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Reinforcement Learning Pong on Cloud Machine Learning Engine


This is a code sample for the talk "Tensorflow and deep reinforcement learning, without a PhD" (video | slides)

Author: Yu-Han Liu



pip install -r requirements.txt

To verify that the packages are installed successfully, run the following command to see a round of Pong gameplay rendered on screen:

python -m trainer.task --render

This package comes with a trained checkpoint. To play a game with it, run:

python -m trainer.task --render --restore --output-dir ./demo-checkpoint

You can also run the following command to train locally. By default, outputs (checkpoints and TensorBoard summaries) are written to /tmp/pong_output:

python -m trainer.task

Run training job

To submit the training job to Cloud Machine Learning Engine:


Monitor training job

  1. You can monitor the training job and find the logs in the cloud console.

  2. To monitor the progress of training, use TensorBoard:

    tensorboard --logdir gs://YOUR-BUCKET/JOB_NAME

    Here JOB_NAME is of the format of "pong_[timestamp]", which you can find on the console.

  3. To watch Pong gameplay with a trained model, run:

    python -m trainer.task --output-dir gs://YOUR-BUCKET/JOB_NAME --restore --render

    It might take about 10 minutes before the first checkpoint is saved, and it might take a few hours before the trained model can consistently win a some points. It might take about 20 hours of training before the trained model can consistently win games.

Disclaimer: This is not an official Google product but sample code provided for an educational purpose