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Functionality from fda

Carlos Ramos Carreño edited this page Jun 21, 2018 · 28 revisions

We should provide the functionality offered by the R fda package. The following is the list of functionalities provided in the fda package, their implementation status and how are they implemented.


Class (fda) Status Class (Python) Comments
fd Implemented FDataBasis
fdPar Unimplemented
fdSmooth Unimplemented
Lfd Unimplemented Currently we use a list of coefficients. A class could be better.
Taylor Unimplemented


Function (fda) Status Function (Python) Comments
AmpPhaseDecomp Unimplemented
argvalsy.swap Unnecessary
arithmetic.basisfd Review Overload equality operator
arithmetic.fd Review Overload several operators
as.array3 Unnecessary
as.fd Partial FDataBasis constructor Missing construct from spline objects
as.POSIXct1970 Unnecessary
axisIntervals Unnecessary
basisfd.product Review Overload of multiplication OR new function
bifd Unimplemented FDataBasis constructor Missing support for multiple dimensions
bifdPar Unnecessary The functions should accept a list of parameters instead
bsplinepen Implemented penalty method overwritten in BSpline class
bsplineS Implemented _compute_matrix method overwritten in BSpline class
CanadianWeather Unimplemented Part of a dataset API
cca.fd Unimplemented
center.fd Unimplemented
checkDim3 Unnecessary
checkLogical Unnecessary
checkLogicalInteger Unnecessary
checkNumeric Unnecessary
coef.fd Partial coefficients attribute of FDataBasis Missing for other classes
cor.fd Review Probably unnecessary since it is implemented by discretization
CRAN Unnecessary
create.basis Implemented Constructor of an object derived from Basis
create.bspline.basis Implemented Constructor of BSpline
create.constant.basis Unimplemented
create.exponential.basis Unimplemented
create.fourier.basis Implemented Constructor of Fourier
create.monomial.basis Implemented Constructor of Monomial
create.polygonal.basis Unimplemented
create.power.basis Unimplemented
CSTR Unimplemented Part of a dataset API
cycleplot.fd Unimplemented Part of a plotting API
Data2fd Implemented from_data factory method of class FDataBasis Review and replace strings with enums
dateAccessories Unnecessary
density.fd Unimplemented
deriv.fd Ongoing
df.residual.fRegress Unimplemented
df2lambda Unimplemented
dirs Unnecessary
Eigen Unnecessary
eigen.pda Unimplemented
eval.basis Implemented evaluate method of class Basis Missing linear operator support
eval.bifd Unnecessary
eval.fd Implemented evaluate method and __call__ operator of class FDataBasis
eval.monfd Unimplemented
eval.penalty Implemented penalty method in Basis class
eval.posfd Unimplemented
evaldiag.bifd Unnecessary
expon Unimplemented
exponentiate.fd Unimplemented
exponpen Unimplemented
fbplot Unimplemented Part of a plotting API
fd2list Unnecessary
fdaMatlabPath Unnecessary
fdlabels Unimplemented
file.copy2 Unnecessary
fourier Implemented _compute_matrix method overwritten in Fourier class
fourierpen Implemented penalty method overwritten in Fourier class
Fperm.fd Unimplemented
fRegress Unimplemented Part of a machine learning API
fRegress.CV Unimplemented
fRegress.stderr Unimplemented
Fstat.fd Unimplemented
gait Unimplemented Part of a dataset API
geigen Unnecessary
getbasismatrix Implemented evaluate method of class Basis
getbasispenalty Implemented penalty method in Basis class
getbasisrange Implemented domain_range attribute in Basis class
growth Unimplemented Part of a dataset API
handwrit Unimplemented Part of a dataset API
infantGrowth Unimplemented Part of a dataset API
inprod Review
inprod.bspline Review
int2Lfd Unimplemented
intensity.fd Unimplemented
is.basis Unnecessary
is.eqbasis Unnecessary
is.fd Unnecessary
is.fdPar Unnecessary
is.fdSmooth Unnecessary
is.Lfd Unnecessary
knots.fd Implemented knots attribute in BSpline class
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