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Creating custom entities
Since Glowstone 2016.0.1.0
, it is possible to register custom entities to your server and spawn them in your world. This allows you to register custom entities with your plugin when running on a Glowstone server.
Note: It is not possible to create new entities with Glowstone; you cannot create entities that require client modifications like new models and metadata values. You are limited to what the vanilla client can see/hear.
Also note that custom loot tables (drops) are not currently supported, you will need to use Bukkit events to have custom loot drops, for the moment.
The first thing to do when creating a custom entity is to extend an existing spawnable entity, such as sheep, pigs, zombies, etc. You will need to create a new class that extends that entity. In this tutorial, we will extend the GlowSheep
public class CustomSheep extends GlowSheep {
public CustomSheep(Location location) {
// your constructor *must* be composed of only one Location argument to work
// insert your default modifications to your entity here
setColor(DyeColor.RED); // CustomSheep will always be red
Now that we have created the base entity class, we can add some custom fields to it. Our custom sheep will always be RED by default, but we will make it green when we click on it using Fern, for example. Let's create a green
public class CustomSheep extends GlowSheep {
private boolean green = false; // whether our sheep is green
public CustomSheep(Location location) {
// your constructor *must* be composed of only one Location argument to work
// insert your default modifications to your entity here
setColor(DyeColor.RED); // CustomSheep will always be red
public void setGreen(boolean green) { // our setter for the "green" field
this.green = green;
setColor(DyeColor.GREEN); // make our sheep green
public boolean isGreen() { // our getter for the "green" field
return this.green;
Now, we can override the entity's entityInteract
method to check when this entity is being clicked on.
public class CustomSheep extends GlowSheep {
private boolean green = false; // whether our sheep is green
public CustomSheep(Location location) {
// your constructor *must* be composed of only one Location argument to work
// insert your default modifications to your entity here
setColor(DyeColor.RED); // CustomSheep will always be red
public void setGreen(boolean green) { // our setter for the "green" field
this.green = green;
setColor(DyeColor.GREEN); // make our sheep green
public boolean isGreen() { // our getter for the "green" field
return this.green;
public boolean entityInteract(GlowPlayer player, InteractEntityMessage message) {
if (message.getAction() == InteractEntityMessage.Action.INTERACT) { // check if the sheep is being clicked on
ItemStack holding = InventoryUtil.itemOrEmpty(player.getItemInHand()); // the item the player is holding
if (holding.getType() == Material.LONG_GRASS && holding.getDurability() == 2 && !isGreen()) { // check if the item is Fern, and the sheep is not already green
return true;
return false;
Now that we have created our entity class, we have to create a store in order to save data for each entity. In this case, we will want to store whether or not the sheep is green when saving the world. Stores are essentially storage managers to save and load data from the world's NBT storage files.
Let's create a CustomSheepStore
class for our CustomSheep's store.
public class CustomSheepStore extends AnimalStore<CustomSheep> {
public CustomSheepStore() {
super(CustomSheep.class, "custom_sheep"); // create the store for the CustomSheep entity (named "custom_sheep")
public void save(CustomSheep entity, CompoundTag tag) {
super.save(entity, tag); // save default data from the entity (health, location, etc.)
if (entity.isGreen()) {
tag.putBool("Green", true); // save the color of the CustomSheep if it's green
public void load(CustomSheep entity, CompoundTag tag) {
super.load(entity, tag);
if (tag.isByte("Green") {
entity.setGreen(tag.getBool("Green")); // set whether or not the entity is green from the NBT data
Now that we have created an entity class and its store, we can register it to the server so we can spawn and load our entity. We can achieve this by creating a descriptor (CustomEntityDescriptor
). It is important to register your entities before worlds are loaded in, because the entity stores have to be registered before they are loaded. You will need to register your entity inside the onLoad
method of your plugin.
In our plugin class, we will need to register our entities inside the onLoad
public class CustomEntityPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public void onLoad() {
// register custom entities HERE
A descriptor is simply an object describing your entity that you will pass to the Entity Registry. You can create this object using the CustomEntityDescriptor
constructor, CustomEntityDescriptor(Class of entity, Plugin, Name, Store)
, and then register it using EntityRegistry.registerCustomEntity(descriptor)
public class CustomEntityPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
public void onLoad() {
// register custom entities HERE
CustomEntityDescriptor<CustomSheep> descriptor = new CustomEntityDescriptor<>( // our descriptor
CustomSheep.class, // our entity class
this, // our plugin
"custom_sheep", // the identifier/name of our entity
new CustomSheepStore() // our entity store
EntityRegistry.registerCustomEntity(descriptor); // register the entity
You can now spawn your entity using the summon command: /summon custom_sheep
If you wish to spawn your entity using your plugin, you will need to use a specific method from GlowWorld
as to not conflict with vanilla entities:
World world = [...];
Location location = [...];
GlowWorld gWorld = (GlowWorld) world; // cast your world to the implementation
CustomSheep entity = (CustomSheep) gWorld.spawn(location, CustomSheep.class, CreatureSpawnEvent.SpawnReason.CUSTOM); // use the GlowWorld#spawn(location, class, spawnReason) method to spawn custom entities
Entity AI is represented as "Tasks" in Glowstone. It is possible to create entity AI tasks since version 2017.0.1.1
, and only to Living entities (entities [indirectly] extending GlowLivingEntity
). The Entity Task API is not very stable yet and is subject to frequent change. Once again, this API is not exposed to Glowkit, so you will need to use Glowstone as your dependency.
At the moment of writing this, Pathfinding is not officially implemented in Glowstone in any way.
Tasks are pulsed every tick in a separate thread from the world. As such, you should not interact with the world's blocks directly as to prevent concurrency issues. To be continued...
Getting Started:
Using Glowstone:
- Configuration Guide
- Plugin Compatibility
- Opening Tickets
- Library Management
- Server Icon
- Community Projects
Plugin Reference
Glowstone Internals