST /recipes/create {recipe} 200 400 Create and save a new recipe
POST /recipes/update {recipe} 200 400 Edit a recipe
POST /recipes/saved {userId} 200 400 Get all saved recipes by the current user
POST /recipes/delete {userId} 200 400 Delete a recipe from database
POST /profile {userId} 200 400 Get a user information
POST /profile/update {user} 200 400 Update user information
POST /myRecipes {userId} 200 400 Get recipes created by a user
GET /category/:category {category} 200 400 Get recipes from a given category
GET /difficulty/:difficulty {difficulty} 200 400 Get recipes from a given difficulty
POST /like {userId,recipeId} 200 400 Save recipe as the liked
POST /save {userId,recipeId} 200 400 Save recipe as the saved


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