- Empty the query when the user presses search (tricinel)
- Add check for proper function definition for doRemoveAll (tricinel)
- Change wording for filter removal button to Clear (tricinel)
- Added remove all (Matous)
- Fixed facetly modifying the facets and updating affects only used fields (Matous)
- Remove all can be passed as a function so it is shared with outside facetly (Matous)
- Fixed loading when option is a function and other various small fixes (Matous)
- Do not focus the box all the time (Matous)
- Improved performance for facets with large options (Matous)
- Added experimental search on select (Matous)
- Added reset-on-select option to typeahead (Matous)
- Improve handling of default filter (Matous)
- Always search after removing. Change to use the search function so go with DRY (Matous)
- Update applied filters upon filter set so that it picks up preselected filters (Matous)
- Improve handling of filter set up (Matous)
- Fix filter setting when facet is still loading (Matous)
- Fix minor jshint errors (tricinel)
- Improve typeahead suggestions to handle objects of type id, title (tricinel)
- Improve typeahead search for large lists (tricinel)
- Add track by to avoid Duplicates error (tricinel)
- Fix typeahead suggestions including facets with unresolved promises (tricinel)
- Add applied filters with data binding (tricinel)
- Fix some immutability errors (tricinel)
- Fix border-bottom for last suggestion in typeahead (tricinel)
- Add limit for long titles in typeahead (tricinel)
- Add support for promises as facet options (tricinel)
- Add validation to filters (tricinel)
- Add limit for how many options to display in the typeahead (tricinel)
- Fix bug where defaultFacet wasn't removed from the typeaheadSuggestions after searching (tricinel)
- Hide No items found message when there is a default facet and no filters are active (tricinel)
- Add tabindex to prevent tabstops on the remove anchor tag (tricinel)