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Releases: FirstPersonKSP/FreeIva

v0.2.15.2 - Bug fixes

15 May 20:13
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Supported Mods:


  • ModuleManager is required.
  • B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts.
  • Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts.
  • RasterPropMonitor and ASET Consolidated Props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports.
  • CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives.

Bug Fixes Etc.

  • Fixed MM syntax error in b9aerospace passthrough patches
  • Fixed shell collider in Planetside MMSEV
  • Fixed stationhub RPM configuration so that wall labels can work again
  • Added physical prop support for the MAS version of ASET beverage props
  • Converted cargo bags in mk2 cockpit to physical props
  • Prevent grabbing props from flight camera (IVA Overlay)
  • Clicking hatch buckle buttons from flight camera (IVA Overlay) now works as expected
  • Hatches with hideDoorWhenOpen (most docking ports) now also hide their connected hatch like they used to, so that hatches without animations don't get in the way
  • Fixed cutout mesh on NF_HTCH_EVA_BASIC
  • Fixed chair configuration in mk3expansion's mk3inline cockpit
  • Split BDB content into a separate download

Known Issues

  • Windows in distant parts do not render correctly
  • Centrifuge internals are always visible when JSI Advanced Transparent Pods is installed

v0.2.15.1 - Animated Hatches!

03 May 21:50
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Supported Mods:


  • ModuleManager is required.
  • B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts.
  • Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts.
  • RasterPropMonitor and ASET Consolidated Props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports.
  • CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives.

Notable Changes

  • Animated hatch support. All stock and near future props hatches are now animated. Remember you can click the handle to open it!

Bug Fixes Etc.

  • Fix some passthrough issues in Near Future Construction and KNES
  • Coffee mug in ProbeControlRoom is now interactable
  • Use landed gravity threshold in centrifuges
  • Fixed a bug that could prevent opening hatches in centrifuges
  • Fixed window depth masks on stock parts
  • Fixed NRE spew when going EVA when ThroughTheEyes isn't installed
  • Fixed softlock when going EVA from inline docking ports

Known Issues

  • Windows in distant parts do not render correctly
  • Centrifuge internals are always visible when JSI Advanced Transparent Pods is installed - NearFutureConstruction, ColdWarAerospace, TundraExploration

24 Apr 18:26
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  • ModuleManager is required.
  • B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts.
  • Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts.
  • RasterPropMonitor and ASET Consolidated Props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports.
  • CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives.

Notable Changes

Bug Fixes Etc.

  • Fix hatch cutouts on scaled hatches (introduced in
  • Fix missing FreeIva modules on FelineUtilityRover, and the collider on the docking bay
  • Fix Kerbal Planetary Base System hatches when RPM is installed

Known Issues

  • Windows in distant parts do not render correctly
  • Centrifuge internals are always visible when JSI Advanced Transparent Pods is installed - Physical Props! OPT!

20 Apr 01:17
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  • ModuleManager is required.
  • B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts.
  • Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts.
  • RasterPropMonitor and ASET Consolidated Props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports.
  • CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives.

Notable Changes

  • New physical prop system: alt-left-click to grab or throw a prop. Left-click to use the prop (if appropriate). The ALCOR pod is a great testbed for this. Near Future Spacecraft, Stockalike Station Parts Expanded, Habtech2, and Planetside are also good spaces to explore.
  • Added OPT support

Bug Fixes Etc.

  • Fixed a fatal bug when a camera collider transform is not found (B9 + RPM)
  • Added passthrough variant to 1.8m and 2.5m monoprop tanks (requires B9PartSwitch)

Known Issues

  • Windows in distant parts do not render correctly
  • Centrifuge internals are always visible when JSI Advanced Transparent Pods is installed

08 Apr 16:18
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  • ModuleManager is required.
  • B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts.
  • Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts.
  • RasterPropMonitor and ASET Consolidated Props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports.
  • CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives.

Notable Changes

Bug Fixes Etc.

  • Disable autopassthrough system when SimpleFuelSwitch is installed
  • Fixed several textures in BDB internals

Known Issues

  • Windows in distant parts do not render correctly
  • Centrifuge internals are always visible when JSI Advanced Transparent Pods is installed

v0.2.11.1 - Localization, Knes, BDB

01 Apr 12:51
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  • ModuleManager is required.
  • B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts.
  • Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts.
  • RasterPropMonitor and ASET Consolidated Props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports.
  • CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives.

Notable Changes

  • Added support for KNES
  • Added preliminary support for Bluedog Design Bureau. Note this must be installed manually on top of your BDB install, replacing any files as necessary. Eventually this will be included in BDB itself (but probably not anytime soon).
  • Added support for Mk3 Mini Expansion
  • Added support for Starilex's mk1pod Needle IVA
  • Added support for SABS IVAs
  • Added support for ReStockPlus
  • Added localization support (thanks to @tinygrox !) And thanks to all the translators! If you'd like to translate FreeIva into your language, please get in touch on discord.

Bug Fixes Etc.

  • Fixed m2x Angler seat config
  • Added a bunch of missing textures
  • Adjusted the restriction for unbuckling to support probe cores/ProbeControlRoom
  • Fixed some visual issues with habtech docking ports
  • Changed top hatch configuration for Artemis Construction Kit Orion pod: the docking port should now be attached to the parachute cover (should now work with the included craft file)
  • Added passthrough support to Near Future Spacecraft's orbital engine
  • Added EVA support to structural tubes. The 1.25m structural fuselage no longer has an IVA but supports passthrough and EVA.
  • Fixed some bugs where other internals would disappear on vessel changed events or switching kerbals
  • Fixed planetside adapter part preventing opening hatches on the other side
  • Added support for old mk2landerCan internals
  • Prevent double-clicking on camera colliders when unbuckled
  • Increased the acceleration threshold for orienting to the horizon when not landed
  • Fixed SOCK middeck ceiling collider

Known Issues

  • Windows in distant parts do not render correctly
  • Centrifuge internals are always visible when JSI Advanced Transparent Pods is installed

v0.2.11.0 - Localization, Knes, BDB

29 Mar 16:25
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  • ModuleManager is required.
  • B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts.
  • Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts.
  • RasterPropMonitor and ASET Consolidated Props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports.
  • CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives.

Notable Changes

  • Added support for KNES
  • Added preliminary support for Bluedog Design Bureau. Note this must be installed manually on top of your BDB install, replacing any files as necessary. Eventually this will be included in BDB itself.
  • Added support for Mk3 Mini Expansion
  • Added support for Starilex's mk1pod Needle IVA
  • Added support for SABS IVAs
  • Added support for ReStockPlus
  • Added localization support (thanks to @tinygrox !) And thanks to all the translators! If you'd like to translate FreeIva into your language, please get in touch on discord.

Bug Fixes Etc.

  • Fixed m2x Angler seat config
  • Added a bunch of missing textures
  • Adjusted the restriction for unbuckling to support probe cores/ProbeControlRoom
  • Fixed some visual issues with habtech docking ports
  • Changed top hatch configuration for Artemis Construction Kit Orion pod: the docking port should now be attached to the parachute cover (should now work with the included craft file)
  • Added passthrough support to Near Future Spacecraft's orbital engine
  • Added EVA support to structural tubes. The 1.25m structural fuselage no longer has an IVA but you can EVA through it.
  • Fixed some bugs where other internals would disappear on vessel changed events or switching kerbals
  • Fixed planetside adapter part preventing opening hatches on the other side
  • Added support for old mk2landerCan internals
  • Prevent double-clicking on camera colliders when unbuckled
  • Increased the acceleration threshold for orienting to the horizon when not landed

Known Issues

  • Windows in distant parts do not render correctly
  • Centrifuge internals are always visible when JSI Advanced Transparent Pods is installed

v0.2.10.3 - Even more bug fixes

10 Mar 18:06
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  • ModuleManager is required.
  • B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts.
  • Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts.
  • RasterPropMonitor and ASET Consolidated Props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports.
  • CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives.

Notable Changes

  • The KV2Pod and KV3Pod from Making History now have their external hatch moved to match where the internal hatch is located. This may break certain craft designs if that location is occupied. You can delete GameData/FreeIva/SquadExpansion/PartCfgs/KVPod_Airlocks.cfg to restore the default airlock location.
  • Unbuckling in non-supported parts is no longer allowed (underlying code changes made this more difficult). As always, if you'd like to see FreeIva support for your favorite IVA mods, let me know on the forum or discord.

Bug Fixes Etc.

  • Fixed dockingPortSr showing up in external view
  • Fixed more issues with kerbal portraits in conjunction with ProbeControlRoom
  • Fixed broken centrifuge movement
  • Fixed a bunch of issues with Tantares

Known Issues

  • Windows in distant parts do not render correctly

v0.2.10.2 - Bug fixes

06 Mar 01:27
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  • ModuleManager is required.
  • B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts.
  • Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts.
  • RasterPropMonitor and ASET Consolidated Props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports.
  • CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives.

Notable Changes

  • All 3rd-party mod patches are now marked as :FOR[FreeIva] so that if another mod wishes to assume ownership of their FreeIva configs, they should use :BEFORE[FreeIva]

Bug Fixes Etc.

  • Fixed a function signature change that broke KerbalVR in
  • Fixed flags becoming transparent in ProbeControlRoom

Known Issues

  • Windows in distant parts do not render correctly

v0.2.10.1 - Tantares, Feline Utility Rover

05 Mar 14:20
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  • ModuleManager is required.
  • B9PartSwitch is recommended for passable variants of some of the stock parts.
  • Reviva is recommended for even more passable variants of some stock and modded parts.
  • RasterPropMonitor and ASET Consolidated Props are recommended for the stock inline docking ports.
  • CommunityCategoryKit is recommended to see all FreeIVA-supported parts at once. You can also type "freeiva" into the stock search box, but may get some false positives.

Notable Changes

Bug Fixes Etc.

  • Fixed shadow casters in HabTech2 parts
  • HabTechProps and NearFutureProps hatches are now compatible with KerbalVR
  • Fixed depth mask on Planetside MMSEV
  • Added a ladder collider to NearFutureProps cargo nets
  • Added ASET wall labels to the stock station hub. Now you can label your hatches!
  • Fix border mesh on FLA10 adapter part rendering in the wrong location
  • KOSPropMonitor now locks out keys properly
  • Pressing M while unbuckled no longer breaks the cameras

Known Issues

  • Windows in distant parts do not render correctly