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Airplane detection with Squeezenet and YOLO (You Look Only Once)


This is a code sample for the talk "Tensorflow, deep learning and modern convolutional neural nets, without a PhD" (video | slides)

Author: Martin Görner

The model

You will find the squeezenet model in the trainer_yolo/ file in function model_core_configurable_squeezenet. It has a configurable number of layers and might therefore not be very readable. A more readable 12 and 17 layer versions can be found in functions model_core_squeezenet12 and model_core_squeezenet17. The YOLO (You Look Only Once) paper uses a different architecture they call "darknet" which is also provided for your review in functions model_core_darknet and model_core_darknet17. In practice it was found that the squeezenet architecture was more effective in most cases for the task of detecting airplanes.

These core models are standard sequences convolutional layers. Additional layers are needed to provide detection capabilities. They can be found in file trainer_yolo/ function YOLO_head.


Cloud training using AI Platform

A script is provided for running the training on AI Platform. It implements auto-incrementing job names so that successive trainings are called job001, job002 and so on. Apart from that, it is contains little more that the gcloud ml-engine jobs submit training. The script is cloudrun_yolo.bash. By default, it trains a 17 layer squeezenet/YOLO detection model. To start training, fill out the prerequisites and run the script.


Now edit the cloudrun_yolo.bash file and fill in your bucket name, project name and region. You are ready to train. The default training configuration uses a single NVIDIA P100 GPU. If you are looking for the TPU version, please switch to the "tpu" branch.

# assuming the current directory is tensorflow-planespotting

You can switch to cluster training, using 4 GPUs for training and 1 for evaluations, by using the config-distributed.yaml config file. Edit the script and point the CONFIG variable to it.


You can train a basic 12 layer model locally with default settings using this command line. The training will be done using publicly available data.

# assuming the current directory is tensorflow-planespotting
python -m trainer_yolo.main --data gs://planespotting-data-public/USGS_public_domain_photos

Data and data generation

The dataset is made of large aerial photos and ROIs (square Regions Of Interest) marking all airplanes. You can train directly on the aerial imagery. The model can only handle 256x256 pixel tiles so these will be generated on the fly.

When training the model multiple times, it is a good idea to compute the tiles once and for all and store them along with the ROI information in TFRecord format. This also allows better shuffling, which is important for the final accuracy.

Both formats are available in a public Cloud Storage bucket. You can list them using gsutil:

# large aerial photographs and ROI files:
gsutil ls -l gs://planespotting-data-public/USGS_public_domain_photos
gsutil ls -l gs://planespotting-data-public/USGS_public_domain_photos_eval
# 256x256 pixel tiles and adjusted ROI files:
gsutil ls -l gs://planespotting-data-public/tiles_from_USGS_photos
gsutil ls -l gs://planespotting-data-public/tiles_from_USGS_photos_eval 

You can run the data generation alone using this script. Make sure you provide your own bucket for output data:

# assuming the current directory is tensorflow-planespotting

The YOLO model can be trained both from large aerial photos and from 256x256 tiles in TFRecord format. The following command line parameter switches between the two modes. Adjust it in the cloudrun_yolo.bash file:

# To train train from large aerial photographs use:
--data gs://planespotting-data-public/USGS_public_domain_photos
# Alternatively, to train from 256x256 tiles in TFRecord format use: 
--tiledata gs://planespotting-data-public/tiles_from_USGS_photos

Eval data is automatically picked up from a folder with a similar name with _eval appended to the name.

Deploying a model

Trained models can be deployed to AI Platform for online or batch prediction serving. This demo uses the online mode. The model is deployed behind a fully managed and autoscaled REST API.

Once you have trained a model, go the the Google Cloud console, AI Platform section, Models subsection and click on "New model" then "New version". Select the latest model checkpoint you have trained. It should be something like gs://<YOUR-BUCKET>/jobs/airplaneXXX/export/planespotting/1529794205/. You model will be ready to serve within a minute ot two.

Demo time: testing your model

A test UI written in Javascrip/HTML is provided. You can use it to navigate Google Maps in satellite mode, and analyze any aerial imagery to spot airplanes. You can find it in webui. The demo splits an image from Google maps into overlapping 256x256 tiles and sends them to your deployed model for analysis.

airplane detection demo

Once you have trained and deployed a model, start a local web server and open webui/index.html. Please make sure to serve the demo from http://localhost:8000. The Google Maps API key for this demo is restricted to ports 8000 to 8008.

# assuming the current directory is tensorflow-planespotting
cd webui
python3 -m http.server --bind localhost 8000 # ports 8000 to 8008  

In the UI, authenticate with AI Platform, enter the name of your deployed model in the "+add you own" box and hit ENTER. You can then select an airport and click "analyze".

airplane detection demo

Models served from AI Platform are meant to be accessed from the server side of your application so the authentication step is usually performed on the server. If you want to configure your model so that anyone can access it, you will have to set up an Apigee Edge proxy in front of it and make the Apigee endpoint public.

Contributing to the dataset

This dataset was created by hand by tagging public aerial imagery downloaded from the U.S. Geological Survey. A Javascript/HTML UI is provided should you want to tag additional images. You will find it in webui-mark. You can run it from a local web browser:

# assuming the current directory is tensorflow-planespotting
cd webui-mark
# copy the existing data, add yours if you have any
mkdir USGS_public_domain_airports
gsutil -m cp gs://planespotting-data-public/USGS_public_domain_photos/* USGS_public_domain_airports
gsutil -m cp gs://planespotting-data-public/USGS_public_domain_photos_eval/* USGS_public_domain_airports
# run from local server (any port will do)
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000  

If you are adding your own files for tagging, you will have to reference them in the list in webui-mark/mark.js otherwise they will not appear in the UI.

airplane tagging UI

If you tag additional images and want to add them to the public dataset, open a GitHub issue and I will gladly accept your contribution, provided the images are public.

Classifier-based model

The model that I start from in my talk is based on a classifier of 20x20 tiles that is then run many times on a 256x256 image to create a detector. The performance of this approach is not as good as the YOLO model. You can find the code in trainer. The dataset can be downloaded from Kaggle/planesnet.

One interesting thing about this model is that the splitting of input images into 20x20 tiles (so that they can be run through the classifier) was done in the serving_input_fn function so that it happens on the fly when the model is deployed on AI Platform. It is a good example of how deployed models can run preprocessing on their input data directly on AI Platform while serving. Code here: trainer/ function serving_input_fn.