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Functionality from fda

Carlos Ramos Carreño edited this page Jun 21, 2018 · 28 revisions

We should provide the functionality offered by the R fda package. The following is the list of functionalities provided in the fda package, their implementation status and how are they implemented.


Function (fda) Status Function (Python) Missing
AmpPhaseDecomp Unimplemented
argvalsy.swap Unnecesary
arithmetic.basisfd Review Overload equality operator
arithmetic.fd Review Overload several operators
as.array3 Unnecesary
as.fd Partial FDataBasis constructor Construct from spline objects
as.POSIXct1970 Unnecesary
axisIntervals Unnecesary
basisfd.product Review Overload of multiplication OR new function
bifd Unimplemented FDataBasis constructor Support for multiple dimensions
bifdPar Unnecesary The functions should accept a list of parameters instead
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