This project is currently under development and is not yet ready for production use.
The Fuel Streams TypeScript SDK provides a simple and robust way to interact with a NATS server, enabling seamless integration of pub/sub patterns, message streaming, and typed data structures. This SDK extends the capabilities of NATS by supporting type-safe interactions and convenient utilities for developers.
- Typed Pub/Sub: Publish and subscribe to NATS subjects with strong typing support
- Wildcard Filtering: Consume messages from subjects with wildcards for flexible subscription patterns
- Stream Management: Efficiently handle streaming data with utilities like
- Ease of Use: Intuitive APIs for initializing clients and managing subjects
- Type Safety: Full TypeScript support with typed data structures
- Multiple Stream Types: Support for blocks, transactions, receipts, inputs, outputs, and logs
Install the SDK using npm, yarn, or pnpm:
npm install @fuels/streams
# or
yarn add @fuels/streams
# or
pnpm add @fuels/streams
Here are some examples to get you started with the Fuel Streams TypeScript SDK:
import { Client, ClientOpts } from '@fuels/streams';
async function main() {
const opts = new ClientOpts();
const client = await Client.connect(opts);
console.log('Connected to NATS');
import { Client, ClientOpts, BlocksSubject, BlockStream } from '@fuels/streams';
async function main() {
const opts = new ClientOpts();
const client = await Client.connect(opts);
const stream = await BlockStream.init(client);
const subscription = await stream.subscribe(BlocksSubject.all());
for await (const msg of subscription) {
console.log(`Received block message: ${msg.key}`);
await stream.flushAwait();
import { BlockStream, BlocksSubject, Client, ClientOpts } from '@fuels/streams';
async function main() {
const opts = new ClientOpts();
const client = await Client.connect(opts);
const stream = await BlockStream.init(client);
// Create a filtered subject for blocks at height 1000
const filteredSubject = new BlocksSubject().withHeight(1000);
const consumer = await stream.subscribeConsumer({
filterSubjects: [filteredSubject],
const iter = await consumer.consume({ max_messages: 10 });
for await (const msg of iter) {
console.log(`Received filtered block message: ${msg.subject}`);
await stream.flushAwait();
producer (String)
- The address of the producer that created the block
height (Number)
- The height of the block as unsigned 64 bit integer
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this transaction
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
tx_status (String)
- The status of the transaction (success, failure, or submitted)
kind (String)
- The type of transaction (create, mint, script)
input_type (String)
- The type of input (coin, contract, or message)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this input
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this input (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
input_index (Number)
- The index of this input within the transaction
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this coin input
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this coin input (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
input_index (Number)
- The index of this input within the transaction
owner (String)
- The address of the coin owner (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
asset (String)
- The asset ID of the coin (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this contract input
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this contract input (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
input_index (Number)
- The index of this input within the transaction
contract (String)
- The ID of the contract being called (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this message input
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this message input (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
input_index (Number)
- The index of this input within the transaction
sender (String)
- The address that sent the message (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
recipient (String)
- The address that will receive the message (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
output_type (String)
- The type of output (coin, contract, change, variable, or contract_created)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this output
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this output (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
output_index (Number)
- The index of this output within the transaction
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this coin output
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this coin output (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
output_index (Number)
- The index of this output within the transaction
to (String)
- The recipient address of the coin output (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
asset (String)
- The asset ID of the coin (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this contract output
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this contract output (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
output_index (Number)
- The index of this output within the transaction
contract (String)
- The ID of the contract (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this change output
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this change output (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
output_index (Number)
- The index of this output within the transaction
to (String)
- The recipient address of the change output (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
asset (String)
- The asset ID of the change output (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this variable output
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this variable output (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
output_index (Number)
- The index of this output within the transaction
to (String)
- The recipient address of the variable output (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
asset (String)
- The asset ID of the variable output (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this contract creation output
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this contract creation output (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
output_index (Number)
- The index of this output within the transaction
contract (String)
- The ID of the created contract (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
receipt_type (String)
- The type of receipt
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this call receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this call receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
from (String)
- The contract ID that initiated the call (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
to (String)
- The contract ID that was called (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
asset (String)
- The asset ID involved in the call (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this return receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this return receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
contract (String)
- The ID of the contract that returned (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this return data receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this return data receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
contract (String)
- The ID of the contract that returned data (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this panic receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this panic receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
contract (String)
- The ID of the contract that panicked (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this revert receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this revert receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
contract (String)
- The ID of the contract that reverted (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this log receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this log receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
contract (String)
- The ID of the contract that emitted the log (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this log data receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this log data receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
contract (String)
- The ID of the contract that emitted the log data (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this transfer receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this transfer receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
from (String)
- The contract ID that initiated the transfer (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
to (String)
- The contract ID that received the transfer (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
asset (String)
- The asset ID being transferred (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this transfer out receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this transfer out receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
from (String)
- The contract ID that initiated the transfer out (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
to_address (String)
- The address that received the transfer (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
asset (String)
- The asset ID being transferred (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this script result receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this script result receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this message out receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this message out receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
sender (String)
- The address that sent the message (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
recipient (String)
- The address that will receive the message (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this mint receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this mint receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
contract (String)
- The ID of the contract that performed the mint (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
sub_id (String)
- The sub identifier of the minted asset (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this burn receipt
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this burn receipt (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
receipt_index (Number)
- The index of this receipt within the transaction
contract (String)
- The ID of the contract that performed the burn (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
sub_id (String)
- The sub identifier of the burned asset (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
block_height (Number)
- The height of the block containing this UTXO
tx_id (String)
- The ID of the transaction containing this UTXO (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
tx_index (Number)
- The index of the transaction within the block
input_index (Number)
- The index of the input within the transaction
utxo_type (String)
- The type of UTXO (coin, message, or contract)
utxo_id (String)
- The unique identifier for this UTXO (32 byte string prefixed by 0x)
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For more information on contributing, please see our Contributing Guidelines.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.