diff --git a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
index 9260db903fc..66e434cb3b4 100644
--- a/Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
+++ b/Resources/Locale/en-US/ghost/roles/ghost-role-component.ftl
@@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ ghost-role-information-xeno-rules = You are a xeno.
                                     Your objective is to cooperate with your fellow xenos and kill all the crew.
                                     Strike fast, make them fear the shadows.
+ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-name = Xeno Subject
+ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-description = You are a friendly xeno, co-operate with the crew and protect the station!
+ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-rules = You are a friendly xeno.
+                                    Your objective is to cooperate with any sophonts and not bring harm to the crew. 
+                                    Do your best to be helpful and don't give anyone a reason to fear you.
 ghost-role-information-revenant-name = Revenant
 ghost-role-information-revenant-description = You are a Revenant. Use your powers to harvest souls and unleash chaos upon the crew. Unlock new abilities with the essence you harvest.
 ghost-role-information-revenant-rules = You are an antagonist, harvest, defile, and drive the crew insane.
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Body/Prototypes/Friendshaped.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Body/Prototypes/Friendshaped.yml
index ac2919e5aa6..0ab85a03433 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Body/Prototypes/Friendshaped.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Body/Prototypes/Friendshaped.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
       - hands
       - legs
+      organs:
+        lungs: OrganAnimalLungs
+        stomach: OrganFriendStomach
+        liver: OrganAnimalLiver
+        heart: OrganAnimalHeart
+        kidneys: OrganAnimalKidneys
       part: HandsAnimal
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/xenopet.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/xenopet.yml
index 0fa1d1f15e3..6a5fb97e14e 100644
--- a/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/xenopet.yml
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/Entities/Mobs/NPCs/xenopet.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
     energy: 1
     color: "#B85E5E"
   - type: MovementAlwaysTouching
+  - type: GhostRole
+    name: ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-name
+    description: ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-description
+    rules: ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-rules
   - type: GhostTakeoverAvailable
   - type: LanguageKnowledge
@@ -33,6 +37,11 @@
     radius: 2
     energy: 1
     color: "#62B85E"
+  - type: GhostRole
+    name: ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-name
+    description: ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-description
+    rules: ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-rules
+  - type: GhostTakeoverAvailable
   - type: LanguageKnowledge
     - Xeno
@@ -53,6 +62,11 @@
     radius: 2
     energy: 1
     color: "#8B5EB8"
+  - type: GhostRole
+    name: ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-name
+    description: ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-description
+    rules: ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-rules
+  - type: GhostTakeoverAvailable
   - type: LanguageKnowledge
     - Xeno
@@ -73,6 +87,11 @@
     radius: 2
     energy: 1
     color: "#E3954D"
+  - type: GhostRole
+    name: ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-name
+    description: ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-description
+    rules: ghost-role-information-friendlyxeno-rules
+  - type: GhostTakeoverAvailable
   - type: LanguageKnowledge
     - Xeno
@@ -122,7 +141,6 @@
     sprite: Mobs/Aliens/Xenos/rouny.rsi
     scale: 0.7, 0.7
   - type: GhostRole
-    makeSentient: true
   - type: GhostTakeoverAvailable
   - type: Inventory
     templateId: friendxeno
diff --git a/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/body/Organs/Friendstomach.yml b/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/body/Organs/Friendstomach.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a20bbbe75bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Prototypes/Floof/body/Organs/Friendstomach.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+- type: entity
+  id: OrganFriendStomach
+  parent: OrganAnimalStomach
+  noSpawn: true
+  components:
+  - type: Stomach
+  - type: SolutionContainerManager
+    solutions:
+      stomach:
+        maxVol: 100
+      food:
+        maxVol: 50
+        reagents:
+        - ReagentId: UncookedAnimalProteins
+          Quantity: 5
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Aliens/Xenos/rouny.rsi/crit.png b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Aliens/Xenos/rouny.rsi/crit.png
index 5e16a9f7a1c..72f56385f58 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Aliens/Xenos/rouny.rsi/crit.png and b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Aliens/Xenos/rouny.rsi/crit.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Aliens/Xenos/rouny.rsi/dead.png b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Aliens/Xenos/rouny.rsi/dead.png
index 4806064b2d3..8e846432812 100644
Binary files a/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Aliens/Xenos/rouny.rsi/dead.png and b/Resources/Textures/Mobs/Aliens/Xenos/rouny.rsi/dead.png differ