{% for section in global.navigation.primary %}
{% if section.links %}
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OMB# 3090-0330 EXP: 09/30/2026
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9616b7b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_includes/redirect.njk
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ You are being redirected to {{ redirect.to }}
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deleted file mode 100644
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-layout: home.njk
-title: Single audit submission resources
- name: Single audit submission resources
- description: Find resources and instructions for completing the single audit process.
-# Single audit submission resources
-Our goal is to make the single audit submission process as easy as possible.
-## Submission guide
-Our [submission guide]({{ config.baseUrl }}resources/instructions) will take you through submitting a single audit, from creating a Login.gov account to completing the SF-SAC workbooks to certification and submission.
-## Managing submission access
-These [instructions]({{ config.baseUrl }}resources/instructions/user-access) will walk you through making changes to your certifying officials and adding new audit editors.
-## SF-SAC workbooks
-Download the workbooks needed to complete your SF-SAC and find instructions for completing them below.
-- [SF-SAC Section 1: Federal awards]({{ config.baseUrl }}resources/workbooks/federal-awards)
-- [SF-SAC Section 2: Notes to SEFA]({{ config.baseUrl }}resources/workbooks/notes-to-sefa)
-- [SF-SAC Section 3: Federal awards findings]({{ config.baseUrl }}resources/workbooks/federal-awards-audit-findings)
-- [SF-SAC Section 4: Federal awards findings text]({{ config.baseUrl }}resources/workbooks/federal-awards-audit-findings-text)
-- [SF-SAC Section 5: Corrective action plan]({{ config.baseUrl }}resources/workbooks/corrective-action-plan)
-- [SF-SAC Section 6: Additional UEIs (optional)]({{ config.baseUrl }}resources/workbooks/additional-ueis-workbook)
-- [SF-SAC Section 7: Secondary auditors (optional)]({{ config.baseUrl }}resources/workbooks/secondary-auditors-workbook)
-- [SF-SAC Section 8: Additional EINs (optional)]({{ config.baseUrl }}resources/workbooks/additional-eins-workbook)
-## Federal agency program contacts
-[This PDF]({{ config.baseUrl }}assets/agency-contacts/2023-agency-contacts.pdf) provides the contact information for federal agency single audit contacts, key management liaisons, and program contacts. These individuals can answer your audit questions.
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-layout: home.njk
-title: FAC API versioning
- name: FAC API versioning
- description: Learn how the FAC manages versions of the FAC API.
-# FAC API versioning
-This page describes how the FAC API will change over time, how those changes will be communicated, and how to understand the FAC APIs naming conventions. On October 1, 2023, these conventions will become operating procedure.
-## API naming conventions
-* Each release name contains a version in modified [SemVer](https://semver.org/) format: MAJOR, MINOR.
-* Version numbers use underscores instead of dots so that our API names are valid Postgresql schema names.
-* API names start with `api_` so we can distinguish them from other schemas during development.
-* API names might end with a prerelease designation like `-beta`.
-For example:
-* `api_v1_0_0` - Indicates first frozen version, this is the default API pushed to users
-* `api_v1_0_1` - Indicates a bug fix, these changes are automatically pushed to all users
-* `api_v1_1_0` - Indicates the addition of a new feature, users may opt into using this version
-* `api_v2_0_0` - Indicates new features have become the default version. All users will have to switch to this version and update their API access to avoid incompatability with older clients.
-## Offering multiple API versions in parallel
-The FAC API can provide multiple versions of the API at the same time using [PostgREST's schema](https://postgrest.org/en/stable/references/api/schemas.html) functionality. A full list of available schemas will be documented here as they become available.
-While you can specify a particular schema when making a request, If you don't specify a particular API version in your request, the FAC API defaults to the most recent stable version. See the [PostgREST schema documenation](https://postgrest.org/en/stable/references/api/schemas.html#get-head) for guidance on specifying a version in your request.
-For example, if the FAC API theoretically supported the versions `v1.1.0, v2.0.0, v3.0.0-beta`:
-* `v2.0.0` is the most recent stable version. If you don’t specify a different API, you'll get `v2.0.0`.
-* `v1.1.0` is the most recent release for the previous stable version. It is available, but you have to request it explicitly.
-* `v1.0.0` is obsolete and is no longer available. `v1.1.0` is a more recent, MINOR update to `v1.0.0`.
-* `v3.0.0-beta` is a prerelease for the next major, unreleased version. It is available, but you have to request it explicitly.
-### Bugfixes and pre-releases
-There may be some instances in which the most recent SemVer release is not the default for its MAJOR release. For example, we may opt to run a short test to confirm that a bug is fixed before making a particular release the default. This should be rare and is unlikely to impact regular API users.
-You should not assume that a particular pre-release version will be available for any amount of time. They are intended primarily for testing and will likely rotate through the list of releases quickly.
-## Migrating to new versions
-Prior to a MAJOR release, we will publish a rough release timeline to help the community prepare for any breaking changes. Once an early prerelease version is ready, we will make an announcement and seek test volunteers from our user community.
-When we're confident in a new version of the API, we will announce the new version as a non-default, opt-in version for more users. We'll also post when the new version will become the default (e.g. T+3 months). During this period, users can opt-in to using this new version to ensure their processes will still work before it becomes the default.
-Once a new version becomes the default, we'll announce the date that the older version will be removed from service (e.g. T+12 months). Users will still be able to use the deprecated version by request until the removal date.
-Our goal with this process is to ensure that users aren't rushed into migrating new versions and have ample time to prepare. At the same time, we can't commit to supporting old APIs indefinitely.
-This process will apply to all changes to the API, both MAJOR and MINOR.
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-layout: home.njk
-title: Using the FAC API
- name: Using the FAC API
- description: Begin using the FAC API by learning more about our endpoints and test scenarios.
-# Using the FAC API
-Once you have a key from [api.data.gov](https://api.data.gov/), you're ready to begin using the FAC API.
-The examples in this repository assume that you have two environment variables set. In a Bash shell, you would:
-export API_GOV_KEY="..."
-export API_GOV_URL="https://api-staging.fac.gov"
-Those two environment variables must be present in your shell for the code provided to work "as is."
-If you are on Windows, you can either use the Windows Subshell for Linux (WSL) to run the code, or in a Windows command shell:
-set API_GOV_KEY="as above..."
-set API_GOV_URL="as above..."
-*We have not tested this code under Windows. If you do, please share your experience in our [Git discussions](https://github.com/GSA-TTS/FAC/discussions).*
-## API endpoints
-You can set `API_GOV_URL` to one of four URLs:
-1. `api.fac.gov`: This endpoint is is for current, submitted data. Production services should use this endpoint. It is typically updated once per week on Wednesdays.
-2. `api-staging.fac.gov`: This endpoint will contain a mix of submitted data as well as test data. This environment is updated daily at 5 a.m. ET.
-3. `api-dev.fac.gov`: This endpoint may contain a mix of submitted and test data. Every time we accept a pull request into `main`, this environment updates. `dev` is considered unstable.
-4. `api-preview.fac.gov`: This is a testing environment for our FAC developers. You shouldn't use `preview` unless asked to by the FAC team.
-## Testing the API
-From the command line, you should be able to use `curl` to execute a simple query against the API if everything is working:
-curl -s -X "GET" \
- -H "X-Api-Key: ${API_GOV_KEY}" \
- "${API_GOV_URL}/general?limit=5"
-This will return an [array of JSON objects](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Objects/JSON). Each object will represent a row in the general information table, which roughly maps to the `gen.txt` file that Census has historically exported from their download page.
-To format the results in a cleaner way, you can use `jq`:
-curl -s -X "GET" \
- -H "X-Api-Key: ${API_GOV_KEY}" \
- "${API_GOV_URL}/general?limit=5" | jq
-Because `jq` is a general-purpose tool for manipulating JSON, you could get a list of the report IDs that you found:
-curl -s -X "GET" \
- -H "X-Api-Key: ${API_GOV_KEY}" \
- "${API_GOV_URL}/general?limit=5" | jq '.[] | .report_id'
-These are examples of how to use tools like `curl` and `jq` to build automations against the FAC API. You can also use other coding languages, like Java, Python, or even Excel macros.
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-layout: home.njk
-title: FAC API documentation
- name: FAC API documentation
- description: Find developer resources for using the FAC API, including how to obtain a key and terms and conditions.
-# The FAC API
-The FAC API shares public data from submitted audit reports. The FAC API runs on PostgREST and supports its built-in query operations.
-## Migrating from Census-provided data
-The FAC API endpoints mimic the pipe-delimited CSV files historically provided by Census. This means we export a similar set of tables (e.g. `general` as opposed to `gen`) with similar column titles. There are, however, some differences between GSA-provided and Census-provided data. We will provide more detailed migration guidance in the coming months.
-## Interacting with the API
-To interact with the FAC API, you will need an API key from Data.gov. To get a Data.gov API key, fill out the Data.gov API key signup form. This is free and requires a valid email address. When you receive your API key, treat it like any other credential:
-- Do not share your key with other users.
-- Do not commit your key into a repository alongside your code.
-- Do not store your key in a shared drive where other users have access.
-- Do not share your key in helpdesk requests or any other communication.
-Once you have your API key, you can begin exploring the API.
-## Resources
-* [Getting started]({{ config.baseUrl }}developers/getting-started/). What you need to get started, with some examples using `curl` on the command line.
-* [PostgREST](https://postgrest.org), our API server. We use PostgREST as our API server. That means that you will use their documentation to guide you in formulating queries and interacting with our API server.
-* [GSA data dictionary]({{ config.baseUrl }}developers/dictionary/). A mapping from the Census FAC to the GSA FAC API
-* [Rollup fields]({{ config.baseUrl }}developers/rollups/) in Census data. A look at fields that existed in the Census data dissemination, and how to compute them from the FAC API.
-* [Differences]({{ config.baseUrl }}developers/differences/) between Census data fields and GSA data fields. A list of fields you might be looking for, and where you might find them in the GSA FAC API.
-* [Retrieiving many results]({{ config.baseUrl }}developers/retrieve-many/). An example of how to use pagination in PostgREST to retrieve many results from the API.
-## API limits and future updates
-By default, each API key is limited to 1,000 requests per hour. This limit comes from Data.gov, and you can read more about it in the api.data.gov developer manual.
-As the API evolves, we will publish API updates and communicate guidance according to our change management process. You can read more on the [API versioning page]({{ config.baseUrl }}developers/api-versioning/).
-For more information on the FAC API and the information it provides, see our [terms and conditions]({{ config.baseUrl }}developers/terms/).
diff --git a/src/developers/terms.md b/src/developers/terms.md
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-layout: home.njk
-title: FAC API terms and conditions
-name: FAC API terms and conditions
-description: Read the terms and conditions of accessing single audit data via the FAC API.
-# FAC API terms and conditions
-The Federal Audit Clearinghouse is charged with disseminating Single Audit data to support Federal oversight of grants as well as public interest.
-The Federal Audit Clearinghouse operates on behalf of the Office of Management and Budget. We distribute single audit reporting packages to federal agencies and the public.
-All single audit reporting packages, with the possible exception of Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations, submitted under Uniform Guidance are available to the public per 2 CFR 200.512(b)(1).
-Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations may choose to keep their reporting packages unavailable to the public per 2 CFR 200.512(b)(2). For these entities, the notes to the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA), text of audit findings, and their corrective action plan will not be available to the public for fiscal periods ending in 2019 or later.
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+# This method of redirecting comes from user @warpfork
+# https://github.com/11ty/eleventy/issues/510#issuecomment-824104799
+# This file does hijinx with the "pagination" system to generate many small pages from one set of data...
+# and uses that do to redirects from some URLs to others.
+# We use this to try to keep old links working.
+# There's limited power to this approach (it only works for specific pages listed; it can't glob),
+# but those are limitations inherent to an approach that works via static site gen, rather than via server configuration.
+# The related upside of an approach that works via static site gen is the portability.
+ data: redirects
+ size: 1
+ alias: redirect
+# Search resources
+ - {"from": "/data/resources/", "to": "/search-resources/"}
+ - {"from": "/data/tribal/", "to": "/search-resources/tribal/"}
+# API pages
+ - {"from": "/developers/", "to": "/api/"}
+ - {"from": "/developers/dictionary/", "to": "/api/dictionary/"}
+ - {"from": "/developers/getting-started/", "to": "/api/getting-started/"}
+ - {"from": "/developers/rollups/", "to": "/api/rollup/"}
+ - {"from": "/developers/differences/", "to": "/api/differences/"}
+ - {"from": "/developers/api-versioning/", "to": "/api/versioning/"}
+ - {"from": "/developers/terms/", "to": "/api/terms/"}
+# Audit resources
+ - {"from": "/audits/", "to": "/audit-resources/"}
+ - {"from": "/resources/instructions/", "to": "/audit-resources/how-to/"}
+ - {"from": "/resources/workbooks/federal-awards/", "to": "/audit-resources/sf-sac/federal-awards/"}
+ - {"from": "/resources/workbooks/notes-to-sefa/", "to": "/audit-resources/sf-sac/notes-to-sefa/"}
+ - {"from": "/resources/workbooks/federal-awards-audit-findings/", "to": "/audit-resources/sf-sac/federal-awards-audit-findings/"}
+ - {"from": "/resources/workbooks/federal-awards-audit-findings-text/", "to": "/audit-resources/sf-sac/federal-awards-audit-findings-text/"}
+ - {"from": "/resources/workbooks/corrective-action-plan/", "to": "/audit-resources/sf-sac/corrective-action-plan/"}
+ - {"from": "/resources/workbooks/additional-ueis-workbook/", "to": "/audit-resources/sf-sac/additional-ueis-workbook/"}
+ - {"from": "/resources/workbooks/secondary-auditors-workbook/", "to": "/audit-resources/sf-sac/secondary-auditors-workbook/"}
+ - {"from": "/resources/workbooks/additional-eins-workbook/", "to": "/audit-resources/sf-sac/additional-eins-workbook/"}
+# Info
+ - {"from": "/resources/instructions/user-access/", "to": "/audit-resources/user-access/"}
+ - {"from": "/info/updates/", "to": "/updates/"}
+ - {"from": "/info/updates/archive/", "to": "/updates/archive/"}
+ - {"from": "/info/announcements/", "to": "/omb/"}
+permalink: "{{ redirect.from }}"
+layout: redirect.njk
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