GPU accelerated rendering of the following fractals
in 3 different ways
OpenGL with GLSL (native C++)
WebGL with GLSL (using JavaScript)
OpenCL with legacy OpenGL (Compute in OpenCL, draw in OpenGL, in C++)
You don't have to install anything, you can just go straight to the Fractal Explorer page, which is both Desktop and Mobile friendly, hosted by github pages. It is recommended to use a Chromium based browser for the best performance.
You could also use the native C/C++ code which is way faster by installing the available binaries or by compiling yourself.
There are three files you can compile
(OpenGL rendering of th Mandelbrot set, minified from here ) -
(OpenCL and OpenGL rendering of the Mandelbrot set, minifed from here ) -
(Software rendering of the Newton Fractal)
On Ubuntu/Debian
to compile you can run
git clone && cd Fractals-Explorer
sudo apt-get install bash # Probably redundant
sudo bash install
This will install all the dev-header dependencies with apt-get
and will compile with g++
. This will move the three files listed above to a directory called build/
If you want to compile and link on a different compiler and/or operating system the depndenices are
C++ OpenCL headers (Only for
./gl_mandel.out --no_text # Hide FPS and zoom depth
./gl_mandel.out --no_vsync # disable VSYNC, more FPS
./gl_mandel.out --no_cur # disable zoom into cursor