The database can be managed via SQL commands or via the GMF admin interface. The admin interface can be opened at the address http://localhost:8080/admin/ with the credentials c2c/test1234
The luxembourg features can be found in some custom types for luxembourg. These have dedicated custom tabs in the admin interface (ex: internal WMS vs. external WMS).
Other feature are configured via some specific metadata, which is added for an object in the data catalog (ex: 3D WMTS layers)
- display_in_switcher: false for themes to hide the them in the switcher interface
- is_expanded: true for groups to open the group in the layer tree by default
Metadata legend_name
There can be 2 types of time layers:
- WMTS with time widget links
The time information is provided by the server and must conform to the format:
may contain override properties for time configuration.
For example if the timepositions given by the WMS server are incorrect, they can be changed via the following time_config metadata:
{"time_override": {"timepositions": ["2014-08-31T12:43:47.000Z/2020-12-31T23:59:59.000Z/P1M"]}}
Thr default timestep can be overridden if the server does not send correct time dimensions:
If the time_config
metadata contains:
{"time_override": {"default_timestep": "PT7200S"}}
Then an incorrect capabilities <start_date>/<end_date>/0
will be re-written as <start_date>/<end_date>/PT7200S
In case the server sends 9999 as an undefined upper date limit, it is possible to force the upper time limit to the current date ("now") via a special time_config
{"time_override": {"override_end_date": "now"}}
this issues a null upper limit in the the theme capabilities which is translated to now by the front end.
To mimic the behaviour of arcgis, the range slider control can be configured so that the lower nadle translates the selected interval and the upper handle adjusts the interval width.
For this, the time_config
metadata must contain the dict key time_mode: interval as shown below:
{"time_override": {"time_mode": "interval"}}
It is possible to configure a set of WMTS layers so that they are swappable by a time widget:
For each WMTS layer which shall offer links to other layer names to be substituted in the url one must define time_config
metadata as illustrated below:
{"time_links": {"2001": "ortho_2001", "2004": "ortho_2004", "2007": "ortho_2007", "2010": "ortho_2010", "2013": "ortho_2013", "2016": "ortho_2016", "2017": "ortho_2017", "2018": "ortho_2018", "2019-01": "ortho_2019_winter", "2019-08": "ortho_2019"}}
accepted date formats are "year" or "year-month" or "year-month-day" and these can be mixed as shown in the example above.
Optionnally a default time may be specified (otherwise the first element is used):
{"default_time": "2018", "time_links": {"2001": "ortho_2001", "2004": "ortho_2004", "2007": "ortho_2007", "2010": "ortho_2010", "2013": "ortho_2013", "2016": "ortho_2016", "2017": "ortho_2017", "2018": "ortho_2018", "2019-01": "ortho_2019_winter", "2019-08": "ortho_2019"}}
Allowable background layers must be registered in the special layer group named background
. Some hardcoded layer names activate mapbox vector tiles.
One can configure mutual exclusion of several layers via the metadata exclusion
The metadata exclusion
contains a list of equivalence class ids which shall be mutually exclusive. Each id is ether an integer or a string.
Example: exclusion = [2, 55, "woods", 4]
Two layers (background, 3D or regular layers) cannot be displayed simultaneously if they contain the same equivalence class in their metadata.
- layer1 : exclusion = [2, 55, "road_layer", 4]
- layer2 : exclusion = [8, "road_layer", 41]
- layer3 : exclusion = [41]
layer1 cannot be displayed with layer2 ("road_layer") and layer2 cannot be displayed with layer3 (41). However layer1 can be displayed with layer3.
If an exclusion is detected when selecting a new layer, all excluded existing layers are deselected with a warning message.
3d layers are registered as regular WMTS layers with special hierarchy and metadata. There can be 3 types of 3d layers:
- data : 3d shapes such as buildings to be displayed in 3d terrain view
- meshes : 3d meshes calculated from point clouds
- terrain : provision for terrain data (currently not configurable, but hard-coded)
metadata useful for 3d setup:
- ol3d_type
- ol3d_defaultlayer
- ol3d_options
3d data shall be put into a theme with metadata ol3d_type = data. There can be layer groups which will be reproduced in the catalog tree.
3d meshes shall be put into a theme with metadata ol3d_type = mesh. By default, meshes are not mutually exclusive, but the exclusion mecanism may be used, for example use the metadata ["3d_meshes"] for all meshes and they will be mutually exclusive.
Layers displayed by default on first activation of 3D mode can be defined via the metadata ol3d_defaultlayer = true
. All default layers will be selected on initial activation of 3D mode.
can hand over options to the creation of the Cesium 3d tileset. The parameters are defined as a JSON dict.
There are 3 luxembourg custom parameters:
- heightOffset
- latOffset
- longOffset
The other parameters can be any parameters accepted by Cesium tilesets
For example for use of a mesh with vertical offset of 47.8m, you can define the following metadata: ol3d_options: {"heightOffset": -47.8}
To configure a 3D terrain definition, add a new WMTS layer with the metadata ol3d_type:terrain
The complete root URL for the terrain tile server will be concatenated from the fields GetCapabilities URL
and WMTS layer name
with an additional slash (/) if needed.
There shall be one terrain defition per interface (eg. desktop, main) otherwise the request to the DB fails (the query checks for one()
object, if several layers are found, the query will fail.