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GridAPPS-D Platform Feeder Model Testing and Import

Copyright (c) 2017-2022, Battelle Memorial Institute

If there have been no changes to the CIM XML files in platform/cimxml, you may follow these import instructions.

If the source models have changed under platform/dss or platform/glm, please test them first as described next.

GridAPPS-D Model Testing

Feeder model translations for GridAPPS-D are now accomplished using CIMHub. Please be able to build CIMHub as described in the previous section, so that you can perform this model testing process as a developer.

After the models have been tested, check them in to platform/cimxml, from which they can be imported into GridAPPS-D.


Verify that the Blazegraph namespace is kb and use that for the rest of these examples

  • You can use a different namespace, but you'll have to specify that using the -u option for the CIMImporter, handediting the default -u=http://localhost:8889/bigdata/namespace/kb/sparql
  • You can use a different namespace, but you may have to hand-edit some of the Python files (e.g. under the Meas directory)
  • The GridAPPS-D platform itself may use a different namespace
  • Please pip3 install cimhub --upgrade. (Earlier versions used a local copy of the Python utilities, with a CIMHUB_UTILS environtment variable point to it. This has been removed.)

This process assumes you have the CIMHub, Powergrid-Models and OpenDSS repositories cloned under ~/src. CIMHub needs to have been built from that repository using mvn clean install.

If you don't have the OpenDSS repository, the following steps may be used to clone just the examples used in GridAPPS-D.

cd ~/src
mkdir OpenDSS
cd OpenDSS
svn checkout --depth immediates .
svn update --set-depth infinity Test
svn update --set-depth infinity Distrib/EPRITestCircuits
svn update --set-depth infinity Distrib/IEEETestCases


The CIM namespace, Blazegraph URL and local paths are now configured in two files. Please check their contents, adjusting as needed, before going further.

Bash scripts include, which defines:

  • DB_URL is the Blazegraph URL, including namespace. Should match blazegraph_url in cimhubconfig.json
  • SRC_PATH is the fully qualified path to the platform scripts
  • CIMHUB_PATH is the relative path to CIMHub code (you must have cloned this repository)
  • CIMHUB_PROG is the Java program name for CIMHub

Python scripts configure CIMHub from cimhubconfig.json, which defines:

  • blazegraph_url is the Blazegraph URL, including namespace. Should match DB_URL in
  • cim_ns is the CIM namespace (not the Blazegraph namespace)

Batch Testing Process

If there have not been any changes to the CIM XML, you may skip ahead to the Preparation for Batch Import.

To test all 11 feeder models at once, before importing into the platform:

  1. Change to the platform directory
  2. Start Blazegraph using either:
    • if using Docker:
      • invoke docker restart blazegraph
      • invoke python3 docker
    • if using the Jar file:
      • from the Jar directory, invoke ./ &
      • invoke python3
  3. Issue ./

If any errors occur, you might need the Step-by-step Testing Process to localize the problem. (Note: the IEEE 37-bus feeder will not solve in GridLAB-D; this is a known issue.)

Step-by-step Testing Process

The following steps are used to ingest these models, and verify that exports from CIM will solve in both GridLAB-D and OpenDSS. GridLAB-D and OpenDSSCmd must have already been installed.

  1. All steps are performed from the platform directory.
  2. Start the Blazegraph engine; existing contents will be removed in the steps below.
  3. Issue ./ to create the CIM XML files and baseline OpenDSS power flow solutions.
    • Feeder Models will be in the cimxml subdirectory
      • rootname.xml is the CIM XML file
      • rootname_uuids.dat is a file used to persist CIM mRIDs
    • Baseline Results will be in the test subdirectory
      • rootname_s.csv contains exported snapshot loadflow summary
      • rootname_i.csv contains exported branch currents
      • rootname_v.csv contains exported bus voltages
      • rootname_t.csv contains exported regulator tap positions
  4. Issue python3 -m cimhub.MakeLoopScript -b to create the script for step 5
    • optionally specify the non-default source path: python3 -m cimhub.MakeLoopScript -b /home/tom/src/Powergrid-Models/platform/
  5. Issue ./ to:
    • Empty and create a new test directory
    • Sequentially ingest the CIM XML files into Blazegraph, and export both OpenDSS and GridLAB-D models
    • This step may take a few minutes. When finished, all of the GridLAB-D and OpenDSS models will be in both subdirectory
    • When finished, only the last CIM XML will still be in Blazegraph. This should be deleted before doing any more work in Blazegraph, to ensure compatible namespaces.
  6. Issue python3 -m cimhub.MakeLoopScript -d to make a sequential solution script for OpenDSS.
    • optionally specify the non-default source path and Blazegraph URL: python3 -m cimhub.MakeLoopScript -d /home/tom/src/Powergrid-Models/platform/
  7. Issue opendsscmd check.dss to run OpenDSS power flows on the exported models.
    • Results will be in the test/dss subdirectory
      • rootname_s.csv contains exported snapshot loadflow summary
      • rootname_i.csv contains exported branch currents
      • rootname_v.csv contains exported bus voltages
      • rootname_t.csv contains exported regulator tap positions
  8. Issue python3 -m cimhub.MakeGlmTestScript to create the GridLAB-D wrapper files, *run.glm and a script execution file in both subdirectory
    • optionally specify the non-default source path and Blazegraph URL: python3 -m cimhub.MakeGlmTestScript /home/tom/src/Powergrid-Models/platform/
  9. Issue ./ This runs GridLAB-D power flow on the exported models.
    • Results will be in the tests/glm directory
      • rootname.log contains the GridLAB-D error, warning and information messages
      • rootname_volt.csv contains the output from a GridLAB-D voltdump, i.e., the node (bus) voltages
      • rootname_curr.csv contains the output from a GridLAB-D currdump, i.e., the link (branch) currents
  10. Issue python3 -m cimhub.Compare_Cases to compare the power flow solutions from steps 7 and 9 to the baseline solutions from step 3
  11. In the test/dss directory, OpenDSS comparison results are in a set of files:
    • *Summary.log compares the OpenDSS snapshot load flow solutions
    • *Missing_Nodes_DSS.txt identifies nodes (buses) that appear in one OpenDSS model (baseline step 2 or exported step 5), but not the other.
    • *Missing_Links_DSS.txt identifies links (branches) that appear in one OpenDSS model (baseline step 2 or exported step 5), but not the other.
    • *Compare_Voltages_DSS.csv compares the bus voltages from steps 3 and 7, sorted by increasing difference
    • *Compare_Currents_DSS.csv compares the branch currents from steps 3 and 7, sorted by increasing difference
  12. In the test/glm directory, GridLAB-D comparison results are in a set of files. At present, the exported IEEE 37-bus model, which is a delta system, does not solve in GridLAB-D.
    • *Compare_Voltages_GLM.csv compares the bus voltages from steps 3 and 9, sorted by increasing difference
    • *Compare_Currents_GLM.csv compares the branch currents from steps 3 and 9, sorted by increasing difference

Comparing Test Results

After completing step 3 of the batch process or step 10 of the detailed process, you should see a summary of the model output differences as shown below.

  • Nbus is the number of buses found in [Base OpenDSS, Converted OpenDSS, Converted GridLAB-D]
  • Nlink is the number of links found in [Base OpenDSS, Converted OpenDSS, Converted GridLAB-D]
  • MAEv is the mean absolute voltage error between Base OpenDSS and [Converted OpenDSS, Converted GridLAB-D], in per-unit
  • MAEi is the mean absolute link current error between Base OpenDSS and [Converted OpenDSS, Converted GridLAB-D], in Amperes
  OpenDSS branch flow in LINE.SEG4 from BATT, Base case
  Phs     Volts     rad      Amps     rad         kW          kVAR   PhsPhs     Volts     rad
    A    284.27 -0.0663    346.27 -0.7681     75.172 + j    63.548     AB      492.36  0.4573
    B    284.27 -2.1607    346.27 -2.8625     75.172 + j    63.548     BC      492.36 -1.6371
    C    284.27  2.0281    346.27  1.3263     75.172 + j    63.548     CA      492.36  2.5517
    Total S =   225.515 + j   190.643
  OpenDSS branch flow in LINE.SEG4 from BATT, Converted case
  Phs     Volts     rad      Amps     rad         kW          kVAR   PhsPhs     Volts     rad
    A    284.27 -0.0663    346.27 -0.7681     75.172 + j    63.548     AB      492.36  0.4573
    B    284.27 -2.1607    346.27 -2.8625     75.172 + j    63.548     BC      492.36 -1.6371
    C    284.27  2.0281    346.27  1.3263     75.172 + j    63.548     CA      492.36  2.5517
    Total S =   225.515 + j   190.643
  GridLAB-D branch flow in LINE_SEG4 from BATT
  Phs     Volts     rad      Amps     rad         kW          kVAR   PhsPhs     Volts     rad
    A    272.49 -0.0185    361.46 -0.7213     75.160 + j    63.658     AB      471.97  0.5051
    B    272.49  4.1702    361.46  3.4675     75.160 + j    63.658     BC      471.97 -1.5893
    C    272.49  2.0758    361.46  1.3731     75.160 + j    63.658     CA      471.97  2.5994
    Total S =   225.481 + j   190.973
ACEP_PSIL        Nbus=[    24,    24,    39] Nlink=[    39,    39,    21] MAEv=[ 0.0000, 0.0427] MAEi=[   0.0012,  67.2664]
EPRI_DPV_J1      Nbus=[  4245,  4245,  5674] Nlink=[  5674,  5674, 10341] MAEv=[ 0.0007, 0.1690] MAEi=[   0.1019,  52.5269]
IEEE123          Nbus=[   274,   274,   433] Nlink=[   386,   386,   393] MAEv=[ 0.0000, 0.0025] MAEi=[   0.0216,   0.0860]
IEEE123_PV       Nbus=[   442,   442,   655] Nlink=[   564,   564,   639] MAEv=[ 0.0000, 0.0015] MAEi=[   0.0031,   0.4758]
Transactive      Nbus=[  3036,  3036,  5602] Nlink=[  5507,  5507,   690] MAEv=[ 0.0006, 0.0022] MAEi=[   0.0100,   0.1158]
IEEE13           Nbus=[    56,    56,    90] Nlink=[    90,    90,    60] MAEv=[ 0.0000, 0.0175] MAEi=[   0.0199,   2.0720]
IEEE13_Assets    Nbus=[    41,    41,    66] Nlink=[    64,    64,    45] MAEv=[ 0.0000, 0.0040] MAEi=[   0.0248,   0.8783]
IEEE13_OCHRE     Nbus=[   160,   160,   246] Nlink=[   231,   231,    99] MAEv=[ 0.0000, 0.0005] MAEi=[   0.0010,   0.0438]
  OpenDSS branch flow in LOAD.S728 from 728, Base case
  Phs     Volts     rad      Amps     rad         kW          kVAR   PhsPhs     Volts     rad
    A   2647.75 -0.0820     17.25 -0.5541     40.687 + j    20.776     AB     4684.00  0.4607
    B   2776.82 -2.1660     17.26 -2.6473     42.490 + j    22.195     BC     4835.86 -1.6691
    C   2736.31  1.9775     17.28  1.5404     42.832 + j    20.010     CA     4615.27  2.5086
    Total S =   126.010 + j    62.980
  OpenDSS branch flow in LOAD.S728 from 728, Converted case
  Phs     Volts     rad      Amps     rad         kW          kVAR   PhsPhs     Volts     rad
    A   2647.47 -0.0820     17.25 -0.5541     40.683 + j    20.774     AB     4684.26  0.4608
    B   2777.39 -2.1660     17.26 -2.6473     42.499 + j    22.199     BC     4836.09 -1.6692
    C   2736.00  1.9775     17.28  1.5404     42.827 + j    20.007     CA     4614.76  2.5086
    Total S =   126.008 + j    62.979
IEEE37           Nbus=[   117,   117,     0] Nlink=[   180,   180,     0] MAEv=[ 0.0001,-1.0000] MAEi=[   0.0006,  -1.0000]
IEEE8500         Nbus=[  8531,  8531, 10915] Nlink=[  9720,  9720, 11112] MAEv=[ 0.0014, 0.0077] MAEi=[   0.1094,   0.8632]
IEEE9500bal      Nbus=[  9549,  9549, 12528] Nlink=[ 11254, 11254, 12159] MAEv=[ 0.0002, 0.0021] MAEi=[   0.0289,   0.1647]
R2_12_47_2       Nbus=[  1631,  1631,  1665] Nlink=[  1857,  1857,  1404] MAEv=[ 0.0006, 0.0050] MAEi=[   0.3401,   0.6481]

Some notes about these comparisons:

  • The IEEE37 example has zero entries for Nbus, Nlink, MAEv and MAEi for GridLAB-D because that model doesn't solve. The open-delta regulator bank is not implemented in GridLAB-D, and it was left out of this feeder in GridLAB-D's autotest suite.
  • GridLAB-D doesn't export load currents and other shunt currents to the CSV file, but Nlink includes them for OpenDSS
  • The EPRI J1 model does not solve properly in GridLAB-D, probably due to staggered single-phase regulators.
  • In the ACEP_PSIL model, GridLAB-D must swap the windings on a wye/delta transformer, which spoils the MAEi comparison. The detailed branch output illustrates that the currents agree outside of that transformer.
  • In the IEEE37 example, a delta load comparison has been included to show the agreement of line-to-line voltages.
  • The IEEE13 and IEEE13_Assets examples include a mixture of constant power, constant impedance and constant current load models. The IEEE8500 example solves in GridLAB-D only with a constant-current load model. The EPRI J1 uses a CVR load model, approximated with constant-current in GridLAB-D. The other examples all use constant-power load models.
  • For line constants, OpenDSS defaults to the Deri earth model, while GridLAB-D implements reduced-order Carson. Except for the IEEE123 example, which is distributed with OpenDSS, all of these examples use the reduced-order Carson earth model.
  • Only voltage errors within 0.8 per-unit are included in MAEv. This means the comparison doesn't try to match voltages in a de-energized part of the network due to wiring, phasing or switching errors. However, such errors would still appear in MAEi.
  • Further efforts may be undertaken to reduce MAEv and MAEi.

Preparation for Batch Import

This procedure verifies that platform models work with Houses and Measurements. A precondition is that the Batch Testing Process or Step-by-step Testing Process has been completed. A postcondition is that the CIM XML files are ready to deploy in GridAPPS-D as described in BLAZEGRAPH_IMPORT.

To import all 11 feeder models at once, including Houses and Measurements:

  1. Change to the platform directory
  2. Start Blazegraph with docker restart blazegraph
  3. Issue ./

The last several lines of console output should indicate that 5 cases have run successfully with Houses.

In order to test the DER scripts on a platform feeder model (assume Blazegraph still running):

  1. Change to the platform/DER directory
  2. Issue ./
  3. Issue ./
  4. Issue ./

Console output from step 3 should indicate that a DER case ran on the Transactive model, in both OpenDSS and GridLAB-D. The test DER is removed from Blazegraph in step 4.

Directory Contents

The following subdirectories are actively maintained under version control:

  • cimxml: feeder CIM XML and mRID files
  • DER: scripts, input files and UUID files that create DER on a platform circuit
  • dss/EPRI: the EPRI J1 distributed PV model, with a full set of XY coordinates
  • dss/NREL: a version of the IEEE 123-Bus test feeder with PV added
  • dss/UAF: model of the University of Alaska - Fairbanks Power System Integration Lab
  • dss/WSU: the IEEE 9500-node test feeder
  • glm/pnnl: a transactive energy version of the IEEE 123-bus feeder, with secondary service points for houses
  • houses: scripts, input files and UUID files that create Houses on a platform circuit
  • Meas: scripts, input files and UUID files that create Measurements on a platform circuit
  • support: appliance schedules for GridLAB-D
  • test: feeder model solutions from OpenDSS before the CIM export, i.e., the baseline solutions

The following directories are created on the fly by scripted testing or import:

  • both: converted OpenDSS and GridLAB-D models from
  • test/dss: solutions from converted OpenDSS models, commpared to the baseline
  • test/glm: solutions from converted GridLAB-D models, commpared to the baseline