The project that was presented in Sunderland Games Expo 2019 (SGX 2019). Created using Unity with assets provided by artists that used Maya and Photoshop. The project was made in 4 days with 2 programmers and 3 artists
Team name: Crypto Teame members: Programmers: Georgios Botzakis, Stavros Charitos Artists:Andrew Irakleous, Vasiliki Prokopaki, Vanessa Sgouromali
The project was awarded with "Best Art Direction" at SGX 2019.
Bestias is a match-2 card game where the player must find both copies of each card within an array of 9 different designs before time's up. With each session, the deck is shuffled so the cards won't spawn in the same locations, enhancing replayability. There is also a brief tutorial to familiarize players with the game.
To play the game, install the "SGX_2019_FinalBuild" folder and run the executable within. The game was built for Windows.