- Requirements
- Deploying your own copy
- Deploy Staging
- Deploy Prod
Users will need to have the following tools installed:
Note: These tools are provided given you are using the devcontainer.
Users will also need to have access to GCP. In particular:
These instructions could be adapted to use any GCP project however these instructions assume you have access to the following projects:
- staging
- web-compass-staging
- webstatus-dev-internal-staging
- webstatus-dev-public-staging
- production
- web-compass-prod
- webstatus-dev-internal-prod
- webstatus-dev-public-prod
Google Cloud Identity Platform:
- Enable Cloud Identity Platform for the internal project.
- Enable multi-tenancy in the Google Cloud Console.
make build
cd infra
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login --project=web-compass-staging
gcloud auth configure-docker europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev --quiet
# Something 6 characters long. Could use "openssl rand -hex 3"
terraform init -reconfigure --var-file=.envs/staging.tfvars --backend-config=.envs/backend-staging.tfvars
terraform workspace new $ENV_ID
terraform plan \
-var-file=".envs/staging.tfvars" \
-var "env_id=${ENV_ID}" \
-var "spanner_processing_units=100" \
-var "deletion_protection=false" \
-var "datastore_region_id=us-east1"
That will print the plan to create everything. Once it looks okay, run:
terraform apply \
-var-file=".envs/staging.tfvars" \
-var "env_id=${ENV_ID}" \
-var "spanner_processing_units=100" \
-var "deletion_protection=false" \
-var "datastore_region_id=us-east1"
Create the tables by running:
export SPANNER_PROJECT_ID=webstatus-dev-internal-staging
export SPANNER_DATABASE_ID=${ENV_ID}-database
export SPANNER_INSTANCE_ID=${ENV_ID}-spanner
wrench migrate up --directory ./storage/spanner/
Populate data:
You can populate data with real data by manually running the workflows in the internal project.
Or you could populate with fake data by running.
go run ./util/cmd/load_fake_data/main.go -spanner_project=${SPANNER_PROJECT_ID} -spanner_instance=${SPANNER_INSTANCE_ID} -spanner_database=${SPANNER_DATABASE_ID} -datastore_project=${DATASTORE_PROJECT_ID} -datastore_database=${DATASTORE_DATABASE}
Setup auth:
Add your domain to the allow-list of domains in the console.
When you are done with your own copy
terraform destroy \
-var-file=".envs/staging.tfvars" \
-var "env_id=${ENV_ID}" \
-var "spanner_processing_units=100" \
-var "deletion_protection=false" \
-var "datastore_region_id=us-east1"
terraform workspace select default
terraform workspace delete $ENV_ID
Also, remove your domain from the allow-list of domains in the console.
make build
cd infra
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login --project=web-compass-staging
gcloud auth configure-docker europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev --quiet
terraform init -reconfigure --var-file=.envs/staging.tfvars --backend-config=.envs/backend-staging.tfvars
terraform plan \
-var-file=".envs/staging.tfvars" \
-var "env_id=${ENV_ID}"
Migrate the tables if any schemas changed (assuming you already authenticated with gcloud auth application-default login
export SPANNER_PROJECT_ID=webstatus-dev-internal-staging
export SPANNER_DATABASE_ID=${ENV_ID}-database
export SPANNER_INSTANCE_ID=${ENV_ID}-spanner
wrench migrate up --directory ./storage/spanner/
Assuming the plan output by the terraform plan command looks fine, run:
terraform apply \
-var-file=".envs/staging.tfvars" \
-var "env_id=${ENV_ID}"
Go to https://github.com/web-platform-dx/web-features/releases and there should be a line like X% coverage of mdn/browser-compat-data features
. Copy the percentage.
BCD_VALUE=62 # Replace the value
echo "{\"bcd_map_progress\": $BCD_VALUE}" | gsutil -h "Content-Type:application/json" cp - gs://web-features-progress-staging/progress.json
Note: Normally, we should only need to update the progress. ONLY do this section if there is a request to disable the text. Otherwise, you can skip this part and consider the deployment done.
echo "{\"is_disabled\": true}" | gsutil -h "Content-Type:application/json" cp - gs://web-features-progress-staging/progress.json
make build
cd infra
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login --project=web-compass-prod
gcloud auth configure-docker europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev --quiet
terraform init -reconfigure --var-file=.envs/prod.tfvars --backend-config=.envs/backend-prod.tfvars
terraform plan \
-var-file=".envs/prod.tfvars" \
-var "env_id=${ENV_ID}"
Migrate the tables if any schemas changed (assuming you already authenticated with gcloud auth application-default login
export SPANNER_PROJECT_ID=webstatus-dev-internal-prod
export SPANNER_DATABASE_ID=${ENV_ID}-database
export SPANNER_INSTANCE_ID=${ENV_ID}-spanner
wrench migrate up --directory ./storage/spanner/
Assuming the plan output by the terraform plan command looks fine, run:
terraform apply \
-var-file=".envs/prod.tfvars" \
-var "env_id=${ENV_ID}"
Go to https://github.com/web-platform-dx/web-features/releases and there should be a line like X% coverage of mdn/browser-compat-data features
. Copy the percentage.
BCD_VALUE=62 # Replace the value
echo "{\"bcd_map_progress\": $BCD_VALUE}" | gsutil -h "Content-Type:application/json" cp - gs://web-features-progress-prod/progress.json
Note: Normally, we should only need to update the progress. ONLY do this section if there is a request to disable the text. Otherwise, you can skip this part and consider the deployment done.
echo "{\"is_disabled\": true}" | gsutil -h "Content-Type:application/json" cp - gs://web-features-progress-prod/progress.json