diff --git a/aasportal.mdx b/aasportal.mdx
index 132b88ec..6ffa30a9 100644
--- a/aasportal.mdx
+++ b/aasportal.mdx
@@ -1,5840 +1,5353 @@
- Requirement Model
- requirementModel
- 1
- Use Case Model
- usecaseModel
- 2
- Analysis Model
- analysisModel
- 3
- Design Model
- designModel
- 4
- Implementation Model
- implementationModel
- 5
- Deployment Model
- deploymentModel
- 6
- Main
- 1
- Main
- 1
- Main
- 1
- aasportal
- 1
- aas-server
- workspace
- main
- 1
- {"bounds": "487,157,107,70","model": "lUNC+bF3k0CvtsFIiXav0g","name": "aas-server","render": [{"bounds": "487,157,107,70","path": "shapes/package.png","preserveRatio": "true","sliceMargin": "35,15,3,20","type": "Image"},{"bounds": "492,186,97,16","text": "<<workspace>>","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "510,202,61,16","text": "aas-server","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLPackageView"}
- 449,101,107,70
- common
- workspace
- 3
- {"bounds": "297,337,107,70","model": "09ZDFMDrFUyf7OuCrLmopQ","name": "common","render": [{"bounds": "297,337,107,70","path": "shapes/package.png","preserveRatio": "true","sliceMargin": "35,15,3,20","type": "Image"},{"bounds": "302,366,97,16","text": "<<workspace>>","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "326,382,49,16","text": "common","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLPackageView"}
- 259,281,107,70
- session-use-cases
- register new user
- 1
- {"bounds": "761,212,143,63","model": "DdObMY0LiEGg9I7B7sPwdQ","name": "register new user","render": [{"bounds": "783,262,99,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "register new user","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "783,212,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 761,212,143,63
- login
- 2
- {"bounds": "271,112,80,63","model": "M7dYKbSchUCEGE8AuF0fFw","name": "login","render": [{"bounds": "298,162,27,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "login","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "271,116,80,37","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 271,112,80,63
- logout
- 3
- {"bounds": "371,201,80,63","model": "QMF5KkzEg0mS7miR8nBWNw","name": "logout","render": [{"bounds": "393,251,36,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "logout","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "371,205,80,37","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 371,201,80,63
- update user profile
- 4
- {"bounds": "291,302,155,63","model": "JgBbS2UjyUaKQk38U0BNEw","name": "update user profile","render": [{"bounds": "315,352,107,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "update user profile","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "319,302,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 291,302,155,63
- reset password
- 5
- {"bounds": "405,422,124,63","model": "pGD8+2SnkEuhaK0mkqxwQA","name": "reset password","render": [{"bounds": "424,472,87,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "reset password","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "417,422,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 405,422,124,63
- {"model": "xj+ji/nryE2ZkJDv/6JEXg","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "441,422,393,364,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "393,355,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-396","type": "EdgeEnd"},{"bounds": "440,390,66,13","text": "<<extend>>","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLExtendView"}
- 441,422,393,364,
- true
- false
- 387,397,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- 440,390,66,13
- 17
- -38,41
- <<extend>>
- 132
- <<extend>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- start-use-cases
- guest
- {"bounds": "78,213,46,108","model": "zgwrPpEJokWqIfVxkTPTJA","name": "guest","render": [{"bounds": "85,308,32,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "guest","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "80,213,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 78,213,46,108
- select AAS workspace
- 1
- {"bounds": "311,102,179,63","model": "EaqDS7t/ZkKZJrIytAecKg","name": "select AAS workspace","render": [{"bounds": "339,152,124,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "select AAS workspace","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "351,102,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 311,102,179,63
- {"model": "vhkL4v28QU6/jfm+UEWrMw","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,256,330,164,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "330,155,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "660","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 123,256,330,164,
- true
- false
- 203,190,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 168,177,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- system
- 1
- {"bounds": "926,292,57,108","model": "uuP9Ld4epE2kxnEypWRjqw","name": "system","render": [{"bounds": "934,387,42,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "system","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "933,292,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 926,292,57,108
- display available AAS workspaces
- 2
- {"bounds": "494,369,275,63","model": "pXHJ0E8Mm0ihm9ChxE2uhw","name": "display available AAS workspaces","render": [{"bounds": "537,419,190,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "display available AAS workspaces","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "582,369,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 494,369,275,63
- {"model": "yZ36x/0iGkqQwmOkCVOjew","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "926,350,768,377,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "768,368,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-996","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 926,350,768,377,
- true
- false
- 832,373,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 805,388,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- filter AAS collection
- 3
- {"bounds": "291,212,162,63","model": "DdxpordBCUadHgIiC8bfiw","name": "filter AAS collection","render": [{"bounds": "317,262,110,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "filter AAS collection","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "322,212,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 291,212,162,63
- {"model": "swNLVSNKDUi+arKWAyUZ1w","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,264,291,250,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "291,241,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "852","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 123,264,291,250,
- true
- false
- 188,236,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 158,221,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- sort AAS collection
- 4
- {"bounds": "279,314,154,63","model": "gF8hNfqTE0+tnIiYevmzjw","name": "sort AAS collection","render": [{"bounds": "303,364,106,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "sort AAS collection","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "306,314,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 279,314,154,63
- {"model": "0Srgpff+YkOmLs0tKM+AMQ","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,273,279,321,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "279,312,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-2528","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 123,273,279,321,
- true
- false
- 187,277,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 163,262,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- open AAS
- 5
- {"bounds": "291,412,96,99","model": "tOGbG7+tyEytf9xSF7q+qQ","name": "open AAS","render": [{"bounds": "312,498,54,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "open AAS","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "291,430,96,44","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 291,412,96,99
- {"model": "kmR3l0u9vE+2Vecw5AvgCw","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,285,291,423,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "291,414,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-2305","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 123,285,291,423,
- true
- false
- 199,336,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 179,325,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- display AAS collection of selected workspace
- 6
- {"bounds": "471,235,365,63","model": "aolN93DVKUukGbJvNGeAIg","name": "display AAS collection of selected workspace","render": [{"bounds": "528,285,252,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "display AAS collection of selected workspace","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "604,235,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 471,235,365,63
- {"model": "NlmI/WGUbkidNxKN+w7cJw","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "926,338,771,297,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "771,288,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-751","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 926,338,771,297,
- true
- false
- 827,327,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 794,341,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- {"model": "IQdHY/lZKkmktdThU0r7GQ","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "594,235,459,164,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "459,155,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-622","type": "EdgeEnd"},{"bounds": "480,221,66,13","text": "<<extend>>","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLExtendView"}
- 594,235,459,164,
- true
- false
- 502,207,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- 480,221,66,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- <<extend>>
- 132
- <<extend>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- aas-use-cases
- 14
- {"bounds": "78,129,46,108","model": "zgwrPpEJokWqIfVxkTPTJA","name": "guest","render": [{"bounds": "85,224,32,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "guest","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "80,129,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 78,129,46,108
- users
- 4
- {"bounds": "308,166,105,70","model": "3rlR8jf5MEm3e8UUHSd2vQ","name": "users","render": [{"bounds": "308,166,105,70","path": "shapes/package.png","preserveRatio": "true","sliceMargin": "35,15,3,20","type": "Image"},{"bounds": "348,204,26,13","text": "users","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLPackageView"}
- 308,166,105,70
- editor
- 2
- {"bounds": "58,201,124,108","model": "+DszC4J/o0KpLHMfXSIcYA","name": "editor","render": [{"bounds": "103,296,34,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "editor","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "99,201,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 58,201,124,108
- {"bounds": "528,190,46,108","model": "zgwrPpEJokWqIfVxkTPTJA","name": "guest","render": [{"bounds": "535,285,32,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "guest","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "530,190,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 528,190,46,108
- users
- 5
- {"bounds": "88,79,46,108","model": "zgwrPpEJokWqIfVxkTPTJA","name": "guest","render": [{"bounds": "95,174,32,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "guest","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "90,79,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 88,79,46,108
- {"bounds": "478,69,57,108","model": "uuP9Ld4epE2kxnEypWRjqw","name": "system","render": [{"bounds": "486,164,42,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "system","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "485,69,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 478,69,57,108
- {"bounds": "209,186,124,108","model": "+DszC4J/o0KpLHMfXSIcYA","name": "editor","render": [{"bounds": "254,281,34,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "editor","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "250,186,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 209,186,124,108
- {"model": "sXSaypz3t0qtFwsAkLOhsQ","name": "","render": [{"lineWidth": "0","points": "209,198,133,147,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "133,135,17,24","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow_triangle.svg","rotate": "-561","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLGeneralizationView"}
- 209,198,133,147,
- true
- false
- 145,179,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 107,192,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- {"model": "XfqaGlS1vkC7cLHXlv7l7Q","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "573,243,761,243,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "761,234,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "900","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 573,243,761,243,
- true
- false
- 649,222,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 620,207,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- {"model": "RsAgw3llyki9/MEvSZ1wWQ","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "181,218,271,166,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "271,157,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "599","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 181,218,271,166,
- true
- false
- 200,173,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 164,160,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- {"model": "EYyk3cC17kSZ+wVn1GI5dg","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "181,249,371,235,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "371,226,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "857","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 181,249,371,235,
- true
- false
- 257,221,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 227,206,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- {"model": "M2SEBHf540y7cz8kTrXlNg","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "181,274,291,309,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "291,300,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-2523","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 181,274,291,309,
- true
- false
- 223,272,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 198,257,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- display AAS document
- 13
- {"bounds": "721,213,181,63","model": "YpsseLqn1k+Wm2au4XUHtQ","name": "display AAS document","render": [{"bounds": "749,263,126,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "display AAS document","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "762,213,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 721,213,181,63
- {"bounds": "978,191,57,108","model": "uuP9Ld4epE2kxnEypWRjqw","name": "system","render": [{"bounds": "986,286,42,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "system","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "985,191,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 978,191,57,108
- {"model": "tsKS5euIUEuAW83hLtFAnA","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "978,244,901,244,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "901,235,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-900","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 978,244,901,244,
- true
- false
- 922,253,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 893,268,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- browse AAS document
- 12
- {"bounds": "291,53,183,63","model": "t9RwiPtbu0iHErjDUGZ6QQ","name": "browse AAS document","render": [{"bounds": "319,103,127,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "browse AAS document","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "333,53,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 291,53,183,63
- {"model": "DgjGDeSz+EuGTetwPCNChA","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,174,293,115,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "293,106,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "708","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 123,174,293,115,
- true
- false
- 185,125,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 151,111,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- add properties to dashbord
- 11
- {"bounds": "337,141,253,63","model": "p+A/XqKhQE+sOWMonEqwOw","name": "add properties to dashbord","render": [{"bounds": "387,191,154,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "add properties to dashbord","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "414,141,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 337,141,253,63
- monitor properties here
- 10
- {"bounds": "230,226,195,63","model": "jctBX3v/h0mwPBSmIu1a9A","name": "monitor properties here","render": [{"bounds": "260,276,136,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "monitor properties here","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "278,226,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 230,226,195,63
- {"model": "dEb7jQxw+0WQ6sxxf0jVPQ","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,181,337,175,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "337,166,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "883","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 123,181,337,175,
- true
- false
- 212,157,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 182,142,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- {"model": "jIvXhNvND02wDoORWSbp8g","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,190,233,226,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "233,217,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-2518","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 123,190,233,226,
- true
- false
- 165,188,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 140,173,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- switch to online
- 9
- switch to offline
- 8
- navigate to dashboard
- 7
- About
- 2
- dashboard-use-cases
- about-use-cases
- 3
- common
- 10
- {"bounds": "108,286,105,70","model": "h88sdLXLCEqfOx76khYx5g","name": "common","render": [{"bounds": "108,286,105,70","path": "shapes/package.png","preserveRatio": "true","sliceMargin": "35,15,3,20","type": "Image"},{"bounds": "141,324,39,13","text": "common","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLPackageView"}
- 108,286,105,70
- aas-portal
- 11
- {"bounds": "108,166,105,70","model": "EbGjZANjqkG09IY0dom9fg","name": "aas-portal","render": [{"bounds": "108,166,105,70","path": "shapes/package.png","preserveRatio": "true","sliceMargin": "35,15,3,20","type": "Image"},{"bounds": "136,204,49,13","text": "aas-portal","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLPackageView"}
- 108,166,105,70
- common-use-cases
- 5
- {"model": "/ZYAdPxlm023Y8SVls1Btg","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "160,235,160,286,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "160,277,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-1800","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 160,235,160,286,
- true
- false
- 157,255,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 143,255,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- get 3rd-party libraries
- 2
- {"bounds": "252,259,242,63","model": "IvSl7JRuUUqLFHz+HvjjDQ","name": "get 3rd-party libraries","render": [{"bounds": "310,309,126,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "get 3rd-party libraries","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "323,259,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 252,259,242,63
- get AASServer messages
- 1
- {"bounds": "371,156,172,63","model": "lqY8aVKmw0y8fbPhvmf2FA","name": "get AASServer messages","render": [{"bounds": "386,206,143,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "get AASServer messages","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "407,156,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 371,156,172,63
- {"bounds": "228,260,46,108","model": "zgwrPpEJokWqIfVxkTPTJA","name": "guest","render": [{"bounds": "235,355,32,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "guest","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "230,260,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 228,260,46,108
- admin
- 6
- {"bounds": "88,313,54,108","model": "WPMuxGNrUkS0AauS7eN3NA","name": "admin","render": [{"bounds": "98,408,35,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "admin","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "94,313,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 88,313,54,108
- {"model": "Hc2Q1KH6uEWs43I6EuL1Mg","name": "","render": [{"lineWidth": "0","points": "141,344,209,289,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "209,277,17,24","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow_triangle.svg","rotate": "510","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLGeneralizationView"}
- 141,344,209,289,
- true
- false
- 148,299,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 109,288,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- open data element
- 6
- {"bounds": "190,322,174,63","model": "UHvIgpVgUkyB7ypdWLTrrg","name": "open data element","render": [{"bounds": "224,372,107,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "open data element","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "227,322,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 190,322,174,63
- view image
- 5
- {"bounds": "553,322,93,63","model": "pGPG77AQmEW1E7uPDxtNEg","name": "view image","render": [{"bounds": "568,372,64,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "view image","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "553,323,93,43","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 553,322,93,63
- open URL
- 4
- {"bounds": "140,452,80,63","model": "qXen9hrFQEOK5799DD3YWw","name": "open URL","render": [{"bounds": "154,502,53,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "open URL","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "140,456,80,37","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 140,452,80,63
- open known
- 3
- true
- false
- 176,246,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 158,236,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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- 553,353,363,353,
- true
- false
- 440,362,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- 441,329,66,13
- 17
- -16,18
- <<extend>>
- 132
- <<extend>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- {"model": "rpGf+n7+S0mBR0a1Dbx50Q","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "202,452,253,384,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "253,375,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "368","type": "EdgeEnd"},{"bounds": "186,428,66,13","text": "<<extend>>","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLExtendView"}
- 202,452,253,384,
- true
- false
- 198,403,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- 186,428,66,13
- 17
- -18,2
- <<extend>>
- 132
- <<extend>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- play video
- 2
- {"bounds": "314,492,83,63","model": "/1cxOYtCSUGDxKgr0nVt2g","name": "play video","render": [{"bounds": "327,542,58,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "play video","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "314,495,83,38","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 314,492,83,63
- open AAS document
- 1
- {"bounds": "393,396,164,63","model": "MvB9Ida8kE21GDxeZNdFZQ","name": "open AAS document","render": [{"bounds": "418,446,114,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "open AAS document","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "425,396,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 393,396,164,63
- {"model": "O7JyRlGrh02mpWycvJeXfQ","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "393,397,358,384,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "358,375,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-696","type": "EdgeEnd"},{"bounds": "333,413,66,13","text": "<<extend>>","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLExtendView"}
- 393,397,358,384,
- true
- false
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- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- 333,413,66,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- <<extend>>
- 132
- <<extend>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- {"model": "qjQnPHuW4UWCoV5f4abh9g","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "341,492,290,384,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "290,375,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-252","type": "EdgeEnd"},{"bounds": "256,445,66,13","text": "<<extend>>","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLExtendView"}
- 341,492,290,384,
- true
- false
- 284,438,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- 256,445,66,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- <<extend>>
- 132
- <<extend>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- call operation
- {"bounds": "44,372,112,63","model": "6UMlGnudj0C0JC9cz2hZ0Q","name": "call operation","render": [{"bounds": "62,422,77,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "call operation","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "50,372,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 44,372,112,63
- {"model": "xhRlO81BV0mlJlqvcgC58g","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "155,387,190,377,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "190,368,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "740","type": "EdgeEnd"},{"bounds": "132,347,66,13","text": "<<extend>>","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLExtendView"}
- 155,387,190,377,
- true
- false
- 151,362,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- 132,347,66,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- <<extend>>
- 132
- <<extend>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- add endpoint
- 7
- {"bounds": "347,560,107,63","model": "a9Xx8lx1VEyxAuc3AB5k4g","name": "add endpoint","render": [{"bounds": "364,610,74,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "add endpoint","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "351,560,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 347,560,107,63
- {"bounds": "39,590,124,108","model": "+DszC4J/o0KpLHMfXSIcYA","name": "editor","render": [{"bounds": "84,685,34,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "editor","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "80,590,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 39,590,124,108
- {"model": "sXSaypz3t0qtFwsAkLOhsQ","name": "","render": [{"lineWidth": "0","points": "100,590,100,320,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "100,308,17,24","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow_triangle.svg","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLGeneralizationView"}
- 100,590,100,320,
- true
- false
- 67,449,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 23,449,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- {"model": "o4MEbd/5VU68f32aU/UtBw","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "162,632,347,600,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "347,591,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "801","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 162,632,347,600,
- true
- false
- 234,595,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 203,580,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- remove endpoint
- 8
- {"bounds": "368,662,138,63","model": "6IPU7oC1F0ul56NigwREgA","name": "remove endpoint","render": [{"bounds": "389,712,97,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "remove endpoint","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "387,662,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 368,662,138,63
- {"model": "Ht/HtcpSBkyppA8SmDoEIw","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "162,652,368,683,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "368,674,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-2614","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 162,652,368,683,
- true
- false
- 249,647,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 222,632,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- reset
- 9
- {"bounds": "291,732,80,60","model": "cldJaiRWoEahN5GwO6J4zA","name": "reset","render": [{"bounds": "316,779,30,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "reset","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "291,734,80,37","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
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- {"model": "MEnWOSJJNUOZGpngw4H3tA","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "162,675,291,741,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "291,732,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-2429","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 162,675,291,741,
- true
- false
- 216,689,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 194,675,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- PC, Tablet, Phone
- browser
- 2
- {"border-color": "91,155,213,255","fill-color": "151,188,228,255","font-color": "0,0,0,255","gradient": false,"shadow": false}
- {"bounds": "291,66,166,80","model": "YU49xadxiUm+XA2jmjG0IA","name": "PC, Tablet, Phone","render": [{"bounds": "291,66,166,80","path": "shapes/node.png","preserveRatio": "true","sliceMargin": "28,22,29,22","type": "Image"},{"bounds": "330,92,83,16","text": "<<browser>>","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "316,108,112,16","fontStyle": "2","text": "PC, Tablet, Phone","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLNodeView"}
- 291,66,166,80
- aas-web-app
- service
- 5
- {"fill-color": "255,255,255,255"}
- {"bounds": "291,227,166,80","model": "99kwFUgB7EqpO13lxMSpzg","name": "aas-web-app","render": [{"bounds": "291,227,166,80","path": "shapes/node.png","preserveRatio": "true","sliceMargin": "28,22,29,22","type": "Image"},{"bounds": "334,253,76,16","text": "<<service>>","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "329,269,86,16","fontStyle": "2","text": "aas-web-app","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLNodeView"}
- 291,227,166,80
- aas-server
- node.js
- 6
- {"bounds": "78,135,46,105","model": "zgwrPpEJokWqIfVxkTPTJA","name": "guest","render": [{"bounds": "85,227,32,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "guest","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "80,135,40,88","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
- 78,135,46,105
- {"model": "ZUfSsTFDOU+ruYt46/xhpg","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,187,371,187,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "371,178,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "900","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 123,187,371,187,
- true
- false
- 229,166,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 200,151,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- {"model": "jY1Mcx3+3k+Vi1pU8Qucfw","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,196,290,259,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "290,250,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-2493","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 123,196,290,259,
- true
- false
- 194,208,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 171,194,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- get application info
- {"bounds": "311,62,124,60","model": "Ka/ii5ztp02RE0EffeU7dg","name": "get application info","render": [{"bounds": "319,109,108,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "get application info","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "326,62,92,43","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
- 311,62,124,60
- {"model": "UsCUMK7GKkynX6ovjVJUow","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,179,311,113,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "311,104,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "706","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 123,179,311,113,
- true
- false
- 194,126,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 160,112,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- {"model": "93MvxkRzIU6GeEx9uBKmyA","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "503,226,386,337,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "386,328,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-1334","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
- 503,226,386,337,
- true
- false
- 437,287,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 419,298,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- common
- 5
- {"model": "M8ySx8TZlk6RyQIVYtyXCg","name": "","render": [{"lineWidth": "0","points": "373,145,373,227,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "354,157,8,16","text": "*","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "358,196,7,16","text": "1","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLAssociationView"}
- 373,145,373,227,
- true
- false
- 370,180,36,13
- 17
- 0,-15
- 132
- {name}
- true
- true
- uml.onEditAssociationName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 356,180,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- fromNameView
- true
- false
- 359,179,59,13
- 16
- 40,-15
- 132
- {fromName}
- true
- true
- fromMultiView
- true
- 354,157,8,16
- 16
- 20,15
- *
- 132
- {fromMultiplicity}
- true
- true
- toNameView
- true
- false
- 365,181,47,13
- 18
- 40,15
- 132
- {toName}
- true
- true
- toMultiView
- true
- 358,196,7,16
- 18
- 23,-12
- 1
- 132
- {toMultiplicity}
- true
- true
- true
- false
- 366,146,15,11
- 21
- true
- false
- false
- true
- true
- false
- 0,0,15,11
- 5
- 0
- true
- {fromQualifiers}
- uml.updateAttribute(view, model)
- uml.onEditAttribute(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 366,216,15,11
- 22
- true
- false
- false
- true
- true
- false
- 0,0,15,11
- 5
- 0
- true
- {toQualifiers}
- uml.updateAttribute(view, model)
- uml.onEditAttribute(view, model, text)
- OPC UA server
- 7
- {"border-color": "255,192,0,255","fill-color": "255,213,129,255","font-color": "0,0,0,255","gradient": false,"shadow": false}
- {"bounds": "427,616,129,75","model": "ZKBFgxgQOkiFwoGB3etLag","name": "OPC UA server","render": [{"bounds": "427,616,129,75","path": "shapes/node.png","preserveRatio": "true","sliceMargin": "28,22,29,22","type": "Image"},{"bounds": "442,647,94,16","fontStyle": "2","text": "OPC UA server","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLNodeView"}
- 427,616,129,75
- file-system
- 10
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- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- monitor AAS
- 6
- add AAS Registry
- 7
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- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- remove AAS Registry
- 9
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- 6
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- 17
- 0,-30
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- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- handle AAS
- 6
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- get system info
- 6
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- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- aasportal-users
- MongoDB
- 10
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- uml.updateAttribute(view, model)
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- uml.updateAttribute(view, model)
- uml.onEditAttribute(view, model, text)
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- true
- false
- 449,319,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
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- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- fromNameView
- true
- false
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- 16
- 40,-15
- 132
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- true
- true
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- true
- false
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- 16
- 20,15
- 132
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- true
- true
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- true
- false
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- 18
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- 132
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- true
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- 1
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- true
- true
- false
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- 21
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- false
- true
- true
- false
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- 5
- 0
- true
- {fromQualifiers}
- uml.updateAttribute(view, model)
- uml.onEditAttribute(view, model, text)
- true
- false
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- 22
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- false
- true
- true
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- 5
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- true
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- uml.updateAttribute(view, model)
- uml.onEditAttribute(view, model, text)
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- 132
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- true
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- 17
- 0,-30
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- 132
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- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- MongoDB
- 23
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- true
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- true
- 215,188,73,16
- 17
- 0,-19
- <<deploy>>
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- aas-portal
- browser app
- 23
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- 7
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- true
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- 0,-30
- 132
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- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- start-use-cases
- 8
- Start
- 9
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- 9
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- Dashboard
- 10
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- About
- 11
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- 458,46,105,70
- upload AASX file
- 3
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- 321,252,107,60
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- true
- true
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- true
- false
- 194,316,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- filter AAS collection
- 4
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- 410,147,128,71
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- true
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- 17
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- 132
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- true
- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 240,146,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
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- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- delete AAS from container
- 5
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- 132
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- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
- 338,367,95,13
- 17
- 0,-30
- 132
- <<{stereotype}>>
- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- aas-lib
- workspace
- 5
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- 0,-30
- 132
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- 0,-30
- 132
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- true
- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- aas-lib
- 13
- aasportal
- package
- 6
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- Package1
- 4
- aasportal
- docker image
- 20
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- Main
- aas-portal
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- 1
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- 5
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- 2
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- Bootstrap 5
- 4
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- 132
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- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
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- 132
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- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
- false
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- true
- uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
- true
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- 17
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- 132
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- true
- uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
- Main
- 1
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- extend
- *
- l
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- 1
- *
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- 1
- 1
- 1
- *
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- *
- 1
- 1
- 1
- *
- *
- 1
- 1
- *
- *
- *
- 1
- *
- *
- *
- 1
- 1
- 1
- deploy
- deploy
- deploy
- deploy
- deploy
- + content
- 0...1
- 1
- deploy
- *
- 1
- deploy
- deploy
+ Requirement Model
+ requirementModel
+ 1
+ Use Case Model
+ usecaseModel
+ 2
+ Analysis Model
+ analysisModel
+ 3
+ Design Model
+ designModel
+ 4
+ Implementation Model
+ implementationModel
+ 5
+ Deployment Model
+ deploymentModel
+ 6
+ Main
+ 1
+ Main
+ 1
+ Main
+ 1
+ aasportal
+ 1
+ aas-server
+ workspace
+ main
+ 1
+ {"bounds": "487,157,107,70","model": "lUNC+bF3k0CvtsFIiXav0g","name": "aas-server","render": [{"bounds": "487,157,107,70","path": "shapes/package.png","preserveRatio": "true","sliceMargin": "35,15,3,20","type": "Image"},{"bounds": "499,189,83,13","text": "<<workspace>>","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "515,202,52,13","text": "aas-server","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLPackageView"}
+ 449,101,107,70
+ common
+ workspace
+ 3
+ {"bounds": "297,337,107,70","model": "09ZDFMDrFUyf7OuCrLmopQ","name": "common","render": [{"bounds": "297,337,107,70","path": "shapes/package.png","preserveRatio": "true","sliceMargin": "35,15,3,20","type": "Image"},{"bounds": "309,369,83,13","text": "<<workspace>>","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "331,382,39,13","text": "common","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLPackageView"}
+ 259,281,107,70
+ session-use-cases
+ register new user
+ 1
+ {"bounds": "761,212,143,63","model": "DdObMY0LiEGg9I7B7sPwdQ","name": "register new user","render": [{"bounds": "783,262,99,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "register new user","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "783,212,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 761,212,143,63
+ login
+ 2
+ {"bounds": "271,112,80,63","model": "M7dYKbSchUCEGE8AuF0fFw","name": "login","render": [{"bounds": "298,162,27,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "login","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "271,116,80,37","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 271,112,80,63
+ logout
+ 3
+ {"bounds": "371,201,80,63","model": "QMF5KkzEg0mS7miR8nBWNw","name": "logout","render": [{"bounds": "393,251,36,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "logout","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "371,205,80,37","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 371,201,80,63
+ update user profile
+ 4
+ {"bounds": "291,302,155,63","model": "JgBbS2UjyUaKQk38U0BNEw","name": "update user profile","render": [{"bounds": "315,352,107,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "update user profile","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "319,302,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 291,302,155,63
+ reset password
+ 5
+ {"bounds": "405,422,124,63","model": "pGD8+2SnkEuhaK0mkqxwQA","name": "reset password","render": [{"bounds": "424,472,87,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "reset password","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "417,422,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 405,422,124,63
+ {"model": "xj+ji/nryE2ZkJDv/6JEXg","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "441,422,393,364,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "393,355,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-396","type": "EdgeEnd"},{"bounds": "440,390,66,13","text": "<<extend>>","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLExtendView"}
+ 441,422,393,364,
+ true
+ false
+ 387,397,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ 440,390,66,13
+ 17
+ -38,41
+ <<extend>>
+ 132
+ <<extend>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ start-use-cases
+ guest
+ {"bounds": "78,213,46,108","model": "zgwrPpEJokWqIfVxkTPTJA","name": "guest","render": [{"bounds": "85,308,32,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "guest","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "80,213,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
+ 78,213,46,108
+ select AAS workspace
+ 1
+ {"bounds": "311,102,179,63","model": "EaqDS7t/ZkKZJrIytAecKg","name": "select AAS workspace","render": [{"bounds": "339,152,124,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "select AAS workspace","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "351,102,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 311,102,179,63
+ {"model": "vhkL4v28QU6/jfm+UEWrMw","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,256,330,164,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "330,155,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "660","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
+ 123,256,330,164,
+ true
+ false
+ 203,190,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 168,177,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ system
+ 1
+ {"bounds": "926,292,57,108","model": "uuP9Ld4epE2kxnEypWRjqw","name": "system","render": [{"bounds": "934,387,42,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "system","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "933,292,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
+ 926,292,57,108
+ display available AAS workspaces
+ 2
+ {"bounds": "494,369,275,63","model": "pXHJ0E8Mm0ihm9ChxE2uhw","name": "display available AAS workspaces","render": [{"bounds": "537,419,190,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "display available AAS workspaces","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "582,369,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 494,369,275,63
+ {"model": "yZ36x/0iGkqQwmOkCVOjew","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "926,350,768,377,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "768,368,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-996","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
+ 926,350,768,377,
+ true
+ false
+ 832,373,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 805,388,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ filter AAS collection
+ 3
+ {"bounds": "291,212,162,63","model": "DdxpordBCUadHgIiC8bfiw","name": "filter AAS collection","render": [{"bounds": "317,262,110,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "filter AAS collection","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "322,212,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 291,212,162,63
+ {"model": "swNLVSNKDUi+arKWAyUZ1w","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,264,291,250,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "291,241,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "852","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
+ 123,264,291,250,
+ true
+ false
+ 188,236,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 158,221,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ sort AAS collection
+ 4
+ {"bounds": "279,314,154,63","model": "gF8hNfqTE0+tnIiYevmzjw","name": "sort AAS collection","render": [{"bounds": "303,364,106,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "sort AAS collection","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "306,314,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 279,314,154,63
+ {"model": "0Srgpff+YkOmLs0tKM+AMQ","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,273,279,321,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "279,312,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-2528","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
+ 123,273,279,321,
+ true
+ false
+ 187,277,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 163,262,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ open AAS
+ 5
+ {"bounds": "291,412,96,99","model": "tOGbG7+tyEytf9xSF7q+qQ","name": "open AAS","render": [{"bounds": "312,498,54,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "open AAS","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "291,430,96,44","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 291,412,96,99
+ {"model": "kmR3l0u9vE+2Vecw5AvgCw","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,285,291,423,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "291,414,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-2305","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
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+ true
+ false
+ 199,336,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 179,325,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ display AAS collection of selected workspace
+ 6
+ {"bounds": "471,235,365,63","model": "aolN93DVKUukGbJvNGeAIg","name": "display AAS collection of selected workspace","render": [{"bounds": "528,285,252,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "display AAS collection of selected workspace","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "604,235,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 471,235,365,63
+ {"model": "NlmI/WGUbkidNxKN+w7cJw","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "926,338,771,297,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "771,288,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-751","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
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+ true
+ false
+ 827,327,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 794,341,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ true
+ false
+ 502,207,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ 480,221,66,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ <<extend>>
+ 132
+ <<extend>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ aas-use-cases
+ 14
+ {"bounds": "78,129,46,108","model": "zgwrPpEJokWqIfVxkTPTJA","name": "guest","render": [{"bounds": "85,224,32,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "guest","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "80,129,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
+ 78,129,46,108
+ users
+ 4
+ {"bounds": "308,166,105,70","model": "3rlR8jf5MEm3e8UUHSd2vQ","name": "users","render": [{"bounds": "308,166,105,70","path": "shapes/package.png","preserveRatio": "true","sliceMargin": "35,15,3,20","type": "Image"},{"bounds": "348,204,26,13","text": "users","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLPackageView"}
+ 308,166,105,70
+ editor
+ 2
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+ 528,190,46,108
+ users
+ 5
+ {"bounds": "88,79,46,108","model": "zgwrPpEJokWqIfVxkTPTJA","name": "guest","render": [{"bounds": "95,174,32,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "guest","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "90,79,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
+ 88,79,46,108
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+ 478,69,57,108
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+ true
+ false
+ 145,179,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 107,192,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ 573,243,761,243,
+ true
+ false
+ 649,222,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 620,207,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ true
+ false
+ 200,173,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 164,160,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ true
+ false
+ 257,221,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 227,206,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ true
+ false
+ 223,272,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 198,257,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ display AAS document
+ 13
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+ true
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+ 922,253,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 893,268,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ browse AAS document
+ 12
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+ 291,53,183,63
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+ 123,174,293,115,
+ true
+ false
+ 185,125,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 151,111,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ add properties to dashbord
+ 11
+ {"bounds": "337,141,253,63","model": "p+A/XqKhQE+sOWMonEqwOw","name": "add properties to dashbord","render": [{"bounds": "387,191,154,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "add properties to dashbord","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "414,141,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 337,141,253,63
+ monitor properties here
+ 10
+ {"bounds": "230,226,195,63","model": "jctBX3v/h0mwPBSmIu1a9A","name": "monitor properties here","render": [{"bounds": "260,276,136,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "monitor properties here","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "278,226,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 230,226,195,63
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+ 123,181,337,175,
+ true
+ false
+ 212,157,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 182,142,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ true
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+ 17
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+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 140,173,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ switch to online
+ 9
+ switch to offline
+ 8
+ navigate to dashboard
+ 7
+ About
+ 2
+ dashboard-use-cases
+ about-use-cases
+ 3
+ common
+ 10
+ {"bounds": "108,286,105,70","model": "h88sdLXLCEqfOx76khYx5g","name": "common","render": [{"bounds": "108,286,105,70","path": "shapes/package.png","preserveRatio": "true","sliceMargin": "35,15,3,20","type": "Image"},{"bounds": "141,324,39,13","text": "common","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLPackageView"}
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+ 108,166,105,70
+ common-use-cases
+ 5
+ {"model": "/ZYAdPxlm023Y8SVls1Btg","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "160,235,160,286,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "160,277,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-1800","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
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+ 132
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+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 143,255,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ get 3rd-party libraries
+ 2
+ {"bounds": "252,259,242,63","model": "IvSl7JRuUUqLFHz+HvjjDQ","name": "get 3rd-party libraries","render": [{"bounds": "310,309,126,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "get 3rd-party libraries","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "323,259,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 252,259,242,63
+ get AASServer messages
+ 1
+ {"bounds": "371,156,172,63","model": "lqY8aVKmw0y8fbPhvmf2FA","name": "get AASServer messages","render": [{"bounds": "386,206,143,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "get AASServer messages","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "407,156,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 371,156,172,63
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+ 228,260,46,108
+ admin
+ 6
+ {"bounds": "88,313,54,108","model": "WPMuxGNrUkS0AauS7eN3NA","name": "admin","render": [{"bounds": "98,408,35,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "admin","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "94,313,41,91","path": "shapes/actor.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLActorView"}
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+ {"model": "Hc2Q1KH6uEWs43I6EuL1Mg","name": "","render": [{"lineWidth": "0","points": "141,344,209,289,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "209,277,17,24","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow_triangle.svg","rotate": "510","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLGeneralizationView"}
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+ true
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+ 17
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+ 132
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+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 109,288,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ open data element
+ 6
+ {"bounds": "190,322,174,63","model": "UHvIgpVgUkyB7ypdWLTrrg","name": "open data element","render": [{"bounds": "224,372,107,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "open data element","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "227,322,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
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+ view image
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+ open URL
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+ 140,452,80,63
+ open known
+ 3
+ true
+ false
+ 176,246,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 158,236,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
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+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ 441,329,66,13
+ 17
+ -16,18
+ <<extend>>
+ 132
+ <<extend>>
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+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ {"model": "rpGf+n7+S0mBR0a1Dbx50Q","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "202,452,253,384,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "253,375,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "368","type": "EdgeEnd"},{"bounds": "186,428,66,13","text": "<<extend>>","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLExtendView"}
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+ true
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+ 17
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+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ 186,428,66,13
+ 17
+ -18,2
+ <<extend>>
+ 132
+ <<extend>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ play video
+ 2
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+ 314,492,83,63
+ open AAS document
+ 1
+ {"bounds": "393,396,164,63","model": "MvB9Ida8kE21GDxeZNdFZQ","name": "open AAS document","render": [{"bounds": "418,446,114,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "open AAS document","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "425,396,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 393,396,164,63
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+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ 333,413,66,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ <<extend>>
+ 132
+ <<extend>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ {"model": "qjQnPHuW4UWCoV5f4abh9g","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "341,492,290,384,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "290,375,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "-252","type": "EdgeEnd"},{"bounds": "256,445,66,13","text": "<<extend>>","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLExtendView"}
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+ true
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+ 284,438,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
+ {name}
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ 256,445,66,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ <<extend>>
+ 132
+ <<extend>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ call operation
+ {"bounds": "44,372,112,63","model": "6UMlGnudj0C0JC9cz2hZ0Q","name": "call operation","render": [{"bounds": "62,422,77,13","fontStyle": "2","text": "call operation","type": "Text"},{"bounds": "50,372,99,46","path": "shapes/usecase.png","preserveRatio": "true","type": "Image"}],"type": "UMLUseCaseView"}
+ 44,372,112,63
+ {"model": "xhRlO81BV0mlJlqvcgC58g","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "155,387,190,377,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "190,368,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "740","type": "EdgeEnd"},{"bounds": "132,347,66,13","text": "<<extend>>","type": "Text"}],"type": "UMLExtendView"}
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+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ 132,347,66,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ <<extend>>
+ 132
+ <<extend>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ add endpoint
+ 7
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+ true
+ false
+ 67,449,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 23,449,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 203,580,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ remove endpoint
+ 8
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+ 17
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 222,632,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ 9
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+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 194,675,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ PC, Tablet, Phone
+ browser
+ 2
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+ aas-web-app
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+ 5
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+ aas-server
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+ 6
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+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
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+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
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+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 171,194,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ get application info
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+ 311,62,124,60
+ {"model": "UsCUMK7GKkynX6ovjVJUow","name": "","render": [{"lineStyle": "2","lineWidth": "0","points": "123,179,311,113,","type": "Line"},{"bounds": "311,104,16,18","path": ":/images/dummy/arrow.svg","rotate": "706","type": "EdgeEnd"}],"type": "UMLDependencyView"}
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+ true
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+ 194,126,36,13
+ 17
+ 0,-15
+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 160,112,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
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+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ 17
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+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 419,298,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ common
+ 5
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+ true
+ uml.onEditAssociationName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 356,180,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ fromNameView
+ true
+ false
+ 359,179,59,13
+ 16
+ 40,-15
+ 132
+ {fromName}
+ true
+ true
+ fromMultiView
+ true
+ 355,159,6,13
+ 16
+ 20,15
+ *
+ 132
+ {fromMultiplicity}
+ true
+ true
+ toNameView
+ true
+ false
+ 365,181,47,13
+ 18
+ 40,15
+ 132
+ {toName}
+ true
+ true
+ toMultiView
+ true
+ 358,198,6,13
+ 18
+ 23,-12
+ 1
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+ true
+ true
+ false
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+ 21
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+ true
+ true
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+ 5
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+ uml.updateAttribute(view, model)
+ uml.onEditAttribute(view, model, text)
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+ 22
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+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ 0,0,15,11
+ 5
+ 0
+ true
+ {toQualifiers}
+ uml.updateAttribute(view, model)
+ uml.onEditAttribute(view, model, text)
+ start-use-cases
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditName(view, model, text)
+ true
+ false
+ 63,291,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
+ <<{stereotype}>>
+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ monitor AAS
+ 6
+ add AAS Registry
+ 7
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+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ remove AAS Registry
+ 9
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+ 211,160,95,13
+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ handle AAS
+ 6
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+ get system info
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+ 0,-30
+ 132
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+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ 3
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+ 17
+ 0,-30
+ 132
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+ true
+ true
+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
+ aasportal-users
+ MongoDB
+ 10
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+ 132
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+ 0,-30
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+ 132
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+ true
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+ uml.onEditStereotype(view, model, text)
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+ true
+ 219,190,64,13
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+ 0,-19
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+ 132
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+ true
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+ Start
+ 9
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+ 1
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+ deploy
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+ 1
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+ 1
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+ deploy
diff --git a/projects/aas-lib/src/lib/aas-tree/operation-call-form/operation-call-form.component.html b/projects/aas-lib/src/lib/aas-tree/operation-call-form/operation-call-form.component.html
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--- a/projects/aas-lib/src/lib/aas-tree/operation-call-form/operation-call-form.component.html
+++ b/projects/aas-lib/src/lib/aas-tree/operation-call-form/operation-call-form.component.html
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