All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.2.0 (2022-08-15)
- stopped rendering empty list
- added element classes (649634c)
- added on:load and on:error on Gif (4172ca9)
- mobile keyboard: show a message if no gifs match (83201c9)
- reset scroll when the search term is updated (81a2192)
- added extensions for esm (c9cfc49)
- downgraded ts target (9fcdbfa)
- fixed gif sizes on firefox (f115142)
- stopped overriding intrinsic sizes (b6e2c10)
- stopped rendering empty list (f4c3652)
0.1.5 (2022-04-04)
0.1.4 (2022-04-03)
0.1.3 (2022-02-28)
- reset scroll when the search term is updated (81a2192)
0.1.2 (2022-02-26)
- added on:load and on:error on Gif (4172ca9)
- stopped overriding intrinsic sizes (b6e2c10)
0.1.1 (2022-02-26)
- added extensions for esm (c9cfc49)
0.1.0 (2022-02-24)
- stopped rendering empty list
- mobile keyboard: show a message if no gifs match (83201c9)
- stopped rendering empty list (f4c3652)
0.0.15 (2022-01-13)
0.0.14 (2021-11-19)
- do not display errors and gifs at the same time (5225bde)
0.0.13 (2021-11-19)
0.0.12 (2021-11-15)
- mobile keyboard: added a way to translate messages (6c9b7e4)
0.0.11 (2021-11-15)
- make requests when mounted (2a905c2)
- prevent svelte-kit router to mess with relative links (ce17c67)
0.0.10 (2021-11-14)
- added an in-line styling option (5e74e20)
- categories: added gap setting (5ce8fa6)
- categories: configure column size (7d5123b)
- new mobile keyboard (80d2495)
- sizing (b9ad24c)
0.0.9 (2021-11-12)
- created lib demo (3656765)
0.0.8 (2021-11-10)
- added quality filter (7886604)
- improved exports (4aa6acc)
- new gifDetails api (1580ee7)
- open access to grid settings (369e183)
- support all tenor search features (66674c6)
- updated random search (66a7059)
- updated trending and tenor components (035f0a5)
- solved blinking scrollbar problem (6fc2551)
- added all the endpoints (f0d7ae1)
- added autocomplete (8f4f50d)
- added border-radius (c2e4214)
- added categories (5f5c5c1)
- added load more button on the keyboard (42db9ae)
- added search component (84f7b46)
- added SearchSuggestions (fd23f6f)
- added trending terms (8d2dd52)
- api: added registerShare (a0ee0f4)
- autocomplete: added scrolling (6f3ae36)
- basic keyboard (f15c411)
- conditional autocomplete (2b51290)
- keyboard navigation (243fc8c)
- list trending stickers and search (51d8133)
- load several pages (c407a47)
- load trending gifs (6e02f04)
- made the field content accessible (ccde650)
- new search api and component (346f347)
- preserve aspect ratio (1fbe0cb)
- reactivity and page loading (98b0eb2)