Gap analysis - basically the highlight between the baseline architecture and the target architecture.
You need to conduct Gap Analysis on each step from B to F, even on Migration planning you need to figure out what gaps your architecture plan has moving from basic architecture towards target architecture.
- the baseline architecture - is the architecture as it currently exists.
- the target architecture is your desired destination.
- the points between anything that is baseline and target is called a gap, and it could be things that are been added.
- It could be things that have just changed or intentionally omitted.
- if something's been accidentally omitted, that's also going to be done during the gap analysis.
- It should be easy to explain why something was removed or added.
Example: if you identify that the target architecture does not include the following process and you're like,
Oh, well, that process will still exist and it's not really a gap, then it's going to make you revise your target.