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Releases: FormidableLabs/redux-little-router

Bug Busting 5: This Time It's Personal

18 Sep 02:56
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Fix undefined previous router state (#70)

Live Free or Bug Hard

18 Sep 02:53
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Fix duplicate reducer call #66

Nested Fragments and Nested Routes!

11 Sep 06:46
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(#59) Nested route definitions and nested route support! See the section on fragments in the new docs:
(#57) Add a basic client-side demo!

Tiny Breaking Change!

Reverted #49 to support multiple children in Fragments again. Sorry about that!

A Little Bit of Polish

30 Aug 17:57
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Automatically connect() in RouterProvider to subscribe to state updates (#46)
Add explicit onClick handler prop (#50)
Properly handle defaultPrevented attribute on the <Link> click event (#51)


Return unwrapped children from Fragment. (#49)

Bug Busting 3: The Threequel

26 Aug 23:07
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Ensure <Fragment> returns null if it can't match any routes (#43)

  • Throw when routes are empty or malformed (#45)

New <RouterProvider> Component

15 Aug 06:19
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You can now use the plain component<RouterProvider> instead of the provideRouter HoC.


 import React from 'react';
 import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
 import { RouterProvider } from 'redux-little-router';
 import YourAppComponent from './';

 import createYourStore from './state';

   <RouterProvider store={createYourStore()}>
     <YourComponent />

Bug Busting 2: Electric Boogaloo

12 Aug 03:26
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Bug Busting

12 Aug 03:25
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09 Aug 21:46
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We've banished all the boilerplate we could to arrive at a user-friendly, stable API! Goodbye, churn!


  • Fixed a nasty bug where ignored route precedence and would mistake concrete routes for parameters (e.g. would display for routes like /:wantsparams). Coincidentally, <Fragment> now has full test coverage! 😆


  • New, more robust test suite with greater coverage!

Breaking changes

  • Removed the middleware! We now wrap dispatch in the store enhancer.
  • The store enhancer now handles initial location state when passed a pathname and/or a query object! Consequently, we renamed initialStateForSSR to initialRouterState and made it private.
  • The library now provides a default history instance and removes the need to provide a custom instance to both the store enhancer and the provider.
  • The enhancer now accepts:
    • a basename option in the enhancer.
    • a forServerRender flag to determine which history instance to use internally (memory or browser).

Major improvements

14 Jul 17:14
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  • <Link> now respects modifier keys!
  • <Link> now accepts either a string or an object like so:
  pathname: '/yo/this/is/a/url',
  query: {
    some: 'stuff'
  • <Link> comes in two flavors now: <Link> (old behavior) and <PersistentQueryLink> (persists the previous query string unless the href prop provides one). Since you'll probably just use one or the other, this is a nice pattern:
import { PersistentQueryLink as Link } from 'redux-little-router';
  • Query string support is fixed across the board!
  • Added a util that sets up initial state on a server-side render. This correctly sets up query strings on the initial location dispatch.
  • The history listener now lives in the store enhancer. The middleware no longer lives in the enhancer and must be used separately due to middleware order issues.
  • The store enhancer's reducer enhancer (enhance!!!) now supports redux-loop.
  • The current route info now lives at the top of the router state tree like it always should've (no more router.current). You can still access the previous route on router.previous.
  • New Fragment component that shows or hides children based on active routes (and even conditions of those active routes).
  • New provideRouter adds the router context to a top-level component. This means that <Link> no longer requires you to pass in dispatch and history (THANK GOD).