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Clawpack examples

Donna Calhoun edited this page Aug 2, 2017 · 7 revisions

There are over 20 Clawpack examples illustrating how to use ForestClaw for scalar advection on both Cartesian and mapped grids (including disks and spheres), transport equations, Euler equations, shallow water wave equations, Burgers equation and acoustics. To see the list of available examples, see the directory forestclaw/applications.

Once you have built ForestClaw, you will need to be sure the you can locate the executables from within the applications directories. To find the executables, set the following environment variable

$ export FCLAW_BIN=$FCLAW/forestclaw-build/local/bin

To run the scalar advection example swirl serial, navigate to the application directory and run the example

$ cd $FCLAW/forestclaw/applications/clawpack/advection/2d/swirl
$ $FCLAW_BIN/swirl

To run the swirl example in parallel, do the following

$ cd $FCLAW/forestclaw/applications/clawpack/advection/2d/swirl
$ mpirun -n 4 $FCLAW_BIN/swirl

These commands will run the swirl example, using the default options in the fclaw_options.ini file.