Introduced type-checking tools, such as TypeScript, Zod, and Valibot, to enhance project stability.
Shared technical knowledge with the team at least once a year.
Reduced the e-commerce team's CI/CD time by ~50% and image size by ~50% using multi-stage builds.
Collaborated with the game team to develop a webview in vanilla from scratch in less than 15 days.
Created various tools using Userscript, Google App Script, and Codepen to improve efficiency for QA, PM, and UI teams, with half of these tools becoming their essential daily productivity tools.
Developed a web extension in one month, preserving over 90% of e-commerce team revenue at risk due to the termination of a third-party service.
It use crontab to crawl target resource and store it into sqlite, and provide CLI to access sqlite. Implement self-designed migration flow for learning.
Utilized crontab to crawl target resources and store them into SQLite, and provide CLI to access SQLite. Implemented self-designed migration flow for learning.