CS221 Artificial Intelligence
CS224N Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
CS224U Natural Language Understanding
CS228 Probablistic Graphical Models
Inference-Junction Tree Algorithm.pdf
Inference-MAP inference.pdf
Inference-Sampling methods.pdf
Inference-Variable Elimination.pdf
Inference-Variational inference.pdf
Learning-Bayesian Learning.pdf
Learning-Directed-Learning in directed models.pdf
Learning-Latent-Learning in latent variable models.pdf
Learning-Structure Learning for Bayesian Networks.pdf
Learning-Undirected-Learning in undirected models.pdf
Preliminaries-Probability Review.pdf
Preliminaries-Real-World Applications.pdf
Representation-Directed-Bayesian networks.pdf
Representation-Undirected-Markov random fields.pdf
CS231M Mobile Computer Vision
CS231N Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
CS234 Reinforcement Leaarning
CS246 Mining Massive Dataset
CS276 Information Retrieval and Web Search
STATS202 Data Mining and Analysis
STATS216 Statistical Learning
STATS216 Statistical learning
STATS231 CS229T Statistical Learning Theory
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