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A# Language Reference

This is a document describing the variant of the A# language used by the zishzingers compiler.


  • stackalloc(BYTE_AMOUNT)
    • This allocates a set amount of bytes in the function's "stack" and returns the pointer of the space

Differences from Aidan's compiler

  • Decimal integer literals greater than an s32 (but which can fit into a u32) do not get automatically bitcasted from u32 -> s32. You must use a hex literal.
  • if statements can only accept bools, not s32s. This means you should do val != 0.
  • Integer/float literal types are compile time only, you cannot use an integer or float literal to define the type of a variable. eg let var = 1; will not compile, you must do let var: s32 = 1; or let var = (s32)1;. This allows more advanced compile time math semantics. This also forces you to be a bit more verbose in your types, which is a plus for readability.
  • Properties have completely changed syntax, they use the C# style syntax now.
  • Forward declarations have been added, this is how the standard library works in zishzingers.
  • Enums are now C# style, not JavaScript style, eg member = 0 instead of member: 0

Expression grammar

expression          → assignment ;
assignment          → logical_or "=" assignment
                    | logical_or ;
logical_or          → logical_and ( "||" logical_and )* ;
logical_and         → equality ( "&&" equality ) ;
equality            → comparison ( ( "!=" | "==" ) comparison )* ;
comparison          → cast ( ( ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" ) cast )* ;
cast                → bitwise ( "as" TYPE_NAME )* ;
bitwise             → term ( ( "&" | "^" | "|" ) term )* ;
term                → factor ( ( "-" | "+" ) factor )* ;
factor              → unary ( ( "/" | "*" ) unary )* ;
unary               → ( "!" | "-" ) unary
                    | array_init ;
array_init          → "new" TYPE_NAME "[" expression "]"
                    | dot ;
dot                 → array_access ( "." ( FIELD | function_call | "*" ) )* ;
array_access        → primary ( "[" expression "]" )* ;
primary             → "true" | "false" | "null"
                    | "(" expression ")"
                    | INTEGER_LITERAL
                    | FLOAT_LITERAL
                    | TYPE_NAME
                    | vec2_construction
                    | vec3_construction
                    | vec4_construction
                    | function_call 
                    | guid_literal
                    | hash_literal
                    | wide_string_literal
                    | string_literal
                    | VARIABLE_ACCESS ;
hash_literal        → hSHA1HASH ;
guid_literal        → gNUMBER ;
vec2_construction   → "float2(" expression "," expression ")" ;
vec3_construction   → "float3(" expression "," expression "," expression ")" ;
vec4_construction   → "float4("
                      expression "," 
                      expression "," 
                      expression "," 
                      expression ")" ;
function_call       → FUNCTION_NAME "(" 
                      | ( expression "," )+ expression
                      ")" ;
wide_string_literal → "L" string_literal ;
string_literal      → "'" STRING "'" ;