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File metadata and controls

246 lines (188 loc) · 13.7 KB

Marine seismology data/metadata standards

obs-specific information

The StationXML format (v1.2) has no intrinsic elements for storing OBS-specific information. This information should be stored in a structured metadata file with a public-published format.

We propose to use obsinfo "subnetwork" files, which allow the storage of essential information about deployments without going into instrument-level details.

These files can be used with obsinfo instrumentation files to generate FDSN StationXML files with embedded OBS-specific information, or they can be used to fill in information in StationXML files generated using other tools.

processing steps

[REC {6/6}] Processing done on data files (from data download to delivery to the data center) should be recorded in text-based, structured files. The JSON process-steps format (LINK) is an example.

Source Identifiers

[FDSN] The following source-subsource codes (see FDSN Source Identifiers documentation) should be used for the following types of sensor/data:

code description
1 Unoriented seismometer, “N” channel equivalent
2 Unoriented seismometer “E” channel (+90 degrees from "1")
3 Seismometer/geophone with inverted vertical channel (positive voltage is down)
DH Hydrophone
DG Differential pressure gauge
DO "Absolute” bottom pressure recorder

Station names for repeated deployments

[REC {6/6}] If OBSs are deployed repeatedly at one site (to make a long series), they can use the same station name if the deployments are known to be within XX km of one another (REF). If not, one should use an incrementing alphanumeric character at the end of the station name (i.e., A01A, then A01B then A01C for subsequent deployments at the same approximate location). This may be a de facto "standard", but I haven't seen it written down

Metadata (StationXML)

See StationXML Reference for details of StationXML elements

Clock drift

[REC {6/6}] Should be specified using UTC datetimes, to avoid ambiguity. The datetimes should be in ISO8601 format, followed by a "Z" to unambigously specify UTC. The structure is:

    type: 'piecewise_linear' # 'piecewise_linear', 'cubic_spline' or 'polynomial {a0 a1 a2 ...}'
    time_base: 'Seascan MCXO'
    nomimal_drift_rate: 1e-8
    reference: 'GPS'
        - ["2016-09-10T00:00:00Z", "2016-09-10T00:00:00Z"]  
        - ["2017-01-12T00:00:00.415Z", "2017-01-12T00:00:01Z"]  
        - ["2017-07-13T11:25:00.6189Z", "2017-07-13T11:25:01Z"] 

the time_base, nominal_drift_rate and reference fields are optional. In the simplest case of a synchronization at the beginning and end of an experiment, and assuming purely linear drift, the above example would only have two lines for syncs_reference_instruments

[REC {/}] Embed this information in the StationXML file as a JSON-coded string in a <Comment> field with subjet="Clock Correction". In the future, a seperate namespace may be created to allow a more specific and structured representation

Below is an example of the above structure in a <Comment> field (with whitespaces added for clarity):

<Comment subject=”Clock Correction”>
<Value>“{drift: {time_base: Seascan MCXO,
                 nominal_drift_rate: 1e-8,
                 reference: GPS,
                 type: piecewise_linear,
                 syncs_reference_instrument: [['2016-09-10T00:00:00Z', '2016-09-10T00:00:00Z'],
                                              ['2017-01-12T00:00:00.415Z', '2017-01-12T00:00:01Z'],
                                              ['2017-07-13T11:25:00.6189Z', '2017-07-13T11:25:01Z']
         }”</Value> </Comment>

If there is assumed to be clock drift but some or all of values were not measured, each missing value should be represented by 'None'

Leap seconds

Structure is:

        - list_file_string: "3692217600      37      # 1 Jan 2017"
          type: '+'
    corrected_in_basic_miniseed: false
    corrected_in_syncs_instrument: true

values is an array/list, to allow for more than one leap-second during a deployment.

list_file_string should be directly copied from leap-seconds.list, which is available online at several sites, including The user should verify that the "File expires on" date is later than the last instrument channel's end-date.

type indicates whether the second number in the list_file_string is greater than the previous line's value ("+") or less than the previous line's value ("-"). As of June 2024, all leap seconds have been type "+"

corrected_in_basic_miniseed indicates whether the "NOT CLOCK CORRECTED" miniSEED data (if any) correctly integrates the leap second. For most OBS deployments, this value should be false as dataloggers without GPS don't (yet?) have a way to integrate leap seconds.

corrected_in_syncs_instrument: indicates whether the instrument sync times have been corrected for the leap second(s). They should generally be, but in some cases (many sync times and/or more than one leap second) this may be best left to an algorithm that inputs these values than to a human operator.

[REC {6/6}] Embed this information in the StationXML file as a JSON-coded string in a <Comment> field with subjet="Clock Correction". In the future, a seperate namespace may be created to allow a more specific and structured representation

Below is an example of the above structure in a <Comment> field (with whitespaces added for clarity):

<Comment subject=”Clock Correction”>
<Value>{leapseconds: {values: [{list_file_string: '3692217600      37      # 1 Jan 2017,' type: '+'}],   
                       corrected_in_syncs_instrument: true,
                       corrected_in_basic_miniseed: true}</Value>

Deployments in lakes

[STD {6/6}] Set the <WaterLevel> to the elevation of the lake surface


[REC {6/6}] Use the plusError, minusError and measurementMethod attributes to specify uncertainties in Latitude, Longitude and Elevation and how you measured them.

Orientation information

[STD {6/6}] Set the following <Azimuth> and <Dip> values for the following source/subsource codes:

code <Dip unit="DEGREES>xxx</Dip>1 <Azimuth unit="DEGREES" xxx> yyy</Azimuth> Comment
1 0.0 minusError="180.0" plusError="180.0" 0.0
2 0.0 minusError="180.0" plusError="180.0" 90.0
3 90.0 0.0 For positive voltage for DOWNWARD motion
N 0.0 0.0 Azimuth must be within 5° OF 0°
E 0.0 90.0 Aziumth must be within 5° OF 90°
Z -90.0 0.0 Dip must be within 5° of -90
DH, DG, DO 90.0 0.0 if value DECREASES for a pressure increase2
DH, DG, DO -90.0 0.0 if value INCREASES for a pressure increase2

Data completeness

[REC {6/6}] Use Station <StartDate> and <EndDate> to specify when the data was supposed to start and end, and Channel <StartDate> and <EndDate> to specify when it actually starts and ends for each channel. Need to discuss what should be used for startdate and enddate

Standard values that marine seismologists may not know:

[FDSN] Within each <Channel>, set <Type>CONTINUOUS</Type> and <Type>GEOPHYSICAL</Type>

Data (miniSEED)

Clock drift correction

Three main possibilities for distributing data are proposed:

  1. "NOT CLOCK CORRECTED": No time correction applied.
    • May be preferred by users of long-period data (>10s) because it can be easier to concatenate daily files.
  2. [HIGHLY RECOMMENDED {6/6}] "CLOCK CORRECTED": Indicate the time correction in each record header and apply it.
    • Allows the user to work with time-corrected but otherwise unmodified data
  3. "RESAMPLED": Resample the data at the originally intended rate.
    • "Best of both worlds": data are time-corrected and easy to concatenate/combine with other data
    • Could distort waveforms/spectra (needs to be studied)

Distinguishing data of each type

    • [REC {6/6}] data quality flag "Q"
    • [ALTERNATIVE {2/6}] location code between 00 and 49
    • [ALTERNATIVE {1/6}] letter in location code? (for miniSEED3?)
    • [REC {6/6}] data quality flag "D"
    • [ALTERNATIVE {2/6}] location code between 50 and 99
    • [ALTERNATIVE {1/6}] letter in location code?
    • Different channel code (to be specified)

Creating data of each type

    • **[REC {/}] Do nothing to headers.
    • [REC {5/6}] Put time correction in record header field 16 and set field 12 bit 1 to 0.
    • [REC {/}] Do not correct leap seconds (too complicated processing for "NOT CLOCK CORRECTED" data]
    • [REC {6/6}] Calculate a new time drift for each record
    • [STD {6/6}] Indicate time correction applied in record header field 16 (“Time Correction” and set field 12, bit 1 (“Activity flag, time correction applied”) to 1.
    • If there is no measure of clock drift:
      • Provide data as "D". set bit 7 of data quality flag ("time tag is questionable") to 1. Add blockette 500, field 10 ("Clock status") indicating that there is an unmeasured drift (for example: "Unmeasured clock drift on Seascan MCXO, expected order = 1e-8")
    • Not yet determined

There is a new msmod option in development that should take care of creating CLOCK CORRECTED* data, using either a linear or cubic spline interpolation.

Leap seconds

[STD {6/6}] Leap seconds should be corrected in CLOCK CORRECTED data and the record containing the leap second should be flagged.

[STD {6/6}] If the leap second is positive (the most common case: 61 seconds in the minute):

  • Shift all record times AFTER the leap second back one second.
  • Set activity flag bit 4 to 1 in the header of the record containing the leap second.
  • Change end_sync_instrument to be one second earlier than what the instrument indicated

An example of changing the data using msmod, for a positive leap-second at 23:59:60 on day 182, 2016:

msmod --timeshift -1 -ts 2016,182,23:59:59.999999'
msmod –-actflags ‘4,1’ –tsc 2016,182,23:59:59.999999 –tec 2016,182,23:59:59.999999

[STD {6/6}] If the leap second is negative (59 seconds in the minute):

  • Shift all record times AFTER the leap second forward one second.
  • Set activity flag bit 5 to 1 in the header of the record containing the leap second.
  • Change end_sync_instrument to be one second later than what the instrument indicated

Proposed modifications to existing standards

Allow sampling rate to be specified as double precision2.

This is the only way to accurately represent OBS clock rates, which are regular but off of the specified sampling rate by a factor of approximately 1e-8 (MCXOs) or 1e-9.5 (CSACs), requiring 27- or 32-bit floating-point mantissas, respectively, to be correctly specified. Single precision floats only have 23-bit mantissas, double precision floats have 52-bit mantissas.

More data quality flags, with clear hierarchy

In miniSEED2

Data quality flags are the only clear way to distinguish between levels of data processing, but the choices are too limited. Additional data qualities that cannot currently be specified are: Data directly translated from another format , or data for which the header values have been changed, but not the data itself. A possible hierarchy would be (new in italics):

  • “D” : The state of quality control of the data is Indeterminate
  • “T”: Translated Raw Waveform Data from another initial format
  • “R”: Raw Waveform Data with no Quality Control (reserved for SEEDlink)
  • “H”: Quality controlled Data, processes have been applied only to the headers
  • “Q”: Quality controlled Data, some processes have been applied to the data (does this mean time-series values)?
  • “C”: Quality controlled Data, No processes applied to time-series or header
  • “M”: Data center modified, time-series values have not been changed

In miniSEED3

In the miniSEED3 header, the Data publication version replaces the data quality flags (can still have flags in “Extra Header Fields” (field 14). This offers a clear hierarchy, but not a way to specify that one wants uncorrected or corrected data (recommended RAW=1 could be used for uncorrected data). Could this be put in field 14: extra header fields? In any case, would have to be searchable using web tools


  1. StationXML/Seed Dip is degrees down from horizontal. SAC "CMPINC" is StationXML Dip+90 degrees (Component incident angle (degrees from upward vertical)

  2. The pressure sensor dip gives the same polarity as the seismometer/geophone for UPGOING waves. Dip = -90 means that the first break will have the same polarity as a "Z" channel 2 3