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Trackmania image

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Table of Contents

How to use this image

... with 'docker run'

To start a TrackMania server with docker run:

docker run \
  -e TMF_MASTERSERVER_LOGIN='YourMasterserverLogin' \
  -e TMF_MASTERSERVER_PASSWORD='YourMasterserverPassword' \
  -p 2350:2350/tcp \
  -p 2350:2350/udp \
  -p 3450:3450/tcp \
  -p 3450:3450/udp \
  #-p 5000:5000/tcp \ # Be careful opening XMLRPC! Only if you know what you're doing.
  #-p 9000:9000/tcp \ # For the prometheus exporter. Usually not needed, unless Prometheus is running on a different host.
  -v GameData:/server/GameData \

... with 'docker compose'

To do the same with docker compose:

version: "3.8"
    image: evoesports/trackmaniaforever:latest
      - 2350:2350/udp
      - 2350:2350/tcp
      - 3450:3450/udp
      - 3450:3450/tcp
      #- 5000:5000/tcp # Be careful opening XMLRPC! Only if you know what you're doing.
      #- 9000:9000/tcp # For the prometheus exporter. Usually not needed, unless Prometheus is running on a different host.
      TMF_MASTERSERVER_LOGIN: "YourMasterserverLogin"
      TMF_MASTERSERVER_PASSWORD: "YourMasterserverPassword"
      - GameData:/server/GameData

In both cases, the server will launch and be bound to port 2350 & 3450, TCP + UDP. Port 5000 (XMLRPC) & 9000 (Prometheus metrics) won't usually be forwarded to the host, because apps who need it (e.g. server controllers) are supposed to run in the same stack. You need to provide server credentials that you can register here, and put the login into the TMF_MASTERSERVER_LOGIN variable, and the password into the TMF_MASTERSERVER_PASSWORD variable. The server only needs one volume to store your game data (e.g. maps, configs), which is mounted to /server/GameData. You can also use bind mounts.

Environment Variables

Environment Variable Description Default Value1 Required
TMF_AUTHORIZATION_SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD Password for the SuperAdmin level. SuperAdmin
TMF_AUTHORIZATION_ADMIN_PASSWORD Password for the Admin level. Admin
TMF_AUTHORIZATION_USER_PASSWORD Password for the User level. User
TMF_MASTERSERVER_LOGIN Your server login name. (e.g. 'yourcoolserverlogin')
TMF_MASTERSERVER_PASSWORD Your server login password you got from the Trackmania player page.
TMF_MASTERSERVER_VALIDATION_KEY Your validation key. Needed for copper transactions.
TMF_SERVER_NAME The server name. (Only used once if there's no server name already set in the server config file.) Docker TrackManiaForever Server
TMF_SERVER_NAME_OVERWRITE If set to True, the docker image will overwrite the server name in the config everytime the server starts. False
TMF_SERVER_COMMENT A comment about the server.
TMF_SERVER_HIDE_SERVER Whether the server is hidden. 0 (always shown), 1 (always hidden), 2 (hidden from nations) 0
TMF_SERVER_MAX_PLAYERS Max amount of players the server can have. 32
TMF_SERVER_PASSWORD The password the players have to enter upon joining the server.
TMF_SERVER_MAX_SPECTATORS Max amount of spectators a server can have. 32
TMF_SERVER_PASSWORD_SPECTATOR The password the spectators have to enther upon joining the server.
TMF_SERVER_LADDER_MODE Enables or disables the ladder mode. forced for enabled, inactive for disabled. forced
TMF_SERVER_LADDER_SERVERLIMIT_MIN Minimum ladder limit. Usually you don't need to set this. 0
TMF_SERVER_LADDER_SERVERLIMIT_MAX Maximum ladder limit. Usually you don't need to set this. 50000
TMF_SERVER_ENABLE_P2P_UPLOAD Whether P2P Upload is enabled. True
TMF_SERVER_ENABLE_P2P_DOWNLOAD Whether P2P Download is enabled. True
TMF_SERVER_CALLVOTE_TIMEOUT How long a vote is going on. 60000
TMF_SERVER_CALLVOTE_RATIO How many people it needs to pass a vote. 0.5 means at least half of them is needed. 0.5
TMF_SERVER_ALLOW_CHALLENGE_DOWNLOAD If it's allowed for players to download the server maps. True
TMF_SERVER_AUTOSAVE_REPLAYS If the server saves replays automatically. False
TMF_SERVER_AUTOSAVE_VALIDATION_REPLAYS If the server saves validation replays automatically. False
TMF_SERVER_REFEREE_PASSWORD The password for the referee mode.
TMF_SERVER_REFEREE_VALIDATION_MODE 0 (only validate top3 players), 1 (validate all players) 0
TMF_SERVER_USE_CHANGING_VALIDATION_SEED It micro-shifts your car at the start line. It should prevent replay input cheats. Breaks PF tracks.
TMF_SYSTEM_CONNECTION_UPLOADRATE The maximal upload speed the server is able to use. In kbps. 512
TMF_SYSTEM_CONNECTION_DOWNLOADRATE The maximal download speed the server is able to use. In kbps. 8192
TMF_SYSTEM_FORCE_IP_ADDRESS Usually the public IP of the server including the port. (e.g.
TMF_SYSTEM_BIND_IP_ADDRESS If the machine has multiple network interfaces, you can set here the IP the server listens on.
TMF_SYSTEM_USE_NAT_UPNP If the server should try to forward ports automatically.
TMF_SYSTEM_P2P_CACHE_SIZE The size of the P2P cache. 600
TMF_SYSTEM_XMLRPC_ALLOWREMOTE Controls if the server allows external connections to XMLRPC. False3
TMF_SYSTEM_BLACKLIST_URL URL to a blacklist file hosted on a webserver.
TMF_SYSTEM_GUESTLIST_FILENAME Filename of a guestlist file.
TMF_SYSTEM_BLACKLIST_FILENAME Filename of a blacklist file.
TMF_SYSTEM_PACKMASK For a nation server, set it to stadium. For a United server, set it to united. stadium
TMF_SYSTEM_ALLOW_SPECTATOR_RELAYS If relays are able to connect to the server. False
TMF_SYSTEM_SAVE_ALL_INDIVIDUAL_RUNS If the server should save all individual runs. False
TMF_SYSTEM_USE_PROXY If the server needs to use a proxy. False
TMF_SYSTEM_PROXY_LOGIN Username of the proxy .
TMF_SYSTEM_PROXY_PASSWORD Password of the proxy.
TMF_DEDICATED_CFG In case you created your own server config and want to use that one instead. dedicated_cfg.txt
TMF_GAME_SETTINGS In case you created your own matchsettings and want to use that one instead. default.txt
PROMETHEUS_ENABLE Enable the Prometheus Trackmania exporter. False
PROMETHEUS_PORT The port the Prometheus Trackmania exporter will listen on. 9000
PROMETHEUS_SUPERADMIN_PASSWORD The SuperAdmin password the Prometheus exporter needs in case it got changed. SuperAdmin
PROMETHEUS_INTERVAL The interval the prometheus exporter gets the metrics from the TrackMania server. 15


Prometheus Exporter

The image contains a small (~6MB) prometheus exporter. It can be enabled through the PROMETHEUS_ENABLE variable. The container will then expose metrics about the TrackMania server on port 9000.

Example output:

# HELP trackmania_player_count Current player count by type.
# TYPE trackmania_player_count gauge
trackmania_player_count{type="online"} 8.0
trackmania_player_count{type="spectating"} 0.0
trackmania_player_count{type="driving"} 8.0
# HELP trackmania_moderation_count Current players count being moderated by type.
# TYPE trackmania_moderation_count gauge
trackmania_moderation_count{type="banned"} 1.0
trackmania_moderation_count{type="blacklisted"} 1.0
trackmania_moderation_count{type="guestlisted"} 0.0
trackmania_moderation_count{type="ignored"} 0.0
# HELP trackmania_player_count_mean The mean value of the player count.
# TYPE trackmania_player_count_mean gauge
trackmania_player_count_mean 6.0
# HELP trackmania_server_uptime Time since the TrackMania server has started in seconds.
# TYPE trackmania_server_uptime gauge
trackmania_server_uptime 459307.0
# HELP trackmania_connection_count Total connections made to the TrackMania server.
# TYPE trackmania_connection_count gauge
trackmania_connection_count 1397.0
# HELP trackmania_connection_time_mean The mean value of the connection time in ms.
# TYPE trackmania_connection_time_mean gauge
trackmania_connection_time_mean 2041.0
# HELP trackmania_net_rate_recv Connection rate inbound in kbps.
# TYPE trackmania_net_rate_recv gauge
trackmania_net_rate_recv 137.0
# HELP trackmania_net_rate_send Connection rate outbound in kbps.
# TYPE trackmania_net_rate_send gauge
trackmania_net_rate_send 76.0
# HELP trackmania_maps_count Amount of maps the server currently has loaded.
# TYPE trackmania_maps_count gauge
trackmania_maps_count 99.0
# HELP trackmania_player_max Max configured amount of players the server can hold.
# TYPE trackmania_player_max gauge
trackmania_player_max{type="players"} 150.0
trackmania_player_max{type="spectators"} 32.0


If you have any questions, issues, bugs or suggestions, don't hesitate and open an Issue! You can also join our Discord for questions.

You may also help with development by creating a pull request.


  1. Default value of this docker image. Does not represent the defaults by the TrackMania server provided by Ubisoft Nadeo.

  2. If left unset, the TrackMania server will report the Docker internal IP address to the masterserver, which will prevent people from connecting to it.

  3. True here doesn't mean anyone can connect to the XMLRPC interface. It just allows connections from other containers to be made to it, for example from server controllers like XAseco or Minicontrol.