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GR8 Event-Driven Microservices

These projects will demo how to pub/sub to both RabbitMQ and Kafka.

Setup Using Docker

Install Docker

Install Docker Toolbox and get all that stuff configured.

You will need to make sure to have a default docker machine created via docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox default. In your shell make sure to run eval $(docker-machine env default)

Running Application

Bundled in source is a simply shell script named located in the docker directory. Simply cd into the docker directory and run ./

This will compile the apps, create the container and images and then start all the things.

You can then get the IP of the running instance via docker-machine ip default. Note the IP and replace localhost with the docker IP in the #Testing All The Things# section. Proceed to the #Testing All The Things# to test the setup.

To see the data in action you may need to tail the logs with a docker logs on the docker_producer and docker_consumer images like the following docker logs -f db18a7ed796e. To get the image names do a docker ps command.

Setup Running Directly

Install RabbitMQ

Install via instruction at the rabbitmq website

Install Kafka

These are similar to the directions at kafka quickstart

This can also be done from a docker container if you want to go down that route, but these docs will not cover that in detail. Details here

  1. Download kafka
  2. Unzip kafka and cd into the directory
  3. Run Zookeeper using bin/ config/
  4. In new terminal start Karka bin/ config/
  5. In new terminal Create person topic bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic person
  6. Optional: If you want another topic subscriber to see messages use new console bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181 --from-beginning --topic person

Boot Producer

Simply gradle bootRun from the producer project. The application.yml is currently configured to start the server on port 8080.

In the configuration you can use the following to control data.

# Enable or disable posting messages to each
rabbitmq.enabled: true
kafka.enabled: true

# Kafka configuration
brokerList: localhost:9092
sync: async         # use async or sync post to producer
topic: person

Boot Consumer

Simply gradle bootRun from the consumer project. The application.yml is currently configured to start the server on port 8282.

Testing All The Things

Trigger Producer

To put a message onto the RabbitMQ and/or the Kafka topic simply use your favorite REST client tool like

curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"name": "Christian"}' http://localhost:8080/person

When running the spring cloud stream

curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"name": "Christian"}' http://localhost:8484/person

Docker Machine

curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" --data '{"name": "Christian"}'

Spring Cloud Stream

I have included a project under gr8-conf-stream-producer that wires up using the spring-cloud-stream which simplifies the approach to publishing and consuming messages.


You may see a java.lang.RuntimeException: Reloading agent exited via exception, please raise a jira exception during the first post to kafka when running in run-app or bootRun if using async. This can be ignored and appears to not cause any data issues.