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Known Issues & Fixes

Fyoncle edited this page Jan 24, 2025 · 11 revisions

1. Unintended Animated Eyes Glitch

If your skin's eyes appear broken (even though you didn’t intentionally enable face animations), it’s likely due to unintended pixels on the head part of your skin. Here's an example:

Unintended Animated Eyes Example

These black lines are incorrect. Ensure that all sides of the face (head and second layer) are 8x8 pixels.

2. Game Crashes

If your game crashes:

3. Weird Texts On Screen While Joining a Server

Weird Text Example

This happens when the server is using a different version of Elysium Days than your client. To fix this, ensure you’re using the same version as the server.

4. Floating Blocks & Pink Beds in Servers

This issue occurs if you try to join a vanilla server with a modded client without installing Fabric. Watch this video to properly set up a Fabric server.

5. Broken Fonts

Broken Fonts Example

Broken fonts are usually caused by insufficient allocated RAM. Elysium Days requires at least 5GB of RAM (6GB is recommended). If less than 5GB is allocated, the game won’t load assets properly.
Refer to this guide to learn how to allocate more RAM.

6. Nether Plains Biome Issue

If you see Plains biomes above Y 256 in the Nether, it means your world was created before ED 4.2.0, which introduced breaking changes.
To fix this:

  1. Update to the latest release of Elysium Days.
  2. Follow this video to delete your Nether files.
  3. Re-enter the portal to regenerate the Nether.