diff --git a/gaiax/gaiaXClient.go b/gaiax/gaiaXClient.go index 2120f29..e5076d1 100644 --- a/gaiax/gaiaXClient.go +++ b/gaiax/gaiaXClient.go @@ -36,16 +36,21 @@ func NewGaiaXHttpClient() (client GaiaXClient, err error) { func (ghc GaiaXHttpClient) IsTrustedParticipant(registryEndpoint string, did string) (trusted bool) { + logging.Log().Debug("Verify participant at gaia-x registry.") + // 1. get jwk from did didDocument, err := ghc.resolveIssuer(did) if err != nil { + logging.Log().Warnf("Was not able to resolve the issuer. E: %v", err) return false } + logging.Log().Debug("Got did document.") // 2. verify at the registry for _, verficationMethod := range didDocument.DIDDocument.VerificationMethod { if verficationMethod.ID == did { + logging.Log().Debug("Verify the issuer.") return ghc.verifiyIssuer(registryEndpoint, verficationMethod) } }