Type | Scope | Severity | Activated by default |
Minutes to fix |
Tags |
Code smell |
Major |
Yes |
10 |
sql standard performance |
When writing queries, you should not use subquery joins. Only metadata objects or temporary tables should be joined to each other.
If the query contains joins with subqueries, then this can lead to negative consequences:
- Very slow query execution with low load on server hardware
- Unstable work of the request. Sometimes the query can work fast enough, sometimes very slow
- Significant difference in query execution time for different DBMS;
- Increased query sensitivity to the relevance and completeness of sql statistics. After a complete update of statistics, the query may work quickly, but after a while it will slow down.
An example of a potentially dangerous query using a subquery join:
FROM Document.Sales
SELECT Field1 ИЗ InformationRegister.Limits
WHERE Field2 In (&List)
) BY Refs = Field1
// BSLLS:JoinWithSubQuery-off
// BSLLS:JoinWithSubQuery-on
"JoinWithSubQuery": false