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My take on Didomi challenge (Data engineering):


To ensure reproducibility given some dependencies that rely a lot on environment variables (Spark, Hadoop, Java) and vary from each operating system, the application is delivered as a Docker image to be built and run.

The challenge

Due to time constraints to build a deployable cluster environment on AWS and dependencies that would have to be provided by reviewers to run the application on a cluster (such as credentials), I decided to focus primarily on delivering a Spark application that runs in local mode.

The code is fundamentally runnable as-is in cluster mode except for some I/O functions such as loading and writing data on S3 (or another data source) that would need implementation. A similar Docker image could be built and used with AWS EMR EKS, for instance.

Rather than directly loading the challenge input data with, I chose Hive in local mode to ingest the data and use the provided datehour partitioning.

Project structure

Project structured as a monorepository that can be expanded with new Spark jobs, schemas, and data sources while sharing most of the same codebase.

Python source code formatted with Black.

├── LICENSE.txt
├── Makefile             # used to build and run Docker images
├──            # this file
├── didomi_spark         # main package
│   ├──
│   ├──           # application entrypoint (main)
│   ├── core             # core components (spark session, logs, configuration)
│   ├── data             # provided input data for the challenge
│   ├── jobs             # Spark jobs
│   ├── lib              # additionnal libs / jars needed
│   ├── repositories     # classes and functions used to interact with data sources
│   ├── schemas          # dataframes schemas
│   └── tests            # tests for the application (run spark jobs locally)
├── docker
│   ├── Dockerfile       # Dockerfile used to run the application
│   └── Dockerfile.test  # Dockerfile used to test the application
├── docs                 # Documentation sources for Sphinx 
│   ├── Makefile        
│   ├──
│   └── index.rst
├── pyproject.toml
├──  # dev requirements
├── requirements-dev.txt # compiled dev requirements with pip-compile
├──      # requirements
├── requirements.txt     # compiled requirements with pip-compile


  • Internet access (for Docker images dependencies and package dependencies)
  • Docker
  • make (if not present, apt install make on Linux or brew install make on Mac)
  • the current sources (didomi-data-challenge)

A Makefile provides convenient shortcuts for each task.

Build Docker image

To build the image application, at the root directory run the command:

make build

Run Docker image

After building the image application, run the command:

make run

This will call the entrypoint with keyword arguments app=events and mode=local.

When the Spark job is complete, it creates a directory output in the current local directory with the job output written as compressed Parquet files partitioned by datehour.

├── datehour=2021-01-23-10
│   ├── part-00000-3c53f32c-c942-4102-958a-14fd08d00ad3.c000.snappy.parquet
│   └── part-00000-968f3f98-0ea6-4fee-b6ab-65b1c79dae50.c000.snappy.parquet
├── datehour=2021-01-23-11
│   ├── part-00000-3c53f32c-c942-4102-958a-14fd08d00ad3.c000.snappy.parquet
│   └── part-00000-968f3f98-0ea6-4fee-b6ab-65b1c79dae50.c000.snappy.parquet

Run tests

Similarly, tests can be run with:

make build-test

to build the Docker image with test dependencies and then

make test

or more succintly

make build-test test

The console prints tests outputs as well as code coverage.

Development environment


  • create a dedicated Python virtual environment, ie. with conda: conda create -n didomi-spark python=3.9 pip
  • install dev dependencies with pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
  • make sure you have JDK 11+ and environment variable JAVA_HOME set

The Docker test image can be used to run tests, see Run tests.

Updating dependencies

The requirements files requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt are generated with pip-compile from pip-tools.

  • update and as needed
  • run pip-compile and pip-compile to update the compiled requirements.

Building the documentation

API Documentation from docstrings can be built with

make build-docs

and will be available at didomi-data-challenge/docs/_build/html/index.html