Below, you will find a list of cases that our customer support team is facing on a regular basis. It is meant to be short (<4 hrs) and serve as a way for the team to understand your approach on customer support.
Please read through the cases carefully. Some cases require you to formulate a reply that you would send to a customer via email. For other cases, we'd like to see your elaborations on possible solutions. All cases have multiple ways to solve them and there are no wrong answers. If you identify a solution to the problem that is technically working but may not be feasible to suggest to the customer, please add them to your answer as well. You should not take more than 4 hours to complete the assignment.
- Read through the cases carefully
- Stay open-minded - There are multiple ways to solve a problem. Sometimes, the solution may not be a feature in GoodNotes itself
- Try to think outside of the box. Just because a solution sounds to complicated doesn't mean that it is wrong
Removing highlighter strokes
A customer has written a sentence with the fountain pen and highlighted several words in it using the highlighter. She realizes that one of the words doesn’t need to be highlighted anymore and wants to remove it. Explain all different options you can think of how the customer could remove the highlighter without also removing the underlying pen strokes.
Changing the paper template
A customer imported a PDF book and annoted a page. She discovers the option to change the paper template and tries it out. Accidentally, she changed the template to a blank page. Explain one way how she can reverse this step. Formulate your answer in a way you would explain it in an email to a customer.
Bulk import from email
A customer reaches out to us and reports that she wants to use GoodNotes on her iPad to annotate 10 PDF documents that she received in 5 different emails from her coworkers. The customer has access to a Mac and an iPad. Elaborate different options that the customer has to get it done in a convenient way.
Folders vs Notebooks
A new user is reaching out to us via email explaining that he has problems understanding the difference between folders and notebooks in GoodNotes. Formulate your answer in a way you would explain it in an email to a customer.
Writing on margins
A customer contacts our support team and tells you that she has a PDF page with a lot of text where she wants to make annotations on the side but the margin is not wide enough. She asks whether there is such a feature in GoodNotes and if not, how she could get it done anyway. Elaborate different options that could be recommended.
Lost notes
A customer is reaching out to us reporting that she was in the middle of a meeting, when GoodNotes suddenly crashed and all her meeting notes were suddenly gone, nowhere to be found. The engineering team told you that the notes can't be recovered. Please formulate a reply to the customer.
Refund request
A customer contacts our support team and mentions that she doesn't like the app and she'd like to get her money back. Elaborate how you would react?
You'll be graded based on product knowledge, hardware and operating system knowledge, written communication, abstract thinking, critical thinking and problem solving skills. Please submit your assignment here.